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Pre-Course Work

Pre-Course Work. Reading on Plagiarism. Graves, Mike. “Attribution and Contribution: Two Ways to Avoid Plagiarism in Preaching.” Encounter 66, no. 4 (2005): 323-330.

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Pre-Course Work

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  1. Pre-Course Work

  2. Reading on Plagiarism • Graves, Mike. “Attribution and Contribution: Two Ways to Avoid Plagiarism in Preaching.” Encounter 66, no. 4 (2005): 323-330. • Indermark, John. “Ethics and the Use of Sermon Resources: Shifting Lines in Plagiarism and Preaching.” The Clergy Journal (October 2007): 29-30. • Lovett-Hooper. “Is Plagiarism a Forerunner of Other Deviance? Imagined Futures of Academically Dishonest Students.” Ethic & Behavior 17, no. 3 (2007): 323-36. • O'Neill, Michael T. “Plagiarism: (I) Writing Responsibility.” The ABCA Bulletin 43, no. 2 (1980): 34-6. • Read the “Plagiarism” article from Wikipedia • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism • NB. Right click and select “Open Hyperlink” to open page.

  3. On Using the YFBI Library (YFC 16th fl) • Use the self-checkout machines to checkout and return a book. • Ask the library for using the library computer with the Libronix software installed • Check out all the other bible softwares on the computer • Know where the current periodicals, reference books and journals are located • Learn how to use the copy machine in the Library • Try to use the wireless connection available at the library (if you have a notebook) • Know your privilege: How many books can you borrow with your YFBI library card? For how long? How many times can you renew your book and for how long? • Check out a book and try to renew it online from home.

  4. Using YFBI Library search engine • YFBI library home page http://library.yfbi.org/ • Know the difference between search and browse • You can login to your account via “Loan Activities” • Member ID = your student ID • Leave the password empty and click logon to get in. • There is one book in the YFBI library that is about the divine name, Can you find it?

  5. Remarks on using Computer tools Assumptions: • Each student has a personal email address • Each student owns a desktop computer at home • Each student has access to the internet at home • Each student has a 1 GB USB storage (“finger”) • Each student has basic computer knowledge • Go to a web-page, download a file, install a program, attach / detach files from emails …etc. View the DVD Demo of the previous M301 class available for check out from the YFBI Library. • This demo contain e-sword, EBSCO and Libronix.

  6. Notes on using computer tools Special Notes: • Those who do not have internet access at home may use the internet at YFBI Library. This inconvenience will make the assignments more challenging. • You need to ask someone for help if you don’t have any basic computer knowledge. • Please email me if you have problems doing this pre-course work. • Computer tools learning in this course in intended to be self-learning at large. • Class time is reserved to handle difficulties in this pre-course work.

  7. Viewing E-sword tutorials • Download and install the free e-sword program from (so as to get the latest version) • http://www.e-sword.net • Install CUV, CUV+, KJV+, LCC and other commentaries from the e-sword CD available for 2-hour checkout from the YFBI Library. • You must bring your USB storage to copy files to your finger. • Go through online E-Sword Tutorial Manual available from http://www.e-sword.net/training.html • Required Tutorials: • The basics for getting started with e-Sword. • Using e-Sword to search the Bible for a specific phrase. • Search for all occurrences of a specific Hebrew or Greek word. • All other tutorials are optional

  8. E-Sword Exercise • How many times the phrase “I am with you” (Exod 3:12) are used in the OT? Where are they? • Study on Exod 3:12: • Go through the entire verse in Hebrew (HOT+) and compare it with CUV. What is the difference in order between the two verses? What is the meaning of the CUV term “證據” in Hebrew? Where else do this term occurs? For how times in Exodus and in OT? How was the term translated in Exodus? • Note: You must install the HOT(Hebrew OT), HOT+, CUV(Chinese Union Version), CUV+, KJV+ concordance to be able to do this exercise.

  9. Libronix software • All MDiv students are required to purchase a copy of the Libronix software, available at the YFBI Library. • It is strongly recommended that the MA student also buy a copy of the Libronix software. Note: YFBI has negotiated a very low price with Libronix that is not available elsewhere.

  10. Viewing Libronix Tutorial • View the free short demo from http://www.logos.com/videos • Demo of Logos Bible Software 3 • Demo: Word Study with Logos • View the Libronix Tutorial installed on all the YFBI Library Computers • Morris Procter Video Guide Level 1 (MV Video)

  11. Libronix exercise • Objective: Search for all the relevance materials on the topic “Divine Name” • How many different ways you can get the resources from Libronix? • E.g. One way would be to search the entire library for a particular term. • Provide the steps you use to get your resources 1. Use various search terms. For each search term you used, write down the number hits from the Libronix software. 2. Use Scripture passage / Topic search 3. Use Dictionaries / Encyclopedia • How many useful references have you gathered? • What is the difficulty in doing this exercise? • Any suggestions to resolve your problem? N.B. Please save all the resources for your term project.

  12. Bible Works Tutorials • Use the BibleWorks program installed in the computers in the library to view the tutorial demo of the program. Required Tutorial • Go through the tutorial that comes with the BibleWorks program. You need to go the YFBI Library to do that unless you have a personal copy of the software. • The Yale Divinity School library staff has developed a brief pdf file BibleWorks Tutorial available at: http://www.library.yale.edu/div/biblewor.htm • There is a lot of useful information in this web http://www.library.yale.edu/div/xtiangde.htm It is suggested that you browse this web and download whatever information you consider useful for more in-depth Bible study in the future. Optional: A Lutheran Theological Seminary professor has developed a very interesting powerpoint to demonstrate the use of BibleWorks: http://www.gettysburgseminary.org/mhoffman/OTinNT/exercises/mat44/index.htm

  13. BibleWorks Exercise • Locate the Hebrew text of Exod 3:14 • Read the Hebrew text with the help of the WTM Morphology window • What is the Hebrew of CUV’s “我是自有永有的” in v. 14a? • Note the verb and its morphology, ie verb form, person, number …etc. • Compare the same verb used in v. 12. • What is the Hebrew of CUV’s “那自有的” in v. 14b? • Double click this Hebrew word. How many times his word has occurred in the Hebrew Bible? • Go through all the instances and note the subject (person referred to) by this verb. Did you notice any pattern? • What is the difference between the two “names”? • What has CUV done to the Hebrew text?

  14. Viewing EBSCO Tutorials • EBSCO host tutorials link • http://support.epnet.com/training/tutorials.php • View the following tutorials • Introduction to EBSCO host 2.0 • Advanced Search with Guided Style • Advanced Search with Single Find Field • Basic search for academic libraries • How to create Search and Journal Alerts • The EBSCO host Personalization Folder • Visual Search • Can also download the powerpoints for future reference.

  15. EBSCO Exercise • Access the EBSCO page from • http://search.ebscohost.com/Login.aspx?custid=s5192624&lp=cpidlogin.asp?custid=s5192624&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eyfbi%2Eorg%2Fhtml%2Flib%5Fmain%2Ehtml&authtype=cpid • This link bypass the YFBI library and you should save it in your “favorites.” An alternate way to access EBSCO is via the YFBI library. • Note, you will see a slightly different page than the one on the video/ppt. • Your EBSCO login • User Name = Student ID • No password is required • Create a personal EBSCO folder to keep track of your course work.

  16. Do a Evaluation • Evaluate the strength and weakness of: • E-sword • BibleWorks • Libronix • EBSCO

  17. Wikipedia • Read the articles related to the divine name from the online wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page) • How do you start? • What articles did you read? Are they helpful?

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