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Final Presentation

M. R. S. E. U. P. Pantelitsa Ria Elaine Martijn Ulrika Sónia. Final Presentation. The lesson(s) are based on the Greek workshop Guiding light by means of mirrors. Pre-school. References. The Irish Primary school curriculum states that children of ages 4-6 should be enabled to:

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  1. M R S E U P Pantelitsa Ria Elaine Martijn Ulrika Sónia Final Presentation

  2. The lesson(s) are based on the Greek workshop Guiding light by means of mirrors Pre-school

  3. References • The Irish Primary school curriculum states that children of ages 4-6 should be enabled to: • “Discuss differences between day and night, light and shade” and also • “ Explore how shadows are formed” The Greek school curriculum states that: • Children should be able to express their ideas about the topic and talk about them with their classmates • Recognize the phenomenon The European school curriculum states that: • Children should develop their imagination and creativity through a variety of different activities (play, movement, art ) We also took ideas from the Greek and Italian workshops and lectures.

  4. Primary school

  5. Know that we can have a sense of time without using the clock. The children should be able to see what other ways a person can use in order to know the time. The students shall be able to see that while one country has night another country has day. The students shall also be able to see why this happens and explain why. Learning outcomes

  6. Light Shadow Interview Argumentation Experiments Basic topics

  7. Basic topics (2)

  8. Introduction The students will make a clock with the help of the sun. The students interview older people about how they could know the time before. Working with day and night by using a globe. Home assignment use the flashlight on other objects to experience light and shadow. Discussion Activities

  9. A stick A globe Light Questionnarie (for the interview) Other things (to work with shadows) Teaching materials

  10. Knowledge of the concept and topic. Guider Facilitator Teacher's competences

  11. The students: will be aware that the sun is the major source of light. can see the relation between the earth and the sun. can use the position of the sun as a clock. get knowledge of the community and can draw parallels between the past and the present. References

  12. References (2) • http://www.nap.pi.ac.cy/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=555&Itemid=364&lang=en • http://www.metasdeaprendizagem.min-edu.pt/ensino-basico/metas-de-aprendizagem/metas/?area=14&level=2 • http://www.skolverket.se/2.3894/in_english/publications

  13. Teaching module of Eindhoven Most subjects of the lectures are covered We can not do better in 2 hours :) Secondary school

  14. Scientific literacy (e.g. Sweden) Learning theory context based learning affective domain higher levels of the cognitive domain (structuring, applying and analysing) → discovery learning (Greece)/ cognitivism / constructivism Rationale

  15. Expected outcomes • The expected outcomes are numerous, some of them are: • The student can describe the need to change to sustainable energy production and is familiar with terms as greenhouse effect and climate change (Sweden) • The student can argue why most of the potentially sustainable energy sources can be traced back to the sun (Cyprus) • The student can give a schematic representation of the carbon cycle (Portugal) • The student can explain the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle and why CO2 that is the result of the combustion of biomass does not necessarily contribute to the greenhouse effect (Portugal) • The student can relate the electrochemical cell and electrolysis setup to a social context. • The student can give an example of how scientific solutions can be utilised to diminish social and/or environmental problems (Ireland)

  16. Carbon cycle Light and energy Solar cells Electrolysis CO2 capturing Catalysis Fuel cells and combustion engines Basic topics

  17. Information search, selection and interpretation Group discussions Minds-on lab work Reporting Activities

  18. Module on the artificial solar tree Information sources likes library / internet etc Lab work: Standard lab material Electronics (power supply, wires, multimeter) Platinum wire Nuts and bolts CD-case Teaching materials

  19. Facilitating in a shared control strategy Activating students to carry out learning functions Monitoring Providing feedback Promoting congruence and constructive friction Teacher's competences

  20. Most of the expected outcomes were taken from the Dutch syllabi for physics and chemistry: http://www.examenblad.nl/9336000/1/j9vvhinitagymgn_m7mvi0sgg8bampk_n11vg41h1h4i9qe/vikzlxeh8gri/f=/bestand.pdf http://www.examenblad.nl/9336000/1/j9vvhinitagymgn_m7mvi0sgg8bampk/vikzllix09re/f=/scheikunde_vwo_2012_101021.pdf References

  21. More examples and practice in coaching and facilitating Elaborate on critical thinking / argumentation skills (from various lectures) Put more emphasis on the connection between science and society More emphasis on integration of different subject areas, such as science and art, science and history Recommendations For teacher training

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