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Observation system simulation experiments for the PREMIER mission Sub-task of the project ‘Quantification of Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Aspects’ (ESTEC c ontract No. 4000101294/10/NL/CBi). Y. Rochon, J.W. Kaminski, S. Heilliette, L. Garand, J. de Grandpr é, and R. Ménard
Observation system simulation experiments for the PREMIER missionSub-task of the project ‘Quantification of Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Aspects’ (ESTEC contract No. 4000101294/10/NL/CBi) Y. Rochon, J.W. Kaminski, S. Heilliette, L. Garand, J. de Grandpré, and R. Ménard Environment Canada 5h WMO Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing Systems on NWP Sedona, AZ, 22-25 May 2012
Introduction • Objective: Acquire insight on the potential impact of PREMIER limb observations of temperature, water vapour and ozone in numerical weather (and ozone) prediction. • Applied methodology: The level of impact of PREMIER observations is estimated through Observation System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs). • Synthetic observation sets reflecting the characteristics of the projected PREMIER retrieval-type data and of existing observation systems are derived from a virtual truth, i.e. a nature run. • Target PREMIER-type data consists of retrieved profiles from the • InfraRed Limb Sounder (IRLS; T, water vapour, ozone, …) and • Millimetre-Wave Limb Sounder (MWLS; water vapour, ozone, …). • MLS-type data serves as additional benchmark for comparison. • Various assimilation and forecasting experiments with and without the PREMIER and MLS-type data are conducted and assessed.
Nature Run • Chosen nature run is the T511NR provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF) as contribution to the international Joint OSSE program (e.g. Reale et al., 2007; Masutani et al., 2008; http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/research/JointOSSEs) • Free forecast run at triangular 511 spectral truncation (~40 km) and 91 levels with the top at 0.02 hPa (~80km) and ~0.4 km spacing in the UTLS • Observed 2005-06 sea surface temperatures and ice cover provided by the National Centers for Environment Prediction (NCEP) • Covers a 13-month period. The two time periods of this study are: 18 June 2005 to 31 August 2005 and 15 December 2005 to 28 February 2006 • Model configuration: same as that of the ECMWF IFS CY31r1 cycle • http://www.ecmwf.int/research/ifsdocs/CY31r1 • Ozone chemistry is done with the updated version of the Cariolle and Déqué (1986) parameterization
Assimilation and forecasting system • NWP model: • Operational Global Environmental Multi-scale model (GEM) of Environment Canada • 800x600 (~33 km at 49) • 80 levels up to 0.1 hPa (0.3 to 0.6 km in the UTLS) • added linearized ozone chemistry (LINOZ; McLinden et al., 2000) • Initial conditions close to the NR (GEM 5-day forecasts from NR) • Assimilation approach: • 3D-VAR with FGAT (First Guess at Appropriate Time) • Incremental assimilation at T108 • Incremental control variables: , ’, T’, ln(q), O3, Ps • Global data assimilation every successive 6-hours • No background check applied for the OSSE assimilations • Surfaces conditions taken from CMC/EC (and not from the NR)
Synthetic observations I • Sources of characteristics for the synthetic observation dataset (e.g. locations, types, numbers, spatial thinning): • Control dataset: • Real meteorological observations used at Environment Canada for Summer 2008 and Winter 2009 (transposed/relabelled to 2005/06) • Pre-thinned real datasets (post background checked data) for most meteorological observation sources • IR radiances: applied thinning in the simulation process. • SBUV/2 NOAA 17 and18 partial column ozone. • MLS temperature, water vapour and ozone profiles • PREMIER IRLS and MWLS observation characteristics
Synthetic observations II • Observation simulations from the NR were done locally (at EC) using the various observation models already integrated in the assimilation system (including RTTOV8.7). • Result: assimilation-ready data in the format required for assimilation. A noise-free set was produced first. • IR brightness temperature simulations: (AIRS, IASI, GOES, …) • Observations simulated under cloud-affected and cloud-unaffected conditions (using NR cloud cover and ice/water liquid content) • Assimilation system not set to assimilate cloud affected radiances (equivalent brightness temperatures). • Thinning applied by removing cloud-affected brightness temp. and retaining only a cloud-unaffected value per 150 km x 150 km box.
Meteorological control observations to be assimilated, excluding radiances (partly based on Laroche and Sarrazin, 2010)
PREMIER observationsTangent point orbit tracks for a sample 6 hour period (centered about 0 UTC) Across-tracks 1, 4, 7, 10 1429 5716 1748 584
PREMIER observations (cont’d) • Vertical ranges and resolutions • - Minimum altitude: • - IRLS: up to 50 km with 1 km vert. resolution • MWLS: up to ~35 km with unequally spaced levels (>= 1.6 km) • Water dependent rejection conditions: • - affecting about 50% of IRLS and 30% of MWLS H2O of profiles in the lower tropospheric levels. • Averaging kernels: Not applied (except for SBUV-2 ozone) • - Current PREMIER averaging kernel matrices for T, H2O and O3 not used since they are nearly identity matrices in most (or all) of the vertical range • Observation error variances: • - Given random error variances plus added error variance offsets. • .
