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From Socrates to Sartre:

From Socrates to Sartre:. The Effectiveness of the Dialectic Method M. A. Cooksey, Senior Lecturer in Humanities Indiana University East. The Effectiveness of the Dialectic Method. Historical Perspective and Personalities Past Methods and Current Motivation

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From Socrates to Sartre:

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  1. From Socrates to Sartre: The Effectiveness of the Dialectic Method M. A. Cooksey, Senior Lecturer in Humanities Indiana University East

  2. The Effectiveness of the Dialectic Method • Historical Perspective and Personalities • Past Methods and Current Motivation • Project Snapshot and Attributes of Application • Results and Reflection

  3. Socrates474 – 399 b.c. The grand daddy of the dialectic – but not the originator. That would be Zeno of Elea…

  4. Past methods • Scholastic (esoteric) • Academic (analytic) • Intellectual (rational) • Professional (synthetic)

  5. Current Motivation Pursuit of Active Learning Pursuit of Applicable Learning Intrusive Empowering Enriching Edifying • Immersive • Inspirational • Motivational • Transformational

  6. Project Snap Shot Logic and the flipped classroom: Instruction in an inverted curriculum

  7. The Dialectic experiment in curricular inversion began with a traditional introduction to Philosophy and specifically, Logic and Critical Thinking . The experience evolved to be a series of classes full of innovative presentation modes, interactive curricular-based activities, and face to face, individualized learning.

  8. The Researched essay The Study of Logic The Final Essay Project

  9. Results and Reflection • Positive Assessment Data • Evidence of growth over course • Increased probability of effectiveness of inverted pedagogy to obtain course learning objectives

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