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New Piper Aircraft Jet

SURFACES is an interactive environment for designing and analyzing aircraft geometries, including model creation, validation samples, aerodynamic analysis, stability and control examples. The program uses a Flow Solver with a Vortex-Lattice Method, multiple compressibility and induced drag models, and allows for sensitivity studies and control effectiveness evaluations. This one-hour session covers SURFACES capabilities, model details, movable control surfaces, and various aerodynamic analysis examples. Discover how to estimate aerodynamic properties, stability derivatives, loads, and conduct sensitivity studies efficiently.

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New Piper Aircraft Jet

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Presentation Transcript

  1. New Piper Aircraft Jet The following is an example of how Surfaces can be used to analyze an aircraft from little more than a low quality drawing copied from a brochure. The following is for demonstration purposes only and may not represent actual data.

  2. What will be Covered… Why should you care? What is SURFACES? Model Creation Validation Samples Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis Examples of Aerodynamic Loads Examples of Stability and Control Approximate length – 1 hour.

  3. Why should you care? Fast and reliable estimation of aerodynamic properties. Fast and reliable estimation of stability derivatives. Fast and reliable estimation of aerodynamic loads. Fast “what if” evaluation of configurations (T-tail versus Conventional tail versus H-tail versus…). Ideal for sensitivity studies. Tailoring of stall progression. Control effectiveness studies. and more…

  4. What is SURFACES? Interactive environment that allows the user to design and analyze aircraft geometries. SURFACES has a multi-document interface. In SURFACES you do everything in a single program; pre-process, solve, and post-process. SURACES uses two kind of documents; a Surfaces Worksheet and an Aircraft Datasheet.

  5. What is SURFACES? Interactive environment that allows the user to design and analyze aircraft geometries. SURFACES has a multi-document interface. In SURFACES you do everything in a single program; pre-process, solve, and post-process. SURACES uses two kind of documents; a Surfaces Worksheet and an Aircraft Datasheet. A SURFACES Worksheet is your digital wind tunnel. A SURFACES Aircraft Datasheet is where stability and control and performance analysis takes place.

  6. What is SURFACES? Model Details

  7. What is SURFACES? Model Details

  8. What is SURFACES? Movable control surfaces Forces and Moments can be applied using equations Model Details Movable flaps

  9. Flow Solver Three dimensional Vortex-Lattice Method is used to determine the flow field. Models can be symmetric as well as asymmetric. Boundary conditions allow AOA and AOY. Three compressibility models (Prandtl-Glauert, Karman-Tsien, Laitone) Three induced drag models (surface integration, standard Cdo+k∙CL², and Prandtl-Betz). Program can take advantage of multiple processors on the motherboard and solve more than one model simultaneously.

  10. Validation Sample 1 Pressure distribution over a flat plate.

  11. Validation Sample 9 NACA R-1208 – Comparison to Wind Tunnel Tests Highly swept-back tapered wings are a good test for any code.

  12. Validation Sample 9 NACA R-1208 – Results from SURFACES

  13. Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis

  14. Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis

  15. Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis • Airfoils and airfoil properties • CG Envelope • Gross Weight / Inertias • True Geometry in many areas • Wing washout • Wing dihedral • Aileron and elevator geometry • FAA Design speeds • Winglet geometry • FJ44 Thrust properties • Ram drag point location • Flap definition What We Don’t Know about the Piperjet

  16. Examples of Stability and Control Angle-of-Attack Derivatives

  17. Examples of Stability and Control Angle-of-Yaw Derivatives

  18. Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis Stall Progression At S-L, 5000 lbs, 75 KEAS, Flaps UP, no yaw.

  19. Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis atrim = 5.37° detrim = -17.3° Compliance with FAR 23.77(c) at Forward CG At S-L, 5500 lbs, CG at 20% MAC, VREF=79 KEAS

  20. Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis Minimum section lift coefficient, CL2D = -1.003 Compliance with FAR 23.77(c) at Forward CG At S-L, 5500 lbs, CG at 20% MAC, VREF=79 KEAS

  21. Conclusions • SURFACES • Model Creation • Flow Solver • Validation Samples • The Piper Jet • Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis • Examples of Aerodynamic Loads • Examples of Stability and Control

  22. The End • Feedback • Questions • Comments

  23. Validation Sample 5 Cessna 172 - Comparison to Flight Test results. When compared to 3 other VL codes and the panel code CMARC, SURFACES scores highest when determining stability derivatives.

  24. Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis Trim Drag in Cruise At 25000 ft, at 5500 lbs, 350 KTAS, CDo= 0.020, Prandtl-Glauert compressibility

  25. Examples of Aerodynamic Load Analysis Shear Diagram at VA At S-L, 6000 lbs, CG at 20% MAC, VA= 152 KEAS

  26. Examples of Aerodynamic Load Analysis Moment Diagram at VA At S-L, 6000 lbs, CG at 20% MAC, VA= 152 KEAS

  27. Examples of Aerodynamic Load Analysis Torsion Diagram at VA At S-L, 6000 lbs, CG at 20% MAC, VA= 152 KEAS

  28. Examples of Aerodynamic Analysis Flow Visualization - Streamlines

  29. Sweep Scripts SURFACES can perform sweeps, during which selected parameters can be modified. AOA, AOY, p∙b/(2V), and others can be varied and studied. Points can even be moved during a sweep

  30. Sweep Scripts Once a sweep script is completed, are displayed in a tabular format,…

  31. Sweep Scripts …or a graph, in which any parameter can be plotted against each other. This allows the user to extract relationships as mathematical expressions.

  32. Sweep Scripts From time to time, many sweeps may have to be created. You can set up batch processing, which will handle the processing automatically. This allows the program to be run overnight or over a weekend.

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