Error standard deviations (NH extratropics) MLS IRLS (61/2 for some expts) MWLS
Calibration: Observation random errors • Perturbations applied to the synthetic observations using Gaussian-distributed random errors. • Purpose of error level calibration: Provide greater confidence on the pertinence of the OSSE results. • Simple approach: • Desire statistical scores of 2/N (and its contributing terms) similar to those obtained from the assimilation of real observations, e.g. • Introduced error std. dev. scaling factors f (following Errico et al.) for different observation grouping (families) – derived here from ratios of the above two terms. • Limitations: • Adjustments (scaling factors) not dependent on vertical level • Some observation groupings contain sub-types (or channels) which may ideally require different adjustments • No application of spatial and inter-channel obs. error correlations.
Control Control Real Real sk(xa)=2Jok/Nk Real obs. Jan. 2009 Control (synthetic) Winter/Summer Jan-Feb ‘06 Jul-Aug ‘05 f spectrally constant for this study not well calibrated
Control vs real observation assimilation Comparison of 6h forecasts to radiosondes: (January) Real and synthetic Solid: mean difference Dashed: std. dev.
Impact study results Global 6h forecast error levels (July) Solid: Mean error Dashed: Error std. dev. Black: Control Blue: Control+MLS Red: Control+IRLS U T q O3 Important caveat: max. iterations of 70 for most assim. expts (affects CRTL+IRLS assim. the most)
Tropics 6h forecast error levels (July) Solid: Mean error Dashed: Error std. dev. Black: Control Blue: Control+MLS Red: Control+IRLS U T q O3
U T South Pole 6h forecast error levels (July) Solid: Mean error Dashed: Error std. dev. Black: Control Blue: Control+MLS Red: Control+IRLS q O3
Differences in RMS errors for temperature 6hr forecasts (July) [Control+MLS] – Control (negative values: RMSE reductions) RMSE for the Control [Control+IRLS] - Control
Comparison of ratio of RMS errors (IRLS,Control)for temperature 6hr forecasts (July) TemperatureZonal wind component
Time mean error differences of Control+IRLS minus Control for temperature 6hr forecasts (July) =0.5 = 0.6
Sample medium range forecast results for temperature (August) 6-day forecast time mean differences at =0.2: [CTRL+IRLS] - CRTL Anomaly correlations (relative to the NR) CRTLCRTL+MLS CRTL+IRLS
Time mean errors for water vapour 6hr forecasts (%; July) Control Control+MLS Control+IRLS Control+MWLS
Ratio of RMS errors (IRLS, Control)for water vapour (lnq) 6hr forecasts (July) =0.2 6-day forecasts
Global mean and RMS errors, and anomaly correlation coefficients for water vapour (August) Source analyses: Control, Control+MLS, Control+IRLS Smaller due to cancelling of +/- errors
Final remarks • Synthetic bias-free dataset reflecting realistic measurement network can be easily produced following the specification of the NR. • Zeroth order observation perturbation calibration feasible through a comparison of • Temperature (and winds): • RMS error reductions (zonal) usually within ~0.1-0.3 K and 0.2 m/s for IRLS and similar to half for MLS-type. • Increase in T predictability (avg over latitudes) of ~¼ (UTLS) to ½ (mid-strato) day. • More notable improvements near poles for T at about 1K • Improvement in T and U near 10 hPa at equator • Water vapour (and ozone): • IRLS (largest) and MWLS potential benefit over MLS-type in troposphere and UTLS (greater for ozone). • Error reductions extend downward to the mid-troposphere and below. • Present impact differences with MLS decrease with forecast length. • Notably persistent improvements over 10-day forecasts • Setup applicable to other studies.
Acknowledgements • Nature run: ECMWF and the Joint OSSEs program (Michiko Masutani et al.). • Discussions on error calibration and setting of =1 level of NR: Ronald Errico (GMAO/NASA and GESTC) • Discussions and information on PREMIER data: Lars Hoffmann, Bärbel Vogel, Joachim Urban, and Richard Siddans. • PREMIER Impact Study project management: Bärbel Vogel (Julich) and Joerg Langen (ESTEC) • MLS-Aura and SBUV/2 science and instrument teams for the availability of data. • Assimilation and forecasting system: Various EC colleagues
NR fields used Surface fields: Sea-ice cover, albedo, snow depth (to set snow cover field), skin temperature.
Impact of PREMIER observations Some measures of performance • Monthly based RMS, std. dev. and time mean errors relative to the NR. • Ratios of RMS errors over individual months: (similarly to Lahoz et al., 2005) • A value of <1 indicates a beneficial impact from X2 relative to X1. • Monthly mean differences (X2-NR) – (X1-NR) • Above accompanied by significance tests • Student t-test (mean diff.) anf F-test (applied to RMS errors) • Anomaly correlation coefficients relative to the NR.
Comparison of ratio of RMS errorsfor ozone 6hr forecasts (July) (IRLS, Control) (IRLS, MLS) (MWLS, Control) (MWLS, MLS)
RMS errors ozone 6hr forecasts (%; July) Control Control+MLS Control+IRLS Control+MWLS
July time mean error ozone 6hr forecasts (%) Control Control+MLS Control+IRLS Control+MWLS
Global mean errors, RMS errors, and anomaly correlation coefficients for ozone (August) Source analyses: Control, Control+MLS, Control+IRLS