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KYOTO (ICT - 211423) Overview

KYOTO ( ICT - 211423) Y ielding O ntologies for T ransition-Based O rganization FP7: Intelligent Content and Semantics http://www.kyoto-project.eu/ Piek Vossen 1 st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam.

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KYOTO (ICT - 211423) Overview

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  1. KYOTO (ICT-211423)Yielding Ontologies for Transition-Based OrganizationFP7: Intelligent Content and Semanticshttp://www.kyoto-project.eu/Piek Vossen1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and ExchangeFebruary, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  2. KYOTO (ICT-211423) Overview • Title: Yielding Ontologies for Transition-Based Organization • Funded: • 7th Framework Program-ICT of the European Union: Intelligent Content and Semantics • Taiwan and Japan funded by national grants • Goal: • Platform for knowledge sharing across languages and cultures • Enables knowledge transition and information search across different target groups, transgressing linguistic, cultural and geographic boundaries. • Open text mining and deep semantic search • Wiki environment that allows people in the field to maintain their knowledge and agree on meaning without knowledge engineering skills • URL: http://www.kyoto-project.eu/ • Duration: • March 2008 – March 2011 • Effort: • 364 person months of work. 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  3. Consortium • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Pisa, Italy), • Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humantities (Berlin, Germany), • Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (San Sebastian, Spain), • Academia Sinica (Tapei, Taiwan), • National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Kyoto, Japan), • Irion Technologies (Delft, The Netherlands), • Synthema (Rome, Italy), • European Centre for Nature Conservation (Tilburg, The Netherlands), • Subcontractors: • World Wide Fund for Nature (Zeist, The Netherlands), • Masaryk University (Brno, Czech) 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  4. KYOTO (ICT-211423) Overview • Languages: • English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Basque, Chinese, Japanese • Domain: • Environmental domain, BUT usable in any domain • Global: • Both European and non-European languages • Available: • Free: as open source system and data (GPL) • Future perspective: • Content standardization that supports world wide communication 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  5. Current situation • Vast amount of information in all kinds of formats and structures: websites, documents, databases, experts, community networks • Scattered over the world: different regions, languages and cultures • Highly dynamic and developing • Involving an extreme range of interests and expertise: government, general public, education, policies, regulations and rules, biology, health, chemistry, agriculture, economy, poverty, social impacts, transport, tourism, food industry, natural disasters, etc. 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  6. KYOTO cycle Garden ponds are havens for wildlife. They provide food and shelter for frogs, newts and aquatic insects, including damselflies and dragonflies, (garden pont, haven, wild life) (garden pont, has_food, frog) (garden pont, has_food, newt) (garden pont, has_food, aquatic insect) (garden pont, is_shelter, frog) (garden pont, is_shelter, newt) (garden pont, is_shelter, aquatic insect) • frog • endemic frogs • common frog • poison frog • Golden poison frog • gopher frog • Dusky gopher frog • forest frog 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  7. Distributed, diverse & dynamic data 1 Citizens 4 Governments maintain terms & concepts Companies Wikyoto Capture text: "Sudden increase of CO2 emissions in 2008 in Europe" Ontology 2  Top Abstract Physical Tybot: term yielding robot Wordnets Process Substance 3 CO2 emission Middle H20 CO2 H20 Pollution CO2 Emission Greenhouse Gas Domain Kybot: knowledge yielding robot Index facts: Process: Increase Involves: CO2 emission When: 2008 Where: Europe 5 6 Text & Fact Index Semantic Search Environmental organizations

