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Wordlist 37 A Game of Checkers. 1. Amend ( v .) Definition: to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document Synonym: modify, rephrase, alter, change Example: MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster. Word Family: a·mend·a·ble , adjective
1.Amend (v.) Definition: to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document Synonym: modify, rephrase, alter, change Example: MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster. Word Family: a·mend·a·ble, adjective a·mend·er, noun non·a·mend·a·ble, adjective re·a·mend, verb un·a·mend·a·ble, adjective
2. Apparently (adv.) Definition: used to say you have read or been told something although you are not certain it is true Synonym: evidently, ostensibly Example: Apparently it's going to rain today. Word Family: ap·par·ent·ness, noun non·ap·par·ent, adjective non·ap·par·ent·ly, adverb non·ap·par·ent·ness, noun
3. Commentator (n.) Definition:a person who discusses news, sports events, weather, or the like, as on television or radio. Synonym: commenter, reporter, newscaster Example: a sports/football commentator. Word Family: com·men·ta·to·ri·al, adjective com·men·ta·to·ri·al·ly, adverb su·per·com·men·ta·tor, noun
4. Eliminate (v.) Definition: to remove or take away someone or something Synonym: remove, get rid of, abolish Example: A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate heart disease. Word Family: e·lim·i·na·bil·i·ty, noun e·lim·i·na·tive, adjective non·e·lim·i·na·tive, adjective pre·e·lim·i·nate, verb (used with object), pre·e·lim·i·nat·ed, pre·e·lim·i·nat·ing. un·e·lim·i·nat·ed, adjective
5. Ethical (adj.) Definition:morally right Synonym: morally correct Example: a medical procedure which most people believe to be ethical Word Family: eth·i·cal·ly, adverb eth·i·cal·i·ty, eth·i·cal·ness, noun hy·per·eth·i·cal, adjective hy·per·eth·i·cal·ly, adverb non·eth·i·cal, adjective
6. Grant (v.) Definition:admit Synonym: admit, accept, concede Example:to grant a request. Word Family: grant·a·ble, adjective grant·ed·ly, adverb grant·er, noun re·grant, verb (used with object), noun su·per·grant, noun
7. Lawsuit (n.) Definition: a problem taken to a law court by an ordinary person or an organization rather than the police in order to obtain a legal decision Synonym: legal action, legal dispute Example: Two of the directors brought (US usually filed) a lawsuit against their former employer. Word Family:
8.Legendary (adj.) Definition: very famous and admired or spoken about Synonym: famous, celebrated, famed Example: He became editor of the legendary Irish journal 'The Bell'. Word Family: leg·end·ar·i·ly, adverb pre·leg·end·ar·y, adjective pseu·do·leg·end·ar·y, adjective qua·si-leg·end·ar·y, adjective sem·i·leg·end·ar·y, adjective
9. Levy (v.) Definition: to impose Synonym: impose, demand Example: A new tax was levied on consumers of luxury goods. Word Family: re·lev·y, verb (used with object), re·lev·ied, re·lev·y·ing. self-lev·ied, adjective un·lev·ied, adjective
10. Perceive (v.) Definition: to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something Synonym: recognize, deduce, ascertain Example: How do the French perceive the British? Word Family: per·ceiv·ed·ly, adverb per·ceiv·ed·ness, noun per·ceiv·er, noun per·ceiv·ing·ness, noun non·per·ceiv·ing, adjective
11. Pressing (adj.) Definition: urgent or needing to be dealt with immediately Synonym: urgent, critical, crucial Example: The most pressing question is what do we do next? Word Family: press·ing·ly, adverb press·ing·ness, noun non·press·ing, adjective
12. Priceless (adj.) Definition: having a value beyond all price; invaluable Synonym: irreplaceable, precious, costly, incomparable. Example: A priceless collection of vases was destroyed. Word Family: price·less·ness, noun
13. Riot (n.) Definition: a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public meeting Synonym: uproar, rampage Example: Inner-city riots erupted when a local man was shot by police. Word Family: ri·ot·er, noun an·ti·ri·ot, adjective, noun coun·ter·ri·ot·er, noun non·ri·ot·er, noun non·ri·ot·ing, adjective
14.Spark (v.) Definition: to kindle, animate, or stimulate Synonym: cause, lead, initiate Example: These bright students have sparked her enthusiasm for teaching. Word Family: spark·less, adjective spark·less·ly, adverb spark·like, adjective
15. Thoroughness (n.) Definition: attentiveness Synonym: care, carefulness Example: I was impressed by the thoroughness of the report. Word Family: