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Check Point Authentication Methods A short comparison

Check Point Authentication Methods A short comparison. Overview. General Aspects – Authentication at a Firewall General Aspects – The Rule Base Authentication Methods User Authentication Client Authentication Session Authentication Securing the Authentication

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Check Point Authentication Methods A short comparison

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  1. Check Point Authentication Methods A shortcomparison

  2. Overview • General Aspects – Authentication at a Firewall • General Aspects – The Rule Base • Authentication Methods • User Authentication • Client Authentication • Session Authentication • Securingthe Authentication • ComparisonandConclusion Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  3. Chapter 1 – General Aspects (Firewall Authentication) Whyfirewallauthentication? Difficultieswithfirewallauthentication Client sideandserversideaspects Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  4. The scenario Somecompaniesallowinternetaccessbygroupmembership Most aspects in thepresentationcould also beusedfor DMZ access No Remote Access VPN! Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  5. The Authentication Problem • Firewall isnoproxy! Gettinguserinformation(clientside) Choosingthebestauthenticationprocedures(serverside) Securingthe Connections Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  6. The Client Side – Authentication Methods • How do I gettheinformation I need? • User Authentication • Firewall as transparent Proxy • HTTP, FTP, Telnet, Rlogin • Client Authentication • Identifyingthe Client bythe IP-Address • How do I getthecorrelation? • Session Authentication • ProprietaryMethod • Requiering an Agent Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  7. The Server Side – Authentication Schemes Check Point Password RADIUS SecurID TACACS OS Password LDAP?? Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  8. Chapter 2 – General Aspects (Rulebase) RuleStructure RulePositioning Common Configurations Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  9. The RuleStrcuture In Source ColumneitherUser Access orAny In Action ColumneitherUser, Session or Client Authentication Service Columnentrydepends on Authentication Method Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  10. The Rules Paradoxon Existenceofrule 5 has an impact on rule 4 Authentication onlyif packet wouldbedroppedotherwise Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  11. User Location Source Columnvs User Properties Authentication objectdefinesprecedence Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  12. The User Object Login Name Group Membership Authentication Scheme Locationand Time Restrictions Certificate Remote Access Parameters Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  13. Firewall Properties Allowed Authentication Schemes Authentication timeoutforone-time passwords Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  14. Global Properties Numberofallowedloginfailures Limitingcertificatestospecial CA Delayingreauthenticationtries Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  15. Chapter 3 – Authentication Methods • User Authentication • Client Authentication • Session Authentication • Different Aspects: • Configuration • Limitations • Packet Flows • SmartViewTracker Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  16. User Authentication - Principles Firewall behaveslike transparent proxy Client does not knowthat he isspeakingwiththefirewall HTTP, FTP, Telnet, Rloginonly Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  17. User Authentication with HTTP – A goodstart SYN tothewebserver Firewall interceptsandanswerswithwebservers IP 401 becausenocredentialsare in therequest After gettingthecredentialsfromtheuserthebrowserrestartsthesessionautomatically Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  18. User Authentication with HTTP – A badfollow-up Browsers cachecredentials, but theyarecorrelatedtowebservers Requeststo same webserverarenoproblem; sometimessessionevenstays open Request tootherwebserverrequiresreauthentication User Authentication with HTTP isnogoodidea! Lessproblemswith FTP or Telnet Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  19. User Authentication – firewallas explicit proxy • With explicit proxy Setting Browser resendscredentialswitheveryrequest • Changing Check Point firewallto explicit proxymode • AdvancedConfiguration in Global Prperties • http_connection_method_proxyforproxymode • http_connection_methode_tunnelingfor HTTPS connections Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  20. User Authentication – Special Settings Default Setting does not workbydefault HTTP accesstointernetrequiresAll servers HTTP accessto DMZ servercouldusePredefined Servers Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  21. User Authentication – A packet Capture Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn Packet Flow New serverrequiresreauthentication Clear textpassword

