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In The Name of God

Explore the sonoluminescence phenomenon in water and sulfuric acid, from history to hydrodynamics modeling, chemical reactions, and physical properties, with simulation results and experimental calculations.

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In The Name of God

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In The Name of God

  2. Comparison of sonoluminescence in Water and Sulfuric Acid Kh. Imani, M. Silatani, R. Rezaei-Nasirabad, A. Moshaii, R. Sadighi-Bonabi,

  3. History: • 1934Bath Ultrasound by H. Frenzel &H. Schultes(MBSL) • 1989 F. Gaitan (SBSL) • 2005 F. Flannigan & S. Suslick ( H2SO4)

  4. Physical and SL properties of some liquids:

  5. Why sulfuric acid ? Higher intensity Appearance of line emission in spectrum

  6. Hydrodynamicsmodel: Bubble dynamics: boundary condition of pressureand Van der waals equation of gas:

  7. Chemical reaction:

  8. Mass transfer at the bubble wall: The bubble contents is assumed to be: ( Nobel gas+H2O+ Reaction products ) 14/17

  9. Heat transfer at the bubble wall: Conductivity coefficient : Heat Conduction

  10. Instability conditions of bubble: Diffusion Instability (D-S) Shape Instability (Sh-S) Bjerknes Instability (Bj.thr.)

  11. Physical properties :

  12. Simulation Results:

  13. With regard to computed phase diagrams, we chose the junction point (Pa, R0) of D-S curve with other stability curves

  14. Evolution of radius versus time in one cycle:

  15. Total Number of Particles:

  16. Number of H2O:

  17. Number of H2SO4:

  18. Temperature:

  19. Calculation Experimental • Troia, et. al, Ultrasonic • sonochemistry—13(2006-)278

  20. Thanks for your attention

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