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Evolution of Player Markets: Understanding Motivations and Market Changes

Discover what motivates players and influences game development, examining geographics, demographics, and psychographics in player markets. Learn about player generations and market differences in countries like the US, South Korea, Japan, China, and Germany. 8 Relevant

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Evolution of Player Markets: Understanding Motivations and Market Changes

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  1. Game Development Essentials: An Introduction Third Edition

  2. Chapter 4Player Elementswho plays and why?

  3. ■ What motivates people to play games, and how does this affect the types of games that are developed? ■ What is the difference between geographics, demographics, and psychographics? ■ How has the player market changed over time? ■ What is the difference between the United States and other geographic markets such as South Korea, Japan, China, and Germany? ■ What are the different generations of players in the United States? Key Chapter Questions

  4. Nintendo Player MotivationSocial Interaction

  5. Player MotivationPhysical Seclusion iStock Photo

  6. Player MotivationCompetition Midway Games Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

  7. Player MotivationKnowledge 3 Blokes Studios Brainiversity 2

  8. Player MotivationMastery Midway Games Guitar Hero III

  9. Player MotivationEscapism Take- Two Interactive Borderlands

  10. Player MotivationAddiction 505 Games Playwize Poker & Casino

  11. JN JN Geographics South Korea Japan China Germany JN JN

  12. Diagram by Per Olin PsychographicsVALS Psychotypes The VALS survey analyzes consumers based on psychographic dimensions related to motivation and resources. (Source: Strategic Business Insights.)

  13. PsychographicsMyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Diagram by Per Olin Preferences on each scale of the MBTI instrument combine to yield a four-letter psychological type [e.g., ISFJ, ENTP]. (Source: Myers & Briggs Foundation, Inc.)

  14. DemographicsGender Getty Images jn2k108 (Photobucket) Early personal computer gaming was dominated by boys (left), but adult women gamers (including the Frag Dolls, right) now outnumber male gamers ages 6-17.

  15. DemographicsGeneration Diagram by Per Olin

  16. DemographicsGenerationBoom Generation (Born 1943-1961) Magi Tam The Journey to Wild Divine

  17. DemographicsGenerationGeneration X (Born 1962-1981) Eidos Valve Gordon Freeman Lara Croft

  18. DemographicsGenerationMilennial Generation (Born 1982-2002) Activision Three Rings Design, Inc. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Puzzle Pirates

  19. DemographicsRating Reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation Fable II

  20. ■ Game Market ■ Player Motivation ■ Geographics ■ Psychographics ■ Demographics ■ Applying Player Markets to Platforms, Genres & Goals Summary

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