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Interim SCIM and STEP Implementation 2008 NSRP System Technology Panel Project

Interim SCIM and STEP Implementation 2008 NSRP System Technology Panel Project. Ted Briggs, Intergraph Corp. Mike Olson, Northrop Grumman Information Systems Ron Wood, Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Pete Lazo, Product Data Services Ben Kassel, NSWC CD. Shipbuilding Data Exchange Problems.

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Interim SCIM and STEP Implementation 2008 NSRP System Technology Panel Project

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  1. Interim SCIM and STEP Implementation2008 NSRP System Technology Panel Project Ted Briggs, Intergraph Corp. Mike Olson, Northrop Grumman Information Systems Ron Wood, Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Pete Lazo, Product Data Services Ben Kassel, NSWC CD

  2. Shipbuilding Data Exchange Problems • Proprietary exchange formats • Point to point interfaces • 3D geometry not linked with ship design data • AP 203/214 STEP geometry only Problem with commercial CAD translators for the foreseeable future. Addressed through use of standards Analysis Tools Shipyard CAD File Integrated Prod. Data Env. (IPDE) CAD Tool Navy Class Society Design Data Design Tools Other IPDE Design Data SNAME 2009

  3. Current Ship Programs SNAME 2009

  4. NPDI & SCIM • NPDI (Navy Product Data Initiative) • To specify the requirements for and drive the implementation of product data systems based on an open architecture having suitable functionality and enterprise-wide interoperability to support affordable Navy ship design, construction and service life support • Initial version of the IPDE Specification has been written and delivered to the Navy for review and comment • SCIM (Ship Common Information Model) • SCIM will codify the models developed and prototyped by the ISE Project under NSRP over the past nine years • It will be a separate document from the IPDE Specification being produced by the NPDI Project, but it will be referenced by that IPDE Specification • Full version of the SCIM has not yet been completed • Six of fifteen proposed chapters have been developed • One of the remaining chapters deals with Product Life Cycle Support and will be based on the results of the ISE-6 Project SNAME 2009

  5. Procurement MRP Ext. Application Other Shipyards Design Engineering Material Mgmt. Planning Construction Test Logistics Support Reqts. Mgmt. Collaboration Publishing NPDI Scope Integrated Product Development Environment (IPDE) Tool Integration Data Exchange IPDE Core Capabilities Product Data Management Product Data Access Process Control • Configuration Mgmt • Change Mgmt • Status Dep. Mgmt • Document Mgmt • Product Model Navigation • Collaboration Tools • Visualization Tools • Reporting Tools • Access Control • Requirements Tracking • Work Authorization • Reconfigurable IPDE Product Data Manager SNAME 2009

  6. Preliminary In Service Support Decomm. Concept Detail Construction/Test Milestone Reviews/ Decision Points IPDE/PDMs maintained by Maintenance Contractor IPDE/PDM maintained by Design Agent/Builder SCIM To External Systems/ IPDEs Archive NPDI SCIM SNAME 2009

  7. Panel Project • Purpose • To determine the feasibility of using existing AP214 translators with NPDI SCIM data to improve the exchange of early and detail design data, and perform an initial validation of the SCIM. • Benefits • Develop an effective interim solution • Develop recommendations for existing ship programs • Demonstrate feasibility of using NPDI SCIM to exchange design data for DDG-1000 program and Navy LEAPS repository. • Lay groundwork for adoption of SCIM • Initial validation of NPDI SCIM • Generate SCIM test cases SNAME 2009

  8. Panel Project (Cont.) • Scope • Develop linkage between AP 214 and SCIM file • Ship and Molded Form test cases • Structural test cases • Piping test cases • Deliverables • Test Cases • SPS paper – technical approach • Final Report – includes SCIM recommendations SNAME 2009

  9. Current Situation for IPDE • 3D geometry linked with CAD Attributes Shipyard Design Tools IPDE Translator XML PDM Attr CAD Tool Integrated Prod. Data Env. (IPDE) Attributes from PDM tool (Ship program specific) CAD Files Visualization Files Design Data CAD Translator Limiting factor – CAD translator No other way to extract 3D data Requires translator from vendor’s IPDE translator – usually XML based Relatively easy to modify AP 214 XML CAD Attr Attributes from CAD tool (CAD vendor specific) 3D Shapes SNAME 2009