  8. Kyoto main assets • Wiki platform (WIKYOTO) for connecting, transferring and controlling knowledge and information across people and computers • Term yielding robots (TYBOT): software that extracts terms and concepts from documents • Knowledge yielding robots (KYBOT): fact extraction software that generates a comprehensive list of facts from collection of sources • Fact alert: reports changes in facts on a collection of sources 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  9. What makes KYOTO unique? • Wikyoto community tool that hides technology and complex knowledge and language representation • Operated by community people and not by knowledge engineers and language technology people • Exploits massive labor force of comunities all over the world • Connects domain knowledge to generic knowledge and domain language to general language 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  10. Some basics • What is a wordnet? • What is an ontology • What are facts? 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  11. WordNet • Semantic network in which concepts are defined in terms of relations to other concepts, e.g. "car is a type of vehicle and so is a train". • Structure: • organized around the notion of synsets (sets of synonymous words, e.g. "car, automobile") • basic semantic relations between these synsets • http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/~wn/w3wn.html • Developed at Princeton by George Miller and his team as a model of the mental lexicon. 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  12. animal cat dog kitten puppy Relational model of meaning animal kitten man boy man woman cat boy girl dog puppy woman 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  13. Wordnet = network of semantically related words chronical patient ; mental patient ρ-PATIENT ISA cure patient ρ-CAUSE arts treat ISA ρ-AGENT ρ-PATIENT STATE child docter ρ-LOCATION ρ-PROCEDURE co-ρ- AGENT-PATIENT disease; disorder physiotherapy medicines etc. hospital, etc. ISA stomach disease, kidney disorder, child 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  14. 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  15. Ontologies • Formal definition of concepts that a computer can use to make inferences • Uses logical representations of relations and properties of things • Can be used to connect the meanings of words across languages and different domains 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  16. Ontology Example • <EcoSystem rdf:ID="Living_Plant_Instance_12"> • <SUO-name rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" • >freshwater species</SUO-name> • </EcoSystem> • <Event rdf:ID="Living_Plant_Instance_30009"> • <rdf:type rdf:resource="#ChangeOfState"/> • <SUO-name rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" • >increase</SUO-name> • </Event> • <ChangeOfState rdf:ID="Living_Plant_Instance_20015"> • <SUO-name rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" • >double</SUO-name> • </ChangeOfState> • <Event rdf:ID="Living_Plant_Instance_30017"> • <rdf:type rdf:resource="#ChangeOfState"/> • <SUO-name rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" • >conversion of natural habitat to farmland</SUO-name> • </Event> 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  17. Ontology example <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="WINE"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#POTABLE-LIQUID"/> <rdfs:subClassOf> <daml:Restriction> <daml:onProperty rdf:resource="#MAKER"/> <daml:minCardinality> 1 </daml:minCardinality> </daml:Restriction> </rdfs:subClassOf> <rdfs:subClassOf> <daml:Restriction> <daml:onProperty rdf:resource="#MAKER"/> <daml:toClass rdf:resource="#WINERY"/> </daml:Restriction> </rdfs:subClassOf> <rdfs:subClassOf> <daml:Restriction> <daml:onProperty rdf:resource="#GRAPE-SLOT"/> <daml:minCardinality> 1 ......... </rdfs:Class> 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  18. Wordnet to Ontology • Wordnets (semantic networks of words) in many languages can be linked to a single shared ontology • Universal definition of meaning for different languages • Relate words in free text to their meaning • Allow computers to see the meaning of words in text in any language 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  19. Fahrzeug 1 Auto Zug 2 vehicle German Words 1 car train 2 English Words 3 3 vehículo 1 auto tren veicolo 1 2 Spanish Words auto treno 2 Italian Words Global WordNet Grid Inter-Lingual Ontology voertuig 1 auto trein Object 2 liiklusvahend Dutch Words 1 Device auto killavoor TransportDevice 2 Estonian Words véhicule 1 voiture train 2 dopravní prostředník French Words 1 auto vlak 2 Czech Words

  20. Concepts & Facts • Conceptual knowledge: general & generic knowledge about • ClimateChange • physical change • affecting the climate => definition of climate • in a region • during a period of time • caused by another change • causing yet other changes 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  21. Abstract concept schema • (subclass, ClimateChange, Change) • (has_cause, ClimateChange, event) • (has_cause, event, ClimatChange) 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  22. Concepts & Facts • Fact: • A case of ClimateChange has been observed: • factual and significant change in the climate (temperature, humidity, wind direction, rain fall, etc.) • in a particular region, e.g. the Alps. • Time period, e.g. summer 2005 • Caused by CO2 emissions, North Atlantic gulf stream • Causes decrease of biodiversity measured in specific populations: fish, birds, insects => counts of populations 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  23. Fact table 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  24. Concrete results of Kyoto • Domain wordnet for the environment domain • Domain ontology for the environment domain • Wikyoto to maintain the wordnet and ontology in the future in a community • Tybots to extract new terms for the domain from documents • Kybots to extract facts for the domain from documents • A database of facts that is updated on a regular basis 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  25. Global time schedule 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  26. The role of the users • Provide sources and documents • Define the questions and topics of interest • Form a community that uses the Wikyoto system to define terms and ontology • Give feedback on the Wikyoto system and the extracted terms • Extract facts and evaluate the system • Join the forum discussions on the website of Kyoto 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

  27. Goal of this Workshop • Bridge the gap between the enviromentalist and knowledge engineer. • Discuss the requirements of the system of the future and near-future • Discuss the design and first versions of the KYOTO system and compare it with the state of the art 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam

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