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Fred McMahon Vice-President International Research The Fraser Institute. Economic Freedom of the World: 2011 Annual Report Part 1 Presentation for the Conference “Competition: Engine for Prosperity” 10-13 October 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. What is Economic Freedom.
Fred McMahonVice-President International ResearchThe Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of the World: 2011 Annual Report Part 1 Presentation for the Conference “Competition: Engine for Prosperity” 10-13 October 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
What is Economic Freedom Individuals have economic freedom when property they acquire without the use of force, fraud, or theft is protected from physical invasions by others and they are free to use, exchange, or give their property as long as their actions do not violate the identical rights of others. An index of economic freedom should measure the extent to which rightly acquired property is protected and individuals are engaged in voluntary transactions. James Gwartney et al. 1996
Components of the Economic Freedom of the World Index Size of government and taxation Private property and the rule of law Soundness of money Trade regulation and tariffs Regulation of business, labor and capital markets
Overall Economic Freedom Index and the Top 10 Source: The Fraser Institute.
Overall Economic Freedom Index and the Bottom Ten Source: The Fraser Institute.
Asia scores Source: The Fraser Institute.
Asia ranks Source: The Fraser Institute.
World Average Economic Freedom Over Time Source: The Fraser Institute.
Why is Economic Freedom Important? Economic rights are fundamental rights in the sense that without them there can be no political freedom or civil freedoms They are a prerequisite for growth and development They are a prerequisite for broader human development
Per Capita Income and Economic Freedom Quartile Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; The World Bank, World Development Indicators, 2011.
Growth in Developing Nations Per Capita and Economic Freedom Quartile Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; The World Bank, World Development Indicators, 2011.
Income Share of the Poorest 10% and Economic Freedom Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; The World Bank, World Development Indicators, 2011.
Income of the Poorest 10% and Economic Freedom Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; The World Bank, World Development Indicators, 2011.
Economic Freedom and Political RightsLow scores indicate high level of rights Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; Freedom House, Freedom in the World Country Ratings, 2009, available at http://www.freedomhouse.org/.
Economic Freedom and Civil RightsLow scores indicate high level of rights Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; Freedom House, Freedom in the World Country Ratings, 2009, available at http://www.freedomhouse.org/.
Economic Freedom and CorruptionHigh scores indicate low corruption Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index, 2010 available at http://www.transparency.org.
The impact of Economic Freedom on other indicators of well-being
Economic Freedom and Life Satisfaction Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; (un)Happy Planet Index 2.0. Why good lives don't have to cost the Earth. 2009.
LiteracyMale Female Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; United Nations Development Programmme, Human Development Indicators 2011, available at http://hdr.undp.org/.
Life Expectancy at Birth and Economic Freedom Quartiles Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; The World Bank, World Development Indicators, 2011.
Malaysia and the world Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Per Capita Income and Economic Freedom Quartile Most Free ……………. Least Free Sources: The Fraser Institute; The World Bank, World Development Indicators, 2011.
Size of government Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Legal and property rights: 1 Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Legal and property rights: 2 Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Sound Money Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Freedom to Trade: 1 Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Freedom to trade: 2 Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Credit market regulations Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Labor market regulations Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Business regulations Sources: The Fraser Institute;
Conclusions Economic Freedom Increases prosperity for all Reduces poverty Increases other freedoms Improves quality of life To achieve these gains, Malaysia needs to increase economic freedom