  10. CAD Translator Example - ISDP STEP AP 214 File #1012=PRODUCT(':1440232005.m:1412:170347:40:',':1440232005.m:usr:avlpd609005_00','equipment',(#1002)); #1013=PRODUCT_RELATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY('item','',(#1012)); #1014=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_FORMATION_WITH_SPECIFIED_SOURCE(':1440232005.m:1412:170347:40:','equipment',#1012,.NOT_KNOWN.); #1015=PRODUCT_DEFINITION('','equipment',#1014,#1003); #1016=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE(':1440232005.m:usr:avlpd609005_00','equipment',#1015); XML Attribute File <ss_om_eqp comp_path=":1440232005.m:usr:avlpd609005_00" comp_tagx=":1440232005.m:1412:170347:40:" symbology="300:2:1:0:" class_name="VDequipment“ rep="4" macro_name="avlpd609005" macro_lib="avlpdmech03"> <ss_om_collector eqp_family="avtank01" eqp_partno="1CC97-LP-V-51401-18" eqp_partrev="000" p_macro="avlpd609005" nomenclature="Receiver, Storage" mac_name="avlpd609005" /> <ss_om_collector eqp_number="RAC-TK1" eqp_descr="AC_UNIT_REFRIG_TANK" unit_number="1440" compt_number="5-33-0-Q" sirobid="NULL" mark_user="double 0" sirid="81290-0001-1" system_name="RAC" zone_number="1440" /> <ss_om_cs matrix="doubles 16 0 -1 0 -39750 1 0 0 4200 0 0 1 7964.4 0 0 0 1" /> </ss_om_eqp> SNAME 2009

  11. CAD Translator Example - CATIA SNAME 2009

  12. 1 2 3 4 11 12 21 22 31 32 41 42 51 52 Geometry vs Product Structure AP203 or AP214 define shape using explicit geometry. SCIM defines product structure, design parameters, and the relationships between objects. SNAME 2009

  13. Interim SCIM Approach Commercial CAD Translator CAD System AP 214 XML CAD Attr Linkage between geometry and attributes CAD DB Interim SCIM Translator PDM System XML SCIM Transform proprietary XML data into SCIM format, adding additional PDM data SNAME 2009

  14. Technical Approach • All geometry is contained in AP 214 file • Externally referenced from SCIM file • Modify SCIM schema to add external reference • All product structure is contained in SCIM file • Ignore AP 214 assembly structure • Create SCIM file based on information in CAD XML file, CAD database and/or PDM system SNAME 2009

  15. Test Case Methodology • Define instance diagram • Defines key objects and relationships • Generate AP 214 file and CAD XML file • Hand populate spreadsheet with SCIM attributes • Generate XML SCIM Test Case File from spreadsheet SNAME 2009

  16. ISE Test Ship – TWR841 This ship is used to locate and retrieve torpedoes and missile drones. It has a maximum payload capacity of 42 long tons which includes the deck cargo plus full liquids, full complement, and normal stores. This ship was selected because it is in-service, has a complete set of drawings available for distribution, and is: Approved for Public Release: Distribution Unlimited. SNAME 2009

  17. TWR Molded Forms SNAME 2009

  18. AP 216 Instance Diagram Ship Global Axis Placement Principal Characteristics Spacing Table Moulded Form Functional Definition Moulded Form Moulded Form Design Definition External Reference SNAME 2009

  19. AP 216 Spreadsheet SNAME 2009

  20. AP 214 File STEP AP 214 File #112=PRODUCT(‘INGR_0005',‘moulded form',(#02)); #113=PRODUCT_RELATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY('item','',(#112)); #114=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_FORMATION_WITH_SPECIFIED_SOURCE(‘INGR_0005',‘moulded form',#112,.NOT_KNOWN.); #115=PRODUCT_DEFINITION('',‘moulded form',#114,#03); #116=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE(‘INGR_00005',‘mouloded form',#115); #474= B_SPLINE_SURFACE_WITH_KNOTS('port_mid_edge',3,1,((#458,#460),(#462 ,#464),(#466,#468),(#470,#472)),.UNSPECIFIED.,.U.,.U.,.U.,(4,4),(2,2),( 0.,1.),(0.,1.),.UNSPECIFIED.); #4418= EDGE_LOOP('',(#4338,#4348,#4351,#4353)); #4420= FACE_OUTER_BOUND('',#4418,.T.); #4421= ADVANCED_FACE('port_mid_edge Face',(#4420),#474,.F.); #4463= OPEN_SHELL('MF_twrhull_comp',(#4416,#4421,#4426,#4431,#4436,#4441 ,#4446,#4451,#4456,#4461)); #4465= FACE_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL('MF_twrhull_comp',(#4463)); #4467= MANIFOLD_SURFACE_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION('MF_twrhull_comp',( #4465),#111); #4470= PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('','moulded form design definition',#334); #6043=SHAPE_DEFINITION_REPRESENTATION(#116,#4470); SNAME 2009

  21. Summary of Findings • Demonstrated viability of approach • External reference mechanism will be incorporated into SCIM • Enhanced SCIM • Identified need to document geometry model • Project used AP 214 geometry • Triggered generation of fully expanded XML schemas • Identified need to better define mandatory attributes • Determined use of SCIM still requires access to ISO STEP documentation • Identified few minor discrepancies with ISO STEP models SNAME 2009

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