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Chapter 7 Terms and Discussion Questions. Terms. Judiciary Act of 1789
Terms • Judiciary Act of 1789 • Established a Federal District Court in each state that acted according to local customs. Put in place to ease the fears of the Supreme Court becoming too dominant a force and running roughshod over local customs that had already been established.
Terms • Chisholm v. Georgia • Supreme Court ruled states could be sued in Federal Court by non-residents; Congress overturned the ruling by establishing the 11th Amendment (Checks and Balances)
Terms • Strict/Loose Interpretation of the Constitution • Strict=if it is not specifically outlined in the Constitution you cannot do it • Loose=Constitution is a “fluid” document and government has the right to work outside its confines in some cases
Terms • Impressment-Forced enlistment of U.S. crewmen into the British Navy
Terms • Jays Treaty-England refused to evacuate the frontier forts in the Northwest Territory; in addition, England seized American ships, forcing American sailors to serve in England's war against France. The United States, in response, passed navigation laws that were potentially damaging to Great Britain • John Jay went to England to negotiate disagreements between the two governments. On November 19, 1794 Jay's Treaty was signed, averting the threat of war. • The Treaty eliminated British control of western posts within two years, established America's claim for damages from British ship seizures, and provided America a limited right to trade in the West Indies.
Terms • Alien and Sedition Act-Series of 4 acts passed by the Federalist controlled Congress and White House in 1798 to eliminate outspoken Republican opposition.
Discussion Question #2 • Protect Citizens rights from being infringed upon by a too powerful Federal Government • First 8 Amendments guaranteed personal liberties • Amendments 9 & 10=rights not specifically outlined in the Constitution went to people or states
Discussion Question #3 • Arrogant • Egotistical • Federalist • Industrialist • Womanizer • Brilliant • Devisive
Discussion Question #4 • 1790-Hamilton delivers his Report on a National Bank to Congress • Bank would raise $10 million for Federal Government through public stock options • Safe place for Government money • Provide loans to the Federal Government if tax $ were not enough to provide for services • Put paper currency into circulation to help with limited supply of hard money • Provide credit/legitimacy to help expand the nations economy • Jefferson and others opposed the bank • Started to show divide in America (Political Parties???)
Discussion Question #5 • Promoted Industry • Looked to strengthen the Federal Government • Helped establish belief system for the Federalist Party • Divided the nation? • Provided support to expand U.S. economy/provided framework for the national bank
Discussion Question #6 • -Regional and Class Tension • Hamilton proposed an excise tax on domestically produced whiskey to help finance the national debt and to help with American sobriety • In Western PA they were affected by this tax the most (tar & feathered a tax collector) and an all out riot ensued • Hamilton and Washington got together 13,000 militiamen to put the rebellion down • Why did Washington react so strongly to the Whiskey Rebellion?
Discussion Question #7 • Southwest U.S.=Spain, Britain, Native Americans, U.S. all laying claim to the area • Washington advocated for “patient diplomacy” • Admitted Vermont, Kentucky, and Tennessee to the Union to strengthen position in the west • Tried to gain Indian support by not allowing U.S. expansion onto some tribes lands • Also, tried for the first time to get Native Americans to assimilate into American culture
Discussion Question #8 • During the French Revolution many Americans were sympathetic towards the French • After the Revolution France declared war against all monarchies and entered into conflicts with Britain and Spain • America then became divided over support for the French • South-Supported the French (Saint Domingue/Haiti) • Middle and North supported Britain (Commerce) • Eventually, some 1,000 Americans would fight against the British and Spain in North America as a result of recruitment by Citizen Genet
Discussion Question #9 • Washington utilized “Diplomacy” • Sent General Anthony Wayne to negotiate a treaty with the Shawnee • Sent John Jay to negotiate with the British • Sent Thomas Pinckney to negotiate with the Spanish • Wayne=Treaty of Greenville • Jay=Jays Treaty • Pinckney=Treaty of San Lorenzo (Pinckney’s Treaty)
Discussion Question #10 • Ideological, Geographical, Social, Economic Differences
Discussion Question #11 • When Washington left office in 1797 the U.S. had become a divided nation • Despite the fact that America had started to develop problems loomed • Political Parties • Disputes with Britain, Spain, France, Native Americans
Discussion Question #12 • Election of 1796=John Adams (Federalist) vs. Thomas Jefferson (Republican) • Federalists=NJ, NE, SC • Republicans=VA, MD, South • Swing States=PA (Republicans won) and NY (Federalists won) • Adams won by 3 electoral votes • TJ=vice president (rule would be changed eventually by the 12th amendment)
Discussion Question #13 • Alien and Sedition Acts=Protect National Security? • Federalists dominated Congress and controlled the White House in 1798 • 4 Parts • 1) Alien Enemies Act-Citizens of a hostile nation (war must be declared against the nation) could be deported or jailed if they posed a threat • 2) Alien Friends Act-President could deport any foreigner he deemed dangerous (no evidence needed) • 3) Naturalization Act-Increased residency requirements for citizenship from 5 to 14 years (reduce number of Irish voters) • 4) Sedition Act-Illegal to oppose any act/measure of the U.S. • What was the purpose of these acts? What role did politics play in the passage of the Alien and Seditions Acts?
Discussion Question #14 • Federalist John Adams vs. Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson • Upset over high taxes to support an army that was never used the voters elected TJ • Issue’s with the ballot actually left election in a tie with TJ and his V.P. Aaron Burr receiving the same number of votes • Went to Congress where Hamilton was able to get TJ the victory • First time in American history that power was peacefully transferred from one party to another