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Turkish Hydrological Activities related with International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO Hydrology and Water Resources Programme of WMO International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS). General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) Investigation and Planning Department
Turkish Hydrological Activitiesrelated withInternational Hydrological Programme of UNESCOHydrology and Water Resources Programme of WMOInternational Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) Investigation and Planning Department Office of International Hydrological Affairs 2005
Hydrological Institutions in Turkey Hydrological organisations in Turkey are the General Directorates of the State Hydraulic Works, Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration, State Meteorological Affairs, and the universities namely Middle East Technical University and Hacettepe University, Gazi University, Istanbul Technical University, 9 Eylul University, all who are major contributing members of the Turkish hydrological community. General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI), being the main organisation widely representing the hydrological community in Turkey, is actively engaged in co-ordinating the hydrological organisations in the Country. DSI has an official missionfor functioning of coordination, as a focal point for various international hydrologic programs, covering the provision of advice to the management on all related research, training, educational and practical matters in hydrology and giving the increased responsibility to DSI having more ability in shaping national water resources policies.
The Office of International Hydrological Affairs In order for institutionally harmonizing of the international hydrological activities,the Office of International Hydrological Affairs has been established under the auspices of the Investigation and Planning Department, DSI, to carry on the international hydrological relations. The Unit is serving as a focal point for various international hydrologic projects or programs, which are leading issues for the improvement of operational hydrologic works and scientific studies in the Country, such as International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), UNESCO International Hydrological Program (IHP), WMO Operational Hydrology Program including Commission of Hydrology (CHy), Hydrological Advisory and Hydrological Operational Multipurpose System (HOMS), and also other international hydrological initiatives.
International Hydrological Links Hydrological Information Network Other water-related organisations (WWC, EMWIS,) FRIEND, WWAP UNESCO International Hydrological Program (IHP) challenging water issues IHP 6 year-plans International Isotope Program (JIIHP) International Graundwater Center (IGRAC) Regional projects Surface Waters DSİ Investigation and Planning Department The Office of International Hydrological Affairs HOMS WMO Hydrology and Water Resources Program applied hydrology Groundwater Working Groups Continental Erosion Hydrology Commissions Snow and Ice Water Quality Hydrological Advisery Water Resources Integrated Flood Management Program IAHS International Association of Hydrological Sciences researches Remote Sensing Atmosphere-Soil-Vegetation IAHS Focal Point Isotope Hydrology Turkish National Hydrological Commission
Hydrologic Information Network International Hydrologic Information Netwroks International Hydrological projects International Hydrologic Organisations member (state) member (research) The Office of International Hydrological Affairs member (applied hydrology) member (private sector) member (university)
Hydrological Information Network www.dsi.gov.tr/ hidroloji@yahoogroups.com Hydrological Archieve Hydrology e-Group (Since April 2000) more than 400members international publications national publications
Hydrological Archieve • All available hydrological documents, including the publications of UNESCO, WMO and IAHSare stored in an archive, and timely introduced to the members of the hydrological community, using the facility of weekly e-bulletin and the physical environment of a library. • Furthermore, it is the function of the Office to offer a forum for the hydrological sciences, thus making the national and international aspects of the hydrological community accessible for the mutual benefit of every members.
Hydrology e-Group • All information related to the hydrology is distributed to the members of the hydrological community using the facility of "hydrology e-group“ (hidroloji@yahoogroups.com) in which the members of the Turkish National Hydrological Commission (TNHC) is dominated. • Presently, the Hydrology e-Group hasmore than 400 members who supply active participation to the studies. • News related to the hydrological issues which are considered in the framework of international hydrological activities and news from study groups (sub-commissions) inside TNHC are issued in a newsletter published on a weekly base. The e-Group serves also as a forum environment, which has been found quite effective in informing and in discussing the hydrological issues of the agenda.
UNESCO International Hydrological Program (IHP) • History The IHP has existed since 1975, following on the International Hydrological Decade, and is implemented in six-year phases. • ObjectivesThe aim of the IHP is to encourage hydrological research in order to create a scientific foundation for sustainable water resources management. • RealisationThe contributions to IHP are supervised by the national committees of the member countries. A secretariat at UNESCO in Paris coordinates and supports the programme activities.
The History of IHP under the planning stage IHP-VII, 2008-2013 Hydrology and Water Resources Development in a Vulnerable Environment IHP-VI, 2002-2007 Hydrology and Water Resources for Sustainable Development IHP-V, 1996-2001 IHP-IV, 1990-1995 IHP-III, 1984-1989 Water Interactions: Systems at risk and social challenges IHP-II, 1981-1983 IHP-I, 1975-1980 International Hydrological Decade 1965-1974 Hydrological techniques and applications
WMO Hydrology and Water Resources Programme (HWRP) • Issues regarding water are dealt with at different levels by various national and international organisations. Within the organisation of the United Nations (UN) only UNESCO and WMO have wide-ranging water programmes. • As a member of the specialised agencies of the United Nations, UNESCO and WMO, Turkey is committed to contributing actively to their hydrological programmes. These are known as the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO and the Hydrology and Water Resources Programme (HWRP) of WMO.
International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) The International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) is the oldest and foremost international nongovernmental organization that deals with hydrology and water resources. IAHS is one of the seven associations that form the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). The members of the Association are primarily the representative countries who vote on IAHS policy. There are also individual members.
The objectives of IAHS • to promote the study of Hydrology as an aspect of the Earth sciences and of water resources; • to study the hydrological cycle on the Earth and the waters of the continents; the surface and groundwaters, snow and ice, including their physical, chemical and biological processes, their relation to climate and to other physical and geographical factors, as well as the interrelations between them; • to study erosion and sedimentation and their relation to the hydrological cycle; • to examine the hydrological aspects of the use and managementof water resources and their change under the influence of man’s activities; • to provide a firm scientific basis for the optimal utilization of water resources systems, including the transfer of knowledge on planning, engineering, management and economic aspects of applied hydrology; • to provide for discussion, comparison, and publication of research results; • to initiate, facilitate, and coordinate research into, and investigation of, those hydrological problems that require international cooperation.
IAHS (International Association of Hydrological Sciences) applications and researches IAEA Isotope Hydrology JIIHP UNESCO IHP HELP WMO HWRP IAHS IAEA-UNESCO Joint International Isotope Hydrology Program Hydrology for Environment, Life ve Politics Coordination of researches and scientific studies on hydrology
National focal point for Hydrological Operational Multipurpose System (HOMS) World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) Joint International Isotope Programme in Hydrology (JIIHP) Contact General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) Investigation and Planning Department Office of International Hydrological Affairs 06100, Yücetepe / ANKARA TURKEY