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BIG “SWEET SPOT” Party Guide! . You can use this PowerPoint Presentation to engage 10 or more people in having conversations around the four global questions!
BIG “SWEET SPOT” Party Guide! • You can use this PowerPoint Presentation to engage 10 or more people in having conversations around the four global questions! • Simply review the slides below now. Gather all materials needed before the event. Modify the slides below as necessary. Then, use the slides as your guide during the conversation. • Note, the timelines for activities in these slides are set for a game atmosphere (fast paced!). If you’d like to slow down the conversations, add a few minutes to each respective activity. • If you are interested in hosting a big “Sweet Spot” party with music, art, or other fun activities please contact us at dominguezmeza@msn.com so we can support you in your efforts!!
Materials You Need for Party • 1 worksheet per group *download Big Party Worksheet at www.abigproject.org/party_guides • 1 large piece of paper or 4 regular pieces of paper per group *chart paper or butcher paper laid out on the table is ideal • 1 watch, timer, or clock *a stopwatch is ideal. • Lots of small stickers (20 stickers per person) *sticky dots found at many office supply stores are ideal. Note: everyone from party will be split up into smaller groups of 3, 4 or 5 people. So estimate the number of groups based on the total number you think are coming divided by 4. Additional materials to consider • Bell or Alarm • Music • Art • Food & Drinks • Nametags • Copies of Conversation Guidelines for each group • Computers with Internet access so people can submit their answers at the party! • Camera and video camera to document event *Photographs and videos will be included in A Big Project video and website! Just send to video@abigproject.org.
“SWEET SPOT” Party!! <<Enter Your City and Location Here>> That place where, in spite of all of our differences, we all agree the world could be better. “SWEET SPOT”
A one year project to explore where all of our visions for a better world overlap. Expressing that common understanding of a better world through art and music. Inspiring faster movement towards a world we all feel better about living in.
Goal for Conversation Come up with top answers for the following four questions.
4 Global Questions If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had an opportunity to re-create the world: • What would you NOT want to continue from this world? • What WOULD you want to continue from this world? • What could people do differently to help us get to that world? • What is one thing you and your friends are willing to do to differently?
Conversation Guidelines • Respect people’s opinions (Even if you don’t agree with them) • Assume good intentions • All answers must be INCLUSIVE!! (Answers should focus on making a better world for ALL! Any answers which are divisive or exclude any person or group of people will be omitted from the analysis.) • Ensure all voices are heard. (No one or a few people should be dominating the conversation.)
Process for Conversations Each question will have three parts: • Brainstorming • Group Polling • Consensus-building
Conversation Process • The Party Host will walk you through each question, explain the process, and give you a time limit. • When you hear the music, it means you have 1 minute left. • When you hear the bell…it means please stop conversation. • If you absolutely need 1 or 2 minutes more, put up one or two fingers to say you need one or two minutes more. • If you have a question about process, raise your hand.
Guidelines for Conversations • Break out into groups of 3, 4 or 5. • Introduce yourselves to others in your group. • Make sure you have all the materials. Each group should have: • Markers and chart paper to brainstorm ideas. • Worksheet for final answers. • Stickers (20 per person)
Choose a Role • Each person will take on one role during the conversation. • 1 Time keeper – ensures conversations end on time. • 1 Recorder – writes down main concepts of answers on paper in large letters. • 1 Delegate – writes down all final answers on worksheet and submits final answers online! • 2-4 Party Culture Keepers – ensures that the conversations remain positive, respectful and conversation guidelines are being followed. • Discuss which role you would like to take on now!! (3 Minutes to Introduce Yourself and Decide!)
Question 1: If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had the opportunity to recreate the world: what would you NOT want to continue? Task 1: BRAINSTORM (5 minutes) • Take one minute in your own head to consider your answers to the question. • Then say aloud all answers you can think of (big and small) • Use a Brainstorm format (Do not judge, advocate for or question any of the responses at this point.) • Recorders, write down people’s answers on the chart paper. • Time Keepers, keep the group 5 minutes, and let them know when time is running low. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation.
Question 1: If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had the opportunity to recreate the world: what would you NOT want to continue? Task 2: Do a Weighted Poll (3 minutes) • Each participant, take 5 stickers from the table. • Do not put them on other people. • Do consider which answers to question 1 you believe are MOST important to making the world a better place. • Place the stickers on the answers you believe are most important. • You can put all five stickers on one answer, one sticker on five answers, or spread them out. YOU DECIDE WHERE AND HOW TO PLACE YOUR STICKERS! • Try not to cover the answers up with the stickers. • Time Keepers, give the group 3 minutes to complete this task. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation.
