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Angola. Welcome to Angola !.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Angola

  2. Welcome to Angola!

  3. Hi there! I am here in Luanda, Angola. I just came from the airport, the flightwas great! I was able to see the countriesthat surrounded Angola which wereThe Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nambia! When I finally saw Angola, it was verydifferent from what I pictured in my mind. Angolais a landwith bright green grass but the rest of the land is dry soil and a few scatteredtrees. And, OH MY GOSH! It is humid & dry I’m sweating here. I think my hair is so puffy…uh oh. At least I’ll be able to drive up to thenorthern side of Angola where it’s more rainy and hopefully has a bit more cooler climates. I even heard that the northern side has beautiful sites of bright blue rivers. Well, I got to go before my hair pooffs up even more and I better get some sun lotion before I get a sunburn because having a tomato face and frizzed hair is soo not a pretty site! Well,adeus( goodbye in Portuguese). From, Arline 

  4. A free country Angola

  5. Hey everyone, to day I went to the national museum of natural history. They had a awesome exhibit about Portugal and how they had a 14 year war. This exhibit was only here today November 11th. To celebrate there independence. They made models of how they lived before and during the war and some people still live in bad apartment blocks. With little or no access to water and sewage. While at the museum I found there government part it was cool they had statues of the each president. I learn they have a parliamentary elections and there president now is José Eduardo dos Santos Love,MJ

  6. Angola Healthy Lives: Providing Safe Drinking Water in Angola

  7. Today I meat a person from P.S.I they told me they were here to help prevent waterborne diseases. She was talking about how they are purifying water in Angola. Most people are dyeing of water borne diseases. Water borne diseases are caused by lack of clean water. Love,MJ

  8. Angola!

  9. Hi again! It’s been a fun day here in Luanda, today. I thought I could spend the day here by staying in my hotel room. Today, I laid in my couch eating cod fish frittas which is also another amazing dish that is served here in Angola. I couldn’t really find anything good to watch on any of the TV channels, so I put the local news report channel. I was shocked to find out that people got too crowded in a stadium and was able to injure 120 people and 10 people were going to be crushed to death! I wonder how that could of happened.. Anyways, another topic that came out was that Angola still had a high death rate ! It made me feel bad for this situation a lot.. But, hopefully it would come to a lower percentage later on.. Well, I have to go before my plane leaves without me. I hope you’ve liked the postcards I have been sending in lately!adeus!From, Arline Vargas   

  10. Tenha um otimodia!

  11. Hi there! I hope everything is going well back in Illinois! I’m in Luanda, Angola which is the capital of Angola. It’s a nice town to stay in for a while that’s for sure! And it’s still hot! Today I went for a walk and I was able to find out a little bit more on Angola’s culture! So today, I went inside a store and bought a few souvenirs and when I went to go pay for the items the cashier did not talk English! She was actually talking Portuguese! Luckily, she knew a little English. I guess Angola speaks Portuguese from when Portugal ruled Angola. I asked cashier for any site recommendations. She pointed her finger across the street and it was pointing to a Christian church. I gladly gave a her a friendly nod and walked to the church. The church was beautiful, the colorful walls shined the room with brightness. I skimmed the room trying to find something interesting, I saw different people with different outfits but most women were wearing a nice dress with a shawl. Some of the shawls were wrapped around their backs to hold on to their babies. And the men just wore long pants and a nice shirt or a suit. When I left the church, I went for some more walking and I noticed that the streets were different from back home. People had mud brick houses and people were cooking their meats in a mini campfire outside. I guess it was too hot that they even have to cook outside!!! Later on, I got hungry and went inside a restaurant and asked one of the waiters in Portuguese what’s the most traditional food they serve in Angola. And he said it was peanut soup. I was a bit disgusted but I was up for the challenge. While, I was waiting for the food to come, I kept hearing western music going on. I asked the waiter about the music, and I was astonished to find out that one of Angola’s favorite music genres is the western music!! When the peanut soup finally arrived, I was a bit skeptical of eating it but, it wasn’t that bad it actually tasted great!Well, that’s it for today! Goodbye! P.S “ Tenha um otimodia!” means have a great day, in Angola! From, Arline Vargas   

  12. Angola Diamonds a big part of Angola

  13. My neighbor wanted to show me her work and her job is mining for diamonds and her company works with Angola’s natural resources they work with diamonds and copper and iron they also export crude oil cotton timber gas coffee and of course diamonds. Love,MJ

  14. Bye Angola!

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