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Cultural Dimension Theory

Cultural Dimension Theory. What is cultural dimension theory?. This theory is used to understand the differences among cultures. How can we use this theory ?. It can help to understand the people…. …how they think …. …how they approach others.

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Cultural Dimension Theory

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  1. Cultural Dimension Theory

  2. What is cultural dimension theory?

  3. This theory is used to understand the differences among cultures.

  4. How can we use this theory?

  5. It can help to understand the people…

  6. …how they think…

  7. …how they approach others.

  8. Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source: http://references4u.blogspot.com/2012/07/hofstede-cultural-dimension-theory.html


  10. Summary • It is used to measure the equality or inequality among people in a society.

  11. Types There are two types: High power distance Low power distance

  12. Example: High power distance Respect for authority.

  13. Widesalary range from top to bottom.

  14. Everyone has specificplace.

  15. Example: Low power distance All have equalrights.

  16. Respect for individuality.

  17. Narrowsalary range from top to bottom.

  18. No sethierarchy.

  19. Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source: http://references4u.blogspot.com/2012/07/hofstede-cultural-dimension-theory.html

  20. Individualism - Collectivism THE STRENGTH OF THE TIES PEOPLE HAVE

  21. Summary It focuses on relationship between the individual and the group. Image source: http://www.healthinsurance.org/_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/faqs/2010/09/individual_group1.jpg

  22. Types There are two types: Individual societies Collective societies

  23. Examples Individual societies Collectivesocieties • Lose connection with people. • Loyalty to group.

  24. Examples Individual societies Collectivesocieties • Decision based on individual needs. • Decision based on group needs.

  25. Examples Individual societies Collectivesocieties • People taking care of themselves. • Dependence on organization.

  26. Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source: http://references4u.blogspot.com/2012/07/hofstede-cultural-dimension-theory.html


  28. Summary This is about relation between gender and sex appropriate behavior.

  29. Types There are two types: High Masculine societies Low Masculine societies

  30. Example:High Masculine societies Men are providers. Women are supportive.

  31. Example:Low Masculine societies Men and women are more equal.

  32. Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source: http://references4u.blogspot.com/2012/07/hofstede-cultural-dimension-theory.html

  33. Uncertainty Avoidance THE DEGREE OF ANXIETY

  34. Summary This is about fear to the unknown situation.

  35. Types There are two types: High uncertainty avoidance Low uncertainty avoidance

  36. Example:High uncertainty avoidance • People work wellwithin…

  37. …a structuredenvironment…

  38. …under strict laws.

  39. Example:Low uncertainty avoidance • People welcome freedom of opinions…

  40. …have few rules …

  41. …concern with long-term strategy.

  42. Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source: http://references4u.blogspot.com/2012/07/hofstede-cultural-dimension-theory.html


  44. Summary This describes whether gratification should be immediate or deferred. Image source: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-30/vast-pools-of-money-still-ignore-sustainable-investing.html

  45. Types There are two types: Shorttime orientation Longtime orientation

  46. Example:Short time orientation The society values traditional methods.

  47. Example: Long time orientation The society values thrift and perseverance.

  48. List of References • Demowaiyan. Retrieved on April 10, 2013, from http://www.demowaiyan.org/2013/03/blog-post_21.html • Douglas S. W. (2013). Leveraging Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory to Improve the Quality of Information Operations. Retrieved on June 25, 2013, from http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/leveraging- hofstede%E2%80%99s-cultural-dimensions-theory-to-improve-the-quality-of-information-oper • Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions. Understanding Workplace Values Around the World. Retrieved on June 25, 2013, from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_66.htm • Weeklyeleven. Retrieved on June 1, 2013, from http://www.weeklyeleven.com/local/mandalay-news-and-local/ By: Soe Moe Tun (111100119) Under Graduate Studies Program (Computer Science) Albukhary International University, Malaysia.

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