Question 1: If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had the opportunity to recreate the world: what would you NOT want to continue? Task 3: Come to consensus on TOP FIVE ANSWERS (5 minutes) • Look at where the majority of dots are! • Determine which of the responses have the most energy – the most stickers. • Work with group to try and agree on the top 5 (or less) final answers to the question. To do this you can: • Group answers together (into larger categories) • Advocate for and discuss answers. • Modify answers • Vote • Anything else that will get you to consensus!! • All FINAL ANSWERS SHOULD BE 10 WORDS OR LESS! Note: If you cannot come to consensus on top 5 answers, or you cannot condense responses to 10 words or less. That’s ok. You can include additional information in the details section. • Time Keepers, give the group 7 minutes to complete this task. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guildelines and engages in respectful conversation. • Delegates, write down the final answers on the worksheet provided!
Congrats! YOU’VE COMPLETED QUESTION #1. We are going to use the same process for questions #2 and #3. A little faster though.
Question 2: If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had the opportunity to recreate the world: what WOULD you want to continue from this world? Task 1: BRAINSTORM (4 minutes) • Take one minute in your own head to consider your answers to the question. • Then say aloud all answers you can think of (big and small) • Use a Brainstorm format (Do not judge, advocate for, or question any of the responses at this point.) • Recorders, write down people’s answers on the chart paper. • Time Keepers, keep the group 4 minutes, and let them know when time is running low. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation.
Question 2: If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had the opportunity to recreate the world: what WOULD you want to continue from this world? Task 2: Do a Weighted Poll (2 minutes) • Each participant find and take 5 stickers. • Do not put them on other people. • Do consider which answers to question 1 you believe are MOST important to making the world a better place. • Place the stickers on the answers you believe are most important. • You can put all five stickers on one answer, one sticker on five answers, or spread them out. YOU DECIDE WHERE AND HOW TO PLACE YOUR STICKERS! • Try not to cover the answers up with the stickers. • Time Keepers, give the group 2 minutes to complete this task. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation.
Question 2: If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had the opportunity to recreate the world: what WOULD you want to continue from this world? Task 3: Come to consensus on TOP FIVE ANSWERS (4 minutes) • Look at where the majority of dots are! • Determine which of the responses have the most energy – the most stickers. • Work with group to try and agree on the top 5 (or less) final answers to the question. To do this you can: • Group answers together (into larger categories) • Advocate for and discuss answers. • Modify answers • Vote • Anything else that will get you to consensus!! • All FINAL ANSWERS SHOULD BE 10 WORDS OR LESS! Note: If you cannot come to consensus on top 5 answers, or you cannot condense responses to 10 words or less. That’s ok. You can include additional information in the details section. • Time Keepers, give the group 4 minutes to complete this task. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guildelines and engages in respectful conversation. • Delegates, write down the final answers on the worksheet provided!
Congrats! YOU’VE COMPLETED QUESTIONS 1 & 2. We are going to use the same process for questions #3. A little faster this time.
Question 3: If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had the opportunity to recreate the world: what WOULD people need to do to get to that world? Task 1: BRAINSTORM (3 minutes) • Take one minute in your own head to consider your answers to the question. • Then say aloud all answers you can think of (big and small) • Use a Brainstorm format (Do not judge, advocate for, or question any of the responses at this point.) • Recorders, write down people’s answers on the chart paper. • Time Keepers, keep the group 3 minutes, and let them know when time is running low. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation.
Question 3: If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had the opportunity to recreate the world: what WOULD people need to do to get to that world? Task 2: Do a Weighted Poll (1 minute) • Each participant take 5 stickers. • Do not put them on other people. • Do consider which answers to question 1 you believe are MOST important to making the world a better place. • Place the stickers on the answers you believe are most important. • You can put all five stickers on one answer, one sticker on five answers, or spread them out. YOU DECIDE WHERE AND HOW TO PLACE YOUR STICKERS! • Try not to cover the answers up with the stickers. • Time Keepers, give the group 1 minute to complete this task. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation.
