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Retail Market Subcommittee Update to TAC

Update on linking ESI IDs to service addresses, data extraction variance, contingency plans, and reporting requirements. Recommendations for process improvements post MIMO implementation. Detailed overview of disconnect/reconnect task force recommendations.

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Retail Market Subcommittee Update to TAC

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  1. Retail Market SubcommitteeUpdate to TAC June 3, 2004

  2. RMS Discussion Points Multiple ESI ID’s link to a single-service address record (Update) Data Extract variance process contingency plan Disconnect/Reconnect process reporting requirements RMGRR 2004-003 Disconnect/Reconnect Process Guide (Vote)

  3. Linked Service Address Issue Update • Linked service address issue presented at April 8 TAC meeting • Market meetings held April 8 and April 21 where a course of action was set to identify and address potential problems • Detailed data provided to market, address matching methodology documented, preliminary analysis performed • Preliminary analysis by CRs suggests ‘potential’ inadvertent enrollments needing additional review of up to ~2,500 ESIs (from mismatch population of ~138,000) • CRs to complete analysis and determine ‘true’ inadvertent accounts and submit those through the standard inadvertent process via FasTrak. Timeline runs through the end of June • ERCOT made correction to physical database and TDSPs have completed submission of 138K 814_20 address corrections (done) • Three areas for process improvements recommended for discussion after MIMO implementation

  4. DEV Working Group Recommendation Contingency Play: A recommended revision to the ERCOT True-Up Settlement timeline was approved. Rather that one/day for the first week and three/day there after, the recommendation was for two/week until ERCOT had implemented a “bulk update” process to update ERCOT systems with all LSE DEV FasTrak rows that were timely submitted.

  5. Reconnect/Disconnect Task Force Recommendation • IV. Process Overview • Disconnect Process Overview • CR credit cycle reveals ESI ID population subject to DNP • CR performs internal validations prior to issuing disconnection requests • CR submits 650_01 for disconnection according to TX SET guidelines no later than one day prior to requested completion date • TDSP receives 650_01 transaction and performs validations • Upon successfully validating the 650_01, TDSP creates an internal service order which is routed and scheduled geographically to the appropriate FSR • TDSP completes order and responds to CR with a 650_02 transaction within one business day of completion.

  6. Reconnect/Disconnect Task Force Recommendation • B. Reconnect Process Overview • CR confirms customer’s satisfactory correction of reasons for disconnect • CR performs internal validations prior to issuing reconnect request • CR submits 650_01 for reconnection according to timelines outlined in Substantive Rule 25.483 (n) 1-7 • TDSP receives 650_01 transaction and performs validations • Upon successfully validating the 650_01, TDSP creates an internal service order which is then geographically routed and scheduled to the appropriate FSR to be completed according to the timelines outlined in Substantive Rule 25.483 (n) 1-7 • TDSP completes order and responds to CR with a 650_02 transaction within one business day of completion

  7. Reconnect/Disconnect Task Force Recommendation • V. Transaction Processing • A. Timelines for Transaction Delivery • Disconnect • For routine disconnect requests received by all TDSPs by 5:00 PM CPT, Disconnect orders will be scheduled for the next available field operational day * • Disconnect orders received after 5:00 PM CPT on the same day as the requested date will be (rejected except for CNP) • Any valid disconnect request received prior to the next field operational day will be accepted and scheduled by the TDSP *TNMP rejects for same day disconnects

  8. Reconnect/Disconnect Task Force Recommendation • Reconnects • Routine reconnect requests will worked according to the timeframes outlined in Substantive rule 25.483 (n) (1-7) • Priority or after hours reconnect requests must be received by the TDSPs by the following times: AEP: 3:00 PM for priority CNP: No priority Entergy: 7:00 PM for after hours SULP: 5:00 PM for after hours TNMP: 7:00 PM for after hours TXU Electric Delivery: 24x7

  9. Reconnect/Disconnect Task Force Recommendation A RMS motion was made to approve the Reconnect/Disconnect Process Guide as presented. The motion was approved with 3 dissenting votes. A second motion was made and seconded that the RMS approve RMGRR 2004-003 as recommended by the Reconnect/Disconnect Task Force. This motion was approved. RMS recommend that TAC pass a resolution to include RMGRR 2004-003 into the Retail Market Guide.

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