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Goal: Research and technical needs of community, state and nation

Applied Research and Technology Program. Goal: Research and technical needs of community, state and nation Provide unique opportunities for students supervised, hands-on research academia to work force transition Training for work force of the 21st century interdisciplinary applications

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Goal: Research and technical needs of community, state and nation

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  1. Applied Research and Technology Program • Goal: Research and technical needs of community, state and nation • Provide unique opportunities for students • supervised, hands-on research • academia to work force transition • Training for work force of the 21st century • interdisciplinary applications • teaming approaches • Ten centers/laboratories/institutes • prominent centers • growth centers

  2. Applied Research and Technology Program

  3. Applied Physics Institute • Goal: Application of Research to Industrial Problem Solving. • Developed non-invasive, non-destructive chem. Characterization and testing system. • Neutrons, gamma, x-ray probe; scattering profiles • characterization by chemical profiles. • Designed and developed instrumentation.

  4. Applied Physics Laboratory • Applications • Characterization of nuclear weapons • Analysis of elements (coal) • Detection of explosives • Analysis of mixed toxic and nuclear wastes • Detection of contraband (drugs)

  5. Materials Characterization Labs • Goal: provide applied research and services to industry. • Promote educational and public services activities for Ogden College depts. • Research/services • combustion, surface chem. • Polymer characterization • food chemistry

  6. Materials Characterization Labs • Established/ staffed laboratories : students essential • Instrumentation : • elemental analysis • structural/ surface analysis • thermal analysis methodology • fluid bed combustor • gas chromatography • mass spectroscopy

  7. Technical Assistance Center for Water Quality • Congressionally - funded • SDWA; University based • Sponsor: Sen. McConnell • Teaming Partner-KRWA • Objectives: • Complement KY DOW • Develop Technical Assistance Center for USEPA Region 4 • Funding- $4.0M / 5 years

  8. Technical Assistance Center for Water Quality • 1998 Program: • Assistance in Capacity Development ( management and financial capacity) • Technical assistance ( Circuit Rider Program) • Source water protection ( identification, assessment, management practices) • innovative technology applications • data base management system development • Other Centers

  9. Technical Assistance Center for Water Quality

  10. Environmental Health and Safety Resource Laboratory

  11. Environmental Health and Safety Resource Laboratory • Goal: To provide students with fundamental skills in industrial hygiene Risk Assessment. • Provide research and solutions for occupational and environmental problems in industry. • Computer network established to allow students on-line capabilities for EH&S information for industrial processes and chemicals. • Provide technical EH&S information to regional industrial representatives. • Information exchange system operated by students.

  12. Agricultural Research and Education Center • Goal: To provide scientific agricultural education to students in fields of agribusiness, plant, animal and soil sciences; pre-forestry and pre-veterinary medicine. • 753 acre Univ. farm for hands-on lab experiences and student projects in farm activities

  13. Agricultural Research and Education Center • The Leonard D. Brown Agricultural Exposition Center is a major public service facility for community. • More than 150 annual events; 100,000 people (4-H, FFA) • Community and student utilization of animal science labs. • Cooperative Programs: • leaf composting ( City of Bowling Green) • golf course, turf management ( local community) • biotechnology ( Biology Department)

  14. Cave and Karst Center • Goal: To provide scientific assessment and research for karst problems • 40% of eastern US is karst terrain. • Karst affects surface and ground water pollution, land use, environment.

  15. Cave and Karst Center • Program: • Research to solve environmental problems affected by karst. • Conduct cooperative educational programs ( Mammoth Cave) • Provide service to public, private firms and governmental agencies.

  16. Kentucky Climate Center • To provide climatological data and information to public. • Director is State Climatologist for Ky. • Oversees state-wide program • assists researchers in meteorology.

  17. Kentucky Climate Center • Assists commercial and state agencies in economic development ( incorporation of meteorological data) • Added focus of program- packaging of data for commercial uses.

  18. Applied Technology Transfer Center • Goal: Facilitate knowledge and technology exchange among industry, academy, research institutes and governmental agencies. • Organize workshops, conferences and seminars. • Provide hands-on assistance to industry.


  20. Biotechnology Center • Goal: To train students in recombinant genetic methods for post-grad studies and competition in the work place. • Biotechnology: New innovative field in biology with vast industrial and research opportunities.

  21. Biotechnology Center • Cooperative Educational Opportunities • Biology/ Agriculture • Genetic expression applications (plant growth and production) • Marketing capabilities to Biotechnology Companies. • Working ties with 2 regional and 1 international company • Future attraction for biotechnology companies to relocate to Bowling Green. • Significant opportunities for students, faculty, staff and city of Bowling Green.

  22. Biodiversity Center • To establish understanding that economic health depends upon the biological health of the environment. • Ky is unique for a variety of biological communities and ecosystems. • Concern for quality of our lakes, rivers, productivity of forests and farmland utilization

  23. Biodiversity Center • Program: • Establish biodiversity information clearing house at Western. • Develop outreach program ( public schools, museums, civic groups • Conduct baseline research studies ( establish standard methods) • Provide biodiversity information to the public ( economic development, environmental assessment/ management)

  24. Applied Research and Technology Program • Opportunity to showcase the wide variety of expertise at Western. • Opportunity to provide students with hands-on training and experience. • Opportunity to expand the transition of students from academia to post-graduate studies and the work place. • Opportunity to apply Western’s capabilities to needs of the regional and national communities.

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