Question 3: If the world as it currently exists were to radically shift tomorrow, and we had the opportunity to recreate the world: what WOULD people need to do to get to that world? Task 3: Come to consensus on TOP FIVE ANSWERS (2 minutes) • Look at where the majority of dots are! • Determine which of the responses have the most energy – the most stickers. • Work with group to try and agree on the top 5 (or less) final answers to the question. To do this you can: • Group answers together (into larger categories) • Advocate for and discuss answers. • Modify answers • Vote • Anything else that will get you to consensus!! • All FINAL ANSWERS SHOULD BE 10 WORDS OR LESS! Note: If you cannot come to consensus on top 5 answers, or you cannot condense responses to 10 words or less. That’s ok. You can include additional information in the details section. • Time Keepers, give the group 2 minutes to complete this task. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation. • Delegates, write down the final answers on the worksheet provided!
Question 4: What is one thing that you will do differently now to get to that better world? YOUR JOB IS TO FIND AN ANSWER THAT EVERYONE IN THE GROUP IS WILLING TO DO FOR THE NEXT 21 DAYS TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!
Examples of Commitments for 21 Days • Level 1 (Easy) commitment: Each member of our team will smile at 3 people who they don’t know, every day for 21 Days. • Level 2 (Moderate) Commitments: Each member of our team will engage 1 person who doesn’t look or think like them in a conversation, everyday for 21 Days • Level 3 (Hard) Commitment: Each member of our team will work everyday for the next 21 days to develop a recycling project in our community. • Level 4 (Very Hard) Commitment: Each member of our team will work everyday for the next 21 days to learn a new language. • *Note: Particular commitments can be easier for some, and harder for others. That is OK! Just be aware of everyone’s interests, experiences and feelings, and together make the choice that you feel is best.
Prizes! Eco-friendly prizes will be given to the groups with the most creative answers to this question!
Question 4: What is one thing that everyone in your group will do differently now for the next 21 days to get to a better world? Task 1: BRAINSTORM (5 minutes) • Take one minute in your own head to consider your answers to the question. • Then say aloud all answers you can think of • Use a Brainstorm format (Do not judge, advocate for, or question any of the responses at this point.) • Recorders, write down people’s answers on the chart paper. • Time Keepers, keep the group 5 minutes, and let them know when time is running low. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation.
Question 4: What is one thing that everyone in your group will do differently now for the next 21 days to get to a better world? Task 2: Do a Weighted Poll (3 minutes) • Each participant find and take 5 stickers. • Do not put them on other people. • Do consider which answers to question 1 you believe are MOST important to making the world a better place. • Place the stickers on the answers you believe are most important. • You can put all five stickers on one answer, one sticker on five answers, or spread them out. YOU DECIDE WHERE AND HOW TO PLACE YOUR STICKERS! • Try not to cover the answers up with the stickers. • Time Keepers, give the group 3minutes to complete this task. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation.
Question 4: What is one thing that everyone in your group will do differently now for the next 21 days to get to a better world? Task 3: Come to consensus on TOP ANSWER (5 minutes) • Look at where the majority of dots are! • Determine which of the responses have the most energy – the most stickers. • Work with group to try and agree on the top one answer to the question. To do this you can: • Merge ideas • Advocate for and discuss ideas • Modify ideas • Vote • Anything else that will get you to consensus!! • All FINAL ANSWERS SHOULD BE 10 WORDS OR LESS! Note: If you cannot come to consensus on one answer, or you cannot condense the response to 10 words or less. That’s ok. You can include additional information in the details section. • Time Keepers, give the group 5 minutes to complete this task. • Party Culture Keepers, make sure that everyone adheres to guidelines and engages in respectful conversation. • Delegates, write down the final answer on the worksheet provided!
Sustaining YOUR Commitments: Exchange information with the other group members. Check in with your group members every day for the next 21 days about whether or not they are implementing their commitment. Provide supportive, funny or endearing messages to help your friends sustain the group commitment.
Delegates Activity • Delegates: Please ask your friends at the table to help you fill out the demographics sheet of the worksheet! • Then, go a computer at the party or your home computer within 24 hours and enter the information into our global online database at www.abigproject.org/answers . • IF you cannot submit the data within 24 hours, please provide the worksheet to the party host, and ask them to enter the data on your behalf.
What’s Next? • Parties around the world through September 20th! • Analyze All Answers and Announce “Sweet Spot” • Call on artists everywhere to create BIG art and music based on ideas in “Sweet Spot!” • On December 20th (day before Mayan Calendar predicts shift to more humane society): set off a renaissance of art and music around the world expressing our common understanding of a better world.
A NEW SENSE OF HOPE & DIRECTION FOR GLOBAL PROGRESS Thousands, millions, or possibly billions of people will be inspired to find new ways to improve our world.
More info: • For more information on A Big Project, go to: www.abigproject.org • For information on Arts for Peace, go to: www.unafp.org