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Course Work

Delve into the Quran & Hadith in Islamic Studies in English by Dr. ̔Alā’ al-Dīn ̔Adawī, exploring Islam's meaning, sources, gradual revelation, significance, and integration with life. Learn about the Quran's miracles and the various aspects of Hadith in defining Islamic teachings.

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  1. Course Work Islamic Studies in English Dr. ̔Alā’ al-Dīn ̔Adawī May 2014

  2. Islamic Studies

  3. Islam (Its meaning) When Muslims are asked: what is Islam? 1- It is a religion 2- It is my religion 3- It is Allah's message to all Mankind 4- It is our (God's , Lord's , Creator's) message to all Mankind 5- It is the true religion of Allah 6- It is Allah's last message to ( Mankind , Man , the Universe ) When we address others, we need to compare Islam with other religions from two ( aspects , ways , sides ) 1-The sources of the religion 2- The meaning of its name

  4. What is the difference between the name of Hinduism ( or that of any of other religions ) and the name Islam ? Islam is a name given by Allah , while names of other religions are given by Man, they are Man-made names.

  5. Because the name of Islam comes from Allah , then it is considered as

  6. Islam in the ( literal , linguistic , Arabic language ) means :

  7. Peace means : 1- To be in peace with God, by following His laws. 2- To be in peace with the whole universe, by following, as creatures, our God's laws. 3-To be in peace with other human beings. 4-To be in peace with ourselves. 5- To be in peace with others.

  8. Islam is Peace

  9. The technical meaning of Islam is : The total submission to the will of God, in this sense we can say that the whole universe, and all creatures are Muslims.

  10. The Practical meaning of Islam is : • Religion and State (Life)

  11. When we ask someone to become a Muslim , we invite him to : 1- submit to the Will of Allah 2- obey our God 3- be in peace with our God by following His laws 4- To be in peace with other human being 5- To be in peace with him/herself . *- this is one of the signs of the universality and divinity of the message of Islam ( the meaning of Islam ) .

  12. Sources of Islam

  13. THE QUR’AN

  14. Al-QurʼĀn The first source:The names of it : 1-Al-Kitāb :the Book, Text, Scripture, Written, Message. 2-Al- Tanzīl: the Revelation 3- Al- Furqān: the Criterion, Measure 4- Al- Dhikr:Remembrance, Reminder, or Honor 5- Al-Ruḥ: Mercy, soul, spirit guidance6- Al-Hudā: 7-Al-Nūr: Light, guidance 8- al-Ḥaqq- the truth

  15. The Name of al- Qurʼān is :

  16. Technical meaning of al-Qur’ān : Allah's words , the miraculous ,which was revealed upon the prophet Muhammad ( p.b.u.h) , and conveyed in a successive way , the worshipped by reciting it , written in codices , which starts with al-Fātiḥah and ends with al-Nās

  17. The Three Stages of the Revelations of the Holy Qurʼān : 1- The whole Qurʼān was sent to the safeguarded board as one whole unit. 2- Then, to the lower heaven, once and in its entirety 3- Finally, It was revealed to the Prophet Muḥammad ( p.b.u.h ) separately, in parts during 23 years.

  18. The Qurʼān challenges all people and jinn to bring similar Qur’ān, the steps of challenge are :

  19. Allāh’s Book is memorized in two ways 1- Hearts (chests) (by reading and memorizing it) 2- lines ( by writing it )

  20. :

  21. The Gradual Revelation of al- Qurʼān is :

  22. Why do we ask about the gradual revelation of the Qurʼān 1- To know and feel the wisdom behind that. 2- To answer some questions about the Qurʼān 3- To prove that it is preserved and protected by Allāh .

  23. The history of the writing of the Qur’ān :

  24. Scholars classify the verses and chapters according to

  25. Al-Hijrah : the migration of the prophet Muḥammad ( p.b.u.h) from Makkah to Almadīnah- the view of majority ( the preferred view , the chosen or selected view ) is : the time of revelation ( before and after the hijrah)Makkī and Madanī .

  26. The Meccans’ parts of the Qurʼān talk about : 1- The concept of the Oneness of God , the Muslim creed ,and essentials of Muslim faith 2- Disputation with the unbelievers 3- The prohibition of murder , infanticide and injustice 4- Stories of the previous prophets 5- Matters ( issues ) of worship 6- The prohibition of some kinds of food and drink 7- The preservation of the properties of orphans 8- Principles of Islamic ethical system .

  27. The Madinans’ parts talk about : 1- The mention of the People of the Book 2- The mention of the hypocrite 3- The permission of Al-Jihād 4- The mention of Al –Muhājirīn ( migrants ) and Al -Anṣār ( supporters ) 5- Adding more legislations and details of some rulings .

  28. Al-ḥadīth, al-Sunnah The second source:Al-ḥadīth ( unrecited revelation )

  29. Technical meaning of al-ḥadīth

  30. Kinds of Sunnah, al-Ḥadīth is:1- verbal 2- actual 3- approvals 4- qualities*The writing of al-Ḥadīth started at the prophet's time , for example : 1- His letters to the kings and rulers. 2- The document (chart) of Al-Madīnah.3- What was written by the Companions by orders from the prophet. 4- Some of the prophets’ letters which talk about rulings .

  31. Importance, Status, Authority, Place, Position of Ḥadīth and Sunnah in Islam : It is the second source of Islam ,it is a kind of inspiration and revelation. It confirms the Qur’ānic rules and rulings. It supplements the Qur’ān by giving additional rulings . It explains, elaborates, and clarifies the Qur’ān by detailing rules or removing obscurity from verses .

  32. The kinds of the Sunnah according to (the number of narrators ): The successive (continuous) account( al-mutawātir). (Definite in authenticity) The individual account (akhbār al aḥād). (Indefinite in authenticity)

  33. al-Mutawātir continuous account by a big number of narrators who can not agree on a lie, or make a mistake.

  34. The individual accounts are divided into

  35. Another classification of the Sunnah: according to its source: 1- marfū': the Companion ascribes the words to the Prophet himself 2- mawqūf: the Companion’s words. 3- maqțū' : the successor’s words.

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