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1. Catholic Schools Youth Ministry AustraliaA 20 year strategic post WYD Plan
2. The ‘CSYMA Presentation’ is intended to enable principals, teachers, Catholic Education Offices and Catholic Church leaders understand the vision and make a decision about engaging the CSYMA process.
3. CSYMA Introduction Presentation
CSYMA – Background and Vision, Rationale and Foundational Principles.
Background Theory:
- Youth Ministry Definitions
- Catholic Church Vision for Evangelisation
- Religious Education Theory
3. Four phase model of formation ‘Catechesis Zone’:
Phase 1: Retreat and/or youth ministry experiences
Phase 2:Youth Ministry classroom curriculum pathways
Phase 3: Senior Youth Ministry Team
Phase 4: Beyond school opportunities – ‘Connect Program’
- Examples of Youth Ministry Pathways
- Examples of Youth Ministry Outlines
Other Key Focus Areas:
- Student Leadership Formation
- Family Retreats
- Service and Justice
- Accreditation for CSYMA Schools
6. CSYMA Support for Implementation
7. School-wide student and staff formation
8. CSYMA Overview Diagram
4. 1. CSYMA Background and Vision
‘A Home-grown Innovation’
The youth ministry model of formation has grown out of St Edmund’s College Canberra. It has been a programme that has been built systematically from 2002 to present.
Initially began as a Unit of study in Year 11 but expanded to include a four phase model in 2004.
2006 CSYMA Formed by Peter Woods, Fr Chris Ryan MGL and Br Matt McKeon due to growing demand.
2005 and 2007 senior student conferences.
Staff training conferences in 2004 and 2006 (70 participants over two days).
St Edmund’s planned, hosted and conducted Archdiocesan Schools WYD launch in 2007 with over 3000 students that was conducted by senior youth ministry Teams from SFX, SEC, Marist and St Clare’s.
5. CSYMA is a new organisation or Association endorsed by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in 2008 – ‘Commission for Mission and Formation’.
‘Catholic Mission Australia’ have recently agreed to be the key National Partner to this work and to contribute financially.
6. Endorsement
The Bishops Commission for Mission and Faith Formation endorses CSYMA:
‘The Bishop’s Commission for Mission and Faith Formation approves CSYMA as a post WYD faith formation and mission school initiative, working alongside other faith and mission programs throughout Australia.
It would be ideal for CSYMA to work in collaboration with the National Office for Evangelisation, Catholic Mission and the Australian Catholic Youth Council.
I wish you all the best for the work of CSYMA, and on behalf of the Commission look forward to hearing in the coming days and months of your evangelisation initiatives’.
Archbishop John Bathersby
Chairman, Bishops Commission for Mission and Faith Formation
The CSYMA Vision
To inspire and equip CSYMA Catholic Schools to respond to the Church’s vision for our schools being a place of evangelisation, formation and mission.
CSYMA works in collaboration/partnership with existing organisations involved in Catholic Schools.
CSYMA is a professional, teacher-centred organisation supporting those involved in youth ministry in Catholic secondary Schools.
8. What might a school gain?
An enhanced focus on evangelisation
Alignment with Catholic Church’s vision
RE Curriculum renewal
Staff vision and formation
School renewal
Student Youth Ministry led Team
9. Who is involved in CSYMA?
Schools as members:
St Edmund's College Canberra
St Columban’s College Queensland
Daramalan College Canberra
Catholic College Wodonga
Emmanuel College Warrnambool Vic
Marist College Canberra
St Clare’s College Canberra
St Dominics Penrith
Chevalier College NSW
Santa Sabina College NSW
Brendan Shaw College Tasmania
St Francis Xavier College Canberra
St Monica’s College Epping
St Patrick’s College Launceston
St Patrick’s College Townsville
Our Lady’s College Brisbane
Corpus Christi College WA
10. Organisations/members involved in youth ministry with Catholic Schools:
CEO Sydney/WYD Schools Coordinator
Disciples Youth Ministry Canberra
Remar Australia
Catholic Youth Ministry Canberra/Goulburn
WYD Cross Co-ordinator – Fr Chris Ryan
Youth Mission Team Australia
National Evangelisation Team (NET
St Mary’s Province NSW Christian Brothers
Catholic Youth Ministry in Tuggeranong Valley CYMTV
Catholic Youth Services Archdioceses of Sydney
CEO Sandhurst
Diocese of Sandhurst
Edmund Rice Formation Services
11. Rationale for CSYMA
There is an urgent need in Catholic Schools to promote a vision for youth ministry operating at the heart of a School. This was clearly captured recently in the letter released by the Bishops of NSW and ACT in August 2007 inviting:
‘…all those involved with our Catholic Schools to join us in ‘refounding’ or ‘revisioning’ our Schools as centres of the new evangelisation.”
