Stop Cyberbullying All around the world, kids using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (ect.) are being cyberbullied. Teenagers are taking their own lives because they feel that they’re the only ones being made fun of, left out, they aren’t the only ones this happens to kids, teenagers, an even adults all the time. Help stop it. By: Meghan Hilton
Flaming Part 1 • Flaming is arguing that takes place usually over texting, always takes place while the people arguing are behind a screen. It first starts off as some defending of yourself or a friend but it soon turns into a fight that neither people can win, always putting each other down.
Flaming Part 2 • Half the time the people fight don’t even know each others last names. They usually use CAPITAL LETTERS, emojis, an insulting words to show their emotions.
Cyber Stalking • Cyberstalking is very easy to do if you don’t block off all public privacy settings. If your cyber accounts let people that don’t follow, people that aren’t your friends (ect.) anybody can look at your stuff. Putting your public present locations on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.. Can result in someone you don’t know or someone you’re trying to avoid being in that location just to see your face. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=957r5xNt0Ag
Exclusion Part 1 • Girls an boys are both equally bad at excluding to be mean. Girls will get together an harass the one girl in their “social group” that was not included in the get together. Boys will play sports an purposely ask everyone but their one friend to come play sports with them right in front of the unincluded friend.
Exclusion Part 2 • Sometimes boys an girls will include everyone of their friends in the get together an talk to everybody but one person. Sometimes you’ll exclude someone an not even mean to.
Anonymity • Fake accounts. Anybody can create a fake account an add you, follow you, connect with you an you’ll think “Oh, it’s just another person, they probably go to my school.” It is just another person who probably goes to your school behind the screen, but the account represents someone fake. Teenagers usually create fake accounts to continue harassing someone when they’ve been told to stop or to harass someone without being caught right away.
Anonymity Part 2 • Fake accounts are usually made to stalk or bully, fake accounts almost always bad news. Many bullying will message the attacky rude things an screen shot/print out the rude things the attacky says to the attacker to defend themselves, but the attacker will show their friends the mean things the attacky said to the attacker but make out the attacker said nothing mean.
Amanda ToddA cyberbully victim • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej7afkypUsc Here’s a video she posted hours before she commit suicide
Harassment Part 1 • Harassing is a scaring thing, something you are lucky to stop as soon as you can stop it. Harassment is considered harassment when the person is told to stop what they’re doing to do an saying about you an it continues. Harassers are usually jealous people, ones that don’t like you, or ones that are just plain bored an need to do something with themselves. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYDLtJLG_rA
Harassment Part 2 • Harassers are usually jealous people, ones that don’t like you, or ones that are just plain bored an need to do something with themselves. http://www.enough.utoronto.ca/onlinesmarts/safety/cyberbullyingandharassment.htm
Teenage Suicide Part 1 • They are suicides happening all the time every second someone is dying every couple of minutes people are committing suicide an thanks to the internet a lot of the suicides are because teenagers are being bullied to the point that they think the only way to stop their pain is to kill themselves.
Teenage Suicide Part 2 • Groups will harass someone in every way possible. Anyone who is different in anyway get bullied, being homosexual, not having a phone, being a little poorer than everyone else. Bullies attack the “weak” to the point that they kill themselves .
Here’s a website dedicated to stopping cyberbullying • http://stopcyberbullying.org/index2.html
Outing • When you tell someone a very embarrassing secret an they spread it they are outing you, friends do it to friends, enemies to enemies, kids to adults, adults to kids. It’s all outing no matter who you do it to.
ACB News releasing article about mean girls being the reason for teeanage suicide. • http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Parenting/girls-teen-suicide-calls-attention-cyberbullying/story?id=9685026
Let’s Stop These Bullies • A lot of people say they want to stop cyber bullying, but how many people do you see in a day standing up for someone online or in person? Not a whole lot. Let’s be serious now. How would you feel if someone important to you (sister, cousin, brother, bestfriend, girlfriend, boyfriends) killed themselves because they were being cyberbullied.
How To Stop It • Sometimes kids don’t tell their parents what’s going on in their lives. If you see someone being cyberbullied tell an adult, or an authority figure. Talk to the person being cyberbullied, talk to the bully an ask them why they’re bullying them. Defend them, bullies go for ‘the weak’ help those being bullied, cause being bullied might be all they know.