  22. User Authentication in SmartViewTracker Onlyfirstauthenticationresults in Userentry NoRuleentryfor subsequent requests Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  23. Client Authentication • Necessary: User hastobecorrelatedto IP-Address • No NAT • Nocommon Terminal Server • Duration ofthecorrelation • Necessary: Firewall hastolearnaboutcorrelation • Manual Sign-On • Using User Authentication • Using Session Authentication • Askingsomeoneelse • Rule Position • Interaction withStealthRule • Usableforanyservice Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  24. Client Authentication – Gettingthe Information Manual:http://x.x.x.x:900telnetx.x.x.x 259 Partial automatic:First requestwithUser Authentication Agent automatic:First requestwith Session Authentication agent Single Sign On:Asking User Authority server Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  25. Client Authentication – Duration ofcorrelation Time limitornumberofsessionlimit Time limit = Inactivity time limitwithRefreshabletimeoutset For HTTP: Numberof Sessions shouldbe infinite Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  26. Client Authentication – Improvingthe HTTP • Partial Automatic • Limit: 1 Minute, 5 Sessions • User connectstosinglewebsite, authenticatesandrequestsnextwebsite after 1 minute • Questiontotheaudience: What will happen after 1 minute? • User will bechallengedagainforcredentials • User won´tbechallengedagain but reauthenticated • User will getaccesswithoutreauthentication • User will beblocked Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  27. Client Authentication – A packet Capture • Redirectiontofirewall!! • Noreauthen-ticationwithinfirstminute • Automatic reauthentication after oneminute • Browser cachescredentials • HTTPS can´tbeauthenticated!! Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. CarstenLöhn

  28. Client Authentication – Manual Sign-On HTTP Port 900 (FW1_clntauth_http) Telnet Port 259 (FW1_clntauth_telnet) Noautomaticreauthenticationbybrowser -> chooselimitswisely Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  29. Client Authentication – Customizing HTML files • $FWDIR/conf/ahclientd/ • ahclientd#.html • 1: Greeting Page (Enter Username) • 2: End-of-session Page • 3: Signing Off Page • 4: Successful Login Page • 5: SpecificSign-On Page • 6: Authentication Failure Page • 7,8: Password Pages • Becarefulwith %s and %d entries! Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  30. Client Authentication in theSmartViewTracker Reauthentication after exceeding time limitorconnectionlimit Every requesthasUserentry Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  31. Client Authentication – Rule Position • Partial Automatic • RuleaboveStealthRule • Manual • Login RuleaboveStealthRule • Session Automaticor SSO • Norequirement Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  32. Session Authentication Requires Session Authentication Agent Authenticateseverysession Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  33. Session Authentication Agent – Packet Capture Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  34. Session Authentication – SmartViewTracker Authenticatingeverysession Severalrequestswithinone TCP sessionwith HTTP 1.1 Every sessionshowsUserentry Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  35. Chapter 4 – Securingthe Authentication • Server sideusually easy • E.g. LDAP SSL • Client Side • HTTP requestisunencrypted • Default settingsdon´tsupportencryption Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  36. Securing Session Authentication In Session Authentication Agent Global Properties – AdvancedConfiguration BTW, defaultsettings on bothsidesareconflicting Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  37. Securing Client Authentication - Manual • 900 fwssdin.aclientdwait 900 ssl:ICA_CERT • Restartdemon Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  38. Securing Client Authentication – Partial Automatic Thatshouldhaveworked Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  39. Securing User Authentication Noredirecttofirewall => Session can´tbesecured Don´tuseCheck Point Password! Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  40. The Comparison - Barry´sOverview • Thanksto Barry forprovidingthenicetable • (slightlymodified) Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  41. Final words • Severalpossibilities • All havebenefitsandlimitations • Proxiesoftenhavemorepossibilities, but Check Point allowsfilecustomization • Don´tneglectperformanceimpact on firewall! Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

  42. Check Point Authentication Methods- A short comparison, Dr. Carsten Löhn

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