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Nuclear Structure Theory in Poland. Wojciech Satuła. 78 th M eeting, Kraków, 11-12 October 2013. Polish n uclear structure theory (NST) in numbers *) . Brief o verview of s cientific activities. Physics highlights - personal selection. Final remarks.
NuclearStructureTheoryin Poland WojciechSatuła 78thMeeting, Kraków, 11-12 October 2013 Polishnuclearstructuretheory (NST) in numbers*) Briefoverview of scientificactivities Physicshighlights - personalselection Finalremarks The idea is to provideyou with ahandful of informations allowing to judge in whatstate Polish NST is: *)for a period of 2008-13
Hot and dense quark-gluon matter Hadron structure LQCD Resolution quark models Hadron-Nuclearinterface ab initio Nuclear structure & reactions CI Effective (field) theories Third Law of Progress in Theoretical Physics by Weinberg: “You may use any degrees of freedom you like to describe a physical system, but if you use the wrong ones, you’ll be sorry!” DFT collective and algebraic models
Kraków (8) Lublin (16) Warsaw (16) National Center for NuclearResearch (7) University of Warsaw (5); WarsawUniversity of Technology(2) Heavy IonLaboratory (2) Staff (2013) ~40(4) Senior/Junior ~30/10 (PhDstudentsincluded) Publications (2008-13) ~ 450(20) (Nature, Science, 16PRL,PRC,PLB,…) Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin (16) University of ZielonaGóra (1) SilesianUniversity of Technology, Katowice (1) JagiellonianUniversity (5); NiewodniczanskiInstitute of NuclearPhysics (3)
Time-dependent SLDA Fermionicsuperfluids: nuclei and atomicgases WUT – Seattle collaboration (Magierski/Wlazłowski et al.) The nuclear landscape as seen by (Polish) nuclearstructure theorists: Super Heavy Elements Lublin-WU/OR collaboration; NCNR (Baran/Staszczak/Nazarewicz et al.) (Sobiczewski/Skalski/Kowal et al.) EoS & compact starsphysics Barcelona-Milano-Lublin & Bloomington-WU/OR-Erlangencollaborations (Warda et al. & Nazarewicz/Rafalski et al.) Exoticsymmetries: chirality, tetrahedrality Lublin-Warsaw-Strasbourg collaboration (Góźdź/Rohoziński/Próchniak/Dudek et al.) Isospinphysics & the SM tests isospin and angularmomentum projected DFT (MR DFT) & beyond (Satuła/Dobaczewski et al.) Open quantum systems SMEC & Gamov SM calculations Ganil - IFJ PAN – WU/OR collaboration (Płoszajczak/Okołowicz/Nazarewicz et al.) Study of effective nucleus-nucleus interaction Optical model + DynamicPolarisationPotential HIL Warsaw (Rusek et al.) NN & NNN forces high-precision calculation in 3N systems & lightnuclei JU-Bochumcollaboration (Witała et al.)
Investigation of 3NFs throughthreenucleonscattering Of particularinterestare Nd elasticscattering and deuteron breakupreactions. Thesereactionsallow to measure the socalledanalyzingpowers (polarizationobservables) with high accuracyatdifferentkinematicconditions. Itallows to investigate in a systematicmanner the momentum, spin and isospindependence of 3Ns. dpelasticscattering – world data survey Theory: Witala & Golak JU • Strategy: • SolveFadeeevequations with NN (bluebands) and NN+3NF usedifferent NN and and 3NFs variants to asses theoreticaluncertainities • Look for systematic • discrepancies correct for relativistic effects look for new 3NFs
Testing the fundamental symmetries of nature Temporaldependence of the fine structure constantstudies in 229Th 126 82 Weak interaction studies in N=Z nuclei superallowedb-decay EDM search in radium bb0n searches 50 protons 82 • Specific nuclei offer new opportunities for precision tests of: • CP and P violation • Unitarity of the CKM matrix • Possibletemporaldependence • of the fine structureconstant in 229Th 28 20 50 8 28 neutrons 2 20 8 2 neutron EDM
Superallowed 0+>0+Fermi beta decays (testing the Standard Model) 10 casesmeasuredwithaccuracyft ~0.1% 3 casesmeasuredwithaccuracyft ~0.3% test of the CVC hypothesis (ConservedVectorCurrent) 0.3% - 1.5% 1.5% ~2.4% adopted from J.Hardy’s, ENAM’08 presentation test of unitarity of the CKM matrix Towner & Hardy Phys. Rev. C77, 025501 (2008) |Vud|2+|Vus|2+|Vub|2=0.9997(6) |Vud| = 0.97418 + 0.00026 - 0.9490(4) 0.0507(4) <0.0001 mass eigenstates CKM Cabibbo-Kobayashi -Maskawa weak eigenstates