12. Rationale (con’t)
Catholic Schools need to be practically supported in the development of School based faith formation programmes, including ministries such as senior youth ministry courses, family retreat models and staff faith formation.
13. Rationale (con’t)
The Youth Ministry Curriculum model within a Catholic School provides a proven systematic curriculum based formation in youth evangelisation. The four phases of the model are integrated into the heart of a School curriculum.
14. Rationale (con’t):
The World Youth Day Event in Sydney 08 will potentially ignite the faith of young people and staff in our Catholic Secondary Schools in a new way. We need to ensure that we have sufficient strategies in place for post world youth day or phase three – 2008 to 2028 - to train and equip our young people in ministry. CSYMA provides a model to achieve phase three in Catholic schools.
15. Rationale (con’t):
The drawing together of students and staff from across Catholic Schools provides ‘rich soil’ for formation. This has been particularly evident in events such as youth ministry training conferences and the launch of WYD Sydney 08 at St Edmund's College on May 11 2007.
16. Rationale (con’t):
The potential linking of Archdiocesan Ministry Workers and Team(s) into the CSYMA framework provides opportunities for better integration into an overall Archdiocesan strategy for evangelisation.
17. Foundational Principles for CSYMA:
Teachers and leaders of Schools are the key to youth evangelization of Catholic Schools.
A School needs to build a ‘zone for effective catechesis’ within a School.
Youth Ministry Training courses are needed within the heart of a School Curriculum to train students effectively.
Peer to peer ministry is the most effective form of evangelization.
The development of an effective leadership team overseeing youth ministry within a School is key to success.
Working with other Schools and linking with the broader Catholic Church is foundational to effective youth ministry.
The youth ministry model is essentially a leadership formation model for senior students to take up effective leadership roles.
18. 3. Four phase model of formation ‘Catechesis Zone’:
1. Retreat and/or youth ministry experiences.
2. Youth Ministry classroom curriculum pathways.
3. Senior Youth Ministry Team.
4. Post-school opportunities.
19. Four phase model of formation ‘Catechesis Zone’
Phase 1: Retreat and/or Youth Ministry experience
This is an integral part of the formation programme and provides an opportunity to present and embrace the youth ministry message and principles.
Key aspects for a Retreat/Youth Ministry experience include: Engaged Staff Team, Youth Post-School Retreat Team and youth ministry methods (ice- breakers, Drama, sharings, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Small Groups).
Retreat Teams include NET, Youth Mission Team and Diocesan Teams.
20. Four phase model of formation ‘Catechesis Zone’
21. Example Youth Ministry Pathway - St Edmund’s College CanberraYr 9 and 10
Yr 9
Sem 2
Yr 10
22. Yr 11
Yr 12
Example Youth Ministry Pathway St Edmund’s College CanberraYr 10 and 11
23. Phase 3 - Senior Youth Ministry Team Gather together in Year 11 and 12 for formation and ministry activities including
Primary Retreats
Easter liturgies
Family Retreats
Many advantages to a School in having such a trained group.
24. Phase 3: Senior YM Team
25. Phase 4: Beyond School
26. ‘Connect Programme’ Program Goals:
1. Explore opportunities for students in the youth ministry program to connect with the Catholic Church
2. Present a positive vision for engagement of students in the local Parish and Youth Movements
3. Provide opportunities for the development of Sacramental programs such as Confirmation and Baptism
4. Encourage young people to openly express their faith in a variety of meaningful contexts
27. Potential Youth Ministry PathwaysCatechesis Zone
28. Potential Youth Ministry PathwaysCatechesis Zone
29. Potential Youth Ministry PathwaysCatechesis Zone
30. 5. Other Key Focus Areas for CSYMA Schools Student Leadership Formation
Family Retreats
Service and Justice Models
Staff PD
Accreditation for CSYMA Schools - ‘Centre for Evangelisation, Formation and Mission’.
Support for Implementation
31. 6. CSYMA Support for Implementation
CSYMA School Based Process and Roles
Focused Support – Staff PD Workshops, Cluster Meetings, School Visits.
Materials – Guidelines (Retreats, Youth Ministry Curriculum, Youth Ministry Team)
Continuous Professional Dialogue
Leadership – Capacity Building
32. Key Roles in CSYMA School based CSYMA Coordinator (current or a new role)
Regional/Diocesan CSYMA Coordinator
CSYMA PD National Team
Board of Directors
33. Continuing Professional Dialogue Networked Exchange
Clusters of Schools
Facilitator networks
Website Development
Professional learning support and materials
Network contact details
Educational Teaching Resources
On-line discussion
Criterion for implementation:
The support and approval from a School Principal/CEO.
A key staff person (CSYMA Youth Ministry Contact Person) who is trained in vision and method of youth ministry.
Membership with the CSYMA.
36. For Further Information contact:
Peter Woods
St Edmund’s College
Ph. 62390 628