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A pseudo nym is a fake name that authors sometimes use when they are published. If a note is sent ano nym ously it is without the author’s name. What does the stem nym mean?. What are two examples of homo nym s ?. Give an example of an acro nym.
A pseudonym is a fake name that authors sometimes use when they are published. If a note is sent anonymously it is without the author’s name. What does the stem nym mean? What are two examples of homonyms? Give an example of an acronym.
A sanctuary is considered the holy place of a building. If something is sanctioned it is considered holy by the law of the church. What does the stem sanct mean? Why do we hear the phrase “sanctity of marriage” when we are at a wedding? What kind of person would be considered sanctimonious?
Your metabolism helps change food into energy. When something goes through a metamorphosis, it changes its form. What does the stem meta mean? What is a metamorphic rock? What happens to a substance if it is a product of metaprotein?
A petroglyph is a carving on a rock. Petrology is a science that deals with the study and classification of rock. What does the stem petr mean? What happens to wood when it becomes petrified? If I said my biscuit was petrous, am I complimenting or insulting the cook?
A patriarchy is power that is given to the father. Patricide is the killing of one’s father. What does the stem patri mean? What is a patriot with regard to someone’s country? When someone is acting patriotic, how are they acting toward their country?