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Strategic Planning: Three-year Strategic Plan. Strategic Planning Committee Tamara Belts Clarissa Mansfield Dennis Matthews (co-chair) Andrea Peterson Paul Piper Rick Osen Elizabeth Stephan (co-chair). Strategy Change Cycle. Initiate and agree on a process
Strategic Planning: Three-year Strategic Plan Strategic Planning Committee Tamara Belts Clarissa Mansfield Dennis Matthews (co-chair) Andrea Peterson Paul Piper Rick Osen Elizabeth Stephan (co-chair)
Strategy Change Cycle • Initiate and agree on a process • Identify organizational mandates • Clarify mission and values • SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) • Identify strategic issues facing organization • Formulate strategies to manage these issues • Review and adopt Strategic Plan • Establish an effective organizational vision • Develop an effective implementation process • Reassess periodically
Phase 1: Planning/Gathering • Time line • Mission and Values • Identifying Stakeholders • Compile data • SWOT Analysis • (Strategic Plan Cycles: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Time Line (Phase 1) Phase 1 Planning/Gathering: Summer 2008-through December 2008 Phase 2 Data Analysis: December 2008-March 2009 Phase 3 Presentation: Spring Quarter 2009 Phase 4 Implementation: Summer 2009
Mission and Values (Phase 1) Western Libraries connects—people to place, people to people, people to learning. • Place—both the physical and virtual presence of our library. We encourage learning, collaboration, and community through our environment. • People—the Western Community and everyone we serve. • Learning—the promotion of critical thinking, and information literacy. The library provides access to the information and resources necessary to the learning process. Values • We reach for excellence in performance and relationships. We strive for integrity, trust, and respect for each other and those we serve. • We embrace the challenges of the evolving landscape as opportunities for the future, and we honor the traditional roles of academic libraries. • We protect intellectual freedom and provide non-judgmental service. • We promote diversity and provide equal and open access. • We are integral to the teaching and learning process. • We respond to the needs of our users.
Identifying Stakeholders (Phase 1) Main stakeholders • Faculty • Students • Employees • Campus partners • i.e., University departments, organizations
Data (almost complete) & SWOT (ongoing) • SWOT Retreat, October 29 • Strengths/Weaknesses: Primarily internal data; looked over info from Chris' interviews • Opportunities/Weaknesses: Primarily external data; looked over compiled data, found out we needed more feedback from faculty • Faculty survey created and distributed • Data broken down into main categories, SWOT identified for each category: • Draft posted to Intranet: http://intranet.library.wwu.edu/system/files/swot.pdf Most data has been compiled and posted to the intranet. • Service • Collections • Funding • Findability • Outreach • Organizational Environment • Space • Instruction • Partnerships (on and off campus) • Accountability/Assessment
Data Analysis (Phase 2) Identify themes and form Planning Groups • Seven groups have been formed to address themes identified by the SWOT and the Mission Statement • Inviting and welcoming physical space; findability (layout) (people to place) • Inviting and welcome virtual space; findability (web) (people to place) • Organizational development (people to people) • Outreach/Marketing (people to people) • Instruction (people to learning) • Collections (people to learning) • Digitization (people to learning) • Volunteers from within the library were asked to identify which groups they wanted to work with • Possible group members were solicited by SPC from both inside and outside of the library due to knowledge they had on specific topics relating to the themes
Data Analysis, cont. (Phase 2) • Distributing data, January 2009 • Planning Groups will use data to develop Objectives and Strategic Initiative • Planning Groups report findings to library for discussion, March 2009 • Strategic Planning Committee gathers information from Planning Groups and write report March/April • (Strategic Plan Cycles: 4, 5, 6, 7)
Phase 3:Presentation (Spring Quarter 2009) Present rough draft to stakeholders Feedback Revisions Phase 4: Implementation (Summer 2009) Form committee to implement plan Review of process by strategic planning committee Phases 3 and 4 Direct questions or comments to Library Dean Chris Cox