dC- dC [%] (HT) (SV) 1.0025 1.0000 0.9975 0.9950 0.9925 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0.5 0 (a) I.S. Towner and J. C. Hardy, Phys. Rev. C 77, 025501(2008). 0.976 (b) H. Liang, N. V. Giai, and J. Meng, Phys. Rev. C 79,064316 (2009). -0.5 0.975 0.974 W. Satuła,J. Dobaczewski, W. Nazarewicz, M. Rafalski Phys. Rev. C 86, 054314(2012). (a) (c,d) (a) O. Naviliat-Cuncic and N. Severijns, Eur. Phys. J. A 42, 327 (2009); Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 142302 (2009). (c) (c) |Vud| (d) (d) 0.973 A n-decay (b) n-decay (b) 0.972 |Vud| & unitarity - worldsurvey 0.971 superallowed 0+0+ b-decay superallowed 0+0+ b-decay 0.970 mirror T=1/2 nuclei mirror T=1/2 nuclei p-decay p-decay |Vud|2+|Vus|2+|Vub|2
The violation of CP-symmetry is responsible for the fact that the Universe is dominated by matter over anti-matter Closely spaced parity doublet gives rise to enhanced electric dipole moment Large intrinsic Schiff moment in octupoledeformed225Ra two order of magnitudeenhancement as compared to 199Hg Dobaczewski & Engel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 232502 (2005) 199Hg (Seattle, 1980’s – present) • 225Ra (Starting at ANL and KVI) averagedover the intrinsicstate
Temporalvariation of the fine structureconstanta Atomic limit (from atomictransitions) for the time-variations of a: Da/a < 10-16 / year 3/2+ Nuclearclock: + 7.6 0.5keV - 5/2+ Da/a < 10-22 / year 229Th DVCis model dependent: s.p. HF modelsgive 100keV-350keV pairing „kills” the effect (~1keV) see: Litvinova .. Dobaczewski .. et al. PRC79, 064303 (2009)
From neutron-richnuclei to neutron stars Symmetry energyslope iscritical Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov equations set M(R) relation: EoS serves as input to TOV Erler (Nazarewicz, Rafalski UW/OR) et al. PRC87, 044320 (2013) PREX Direct measurementof neutron radius in 208Pb by means of parity-violatingelectronscattering (33+16fm) -18 RCNP Osaka measurement of the electric dipole polarizability in 208Pb Barcelona-Milano-Lublin collaboration (Warda)
Heavy and super-heavy elements (SHE) (structure, barriers, shapes & spontaneousfissionmodes) The groupat NCNR (micro-macro): Sobiczewski, Skalski, Kowal, Patyk et al. Highlight: predictionof SD oblate (SDO) minima in neutron-deficientZ>118 systems: Jachimowicz, Kowal, Skalski, PRC83, 054302 (2011) Lublin-WU/OR collaboration: Baran, Staszczak, Warda, Dobaczewski, Nazarewicz et al. Highlight: Spontaneousfission half lives of fermiumisotopes: The resultscome from HFB SkyrmeSkM* calculationsalong q2 = <|Q20|> coordinate. Left-rightassymmetryand nonaxialityareincluded. Mass parameterswereobtained from crankingapproximation to the adiabatic TDHFB. Viola-Seaborg estimates Staszczak, Baran, Nazarewicz, PRC87, 024320 (2013)
The agreementin actinidesis a conditio sine qua non for extrapolations to yetunknown SHE Example: competitionbetweendifferent SF modes in 306122 sEF: reflection-symmetricfissionpathways with elongated fragments aEF: reflection-asymmetricfissionvalley that corresponds to asymmetric elongated fragments Summary of SkM* results for the height of the inner fission barrier (EA), α-decay half-lives (log10Tα), and SF half-lives (log10 TSF) of the dominant SF channel: symmetric (S), asymmetric (A), or binary (B). Staszczak, Baran, Nazarewicz, PRC87, 024320 (2013)
DensityFunctionalTheory for superfluidsystems and time dependent phenomenain nucleiand quantum gases far from equilibrium. Densistyfunctionalcontainsnormaldensities, anomalousdensity (pairing) and currents: Skyrmeenergy functional: SLy4, SkP… Localdensityfunctional for unitary Fermi gas Time-dependent Bogoliubov-de Gennesequations Numericalsolutionsare possible due to efficientsoftware, incorporating highly sophisticated computer science solutions and the fastestcomputers 1peta=1015flops Presentedcalculations for unitary Fermi gasrequiredover 200,000 cores of Titan (OakRidge Nat. Lab.)
FINAL REMARKS Polishnuclearstructuretheory: isfocused on exciting, interdisciplinary, and relevantsubjects isinternationallycompetitive stronglycontributes to foreignresearchcenters (Nazarewicz, Dudek, Danielewicz, Płoszajczak, Dobaczewski) stronglycontributesto PACs, white- and bluebooks, roadmapsetc contributes to organization of meetings (Kazimerz) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS staffisaging– juniors (includingPhD)constitute ~25% of the totalstaff Andrzej Baran, Jacek Dobaczewski, Witek Nazarewicz, Piotr Magierski, Krzysztof Pomorski, Krzysztof Rusek, Janusz Skalski, Bartek Szpak, and Michał Warda arethankedfor help in preparingthe talk Adam Maj iscordiallythanked … for setting me up