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American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society. Active For Life SM Executive Director Training. What is Active For Life?. Flexible, 10-week team-based worksite physical activity program Team-based approach, with ability to set individual goals

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American Cancer Society

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Presentation Transcript

  1. American Cancer Society Active For LifeSM Executive Director Training

  2. What is Active For Life? • Flexible, 10-week team-based worksite physical activity program • Team-based approach, with ability to set individual goals • Receive a point for each minute of physical activity – counts toward individual and team goals • Participants, Team Captains, and Directors provide encouragement to succeed • Based on the Stages of Change Theory and the American Cancer Society (ACS) Guidelinesfor Physical Activity

  3. AFL Structure with Exec Director

  4. Executive Director Role • Highest role in the Active for Life (AFL) program • Suggested for companies running multiple AFL campaigns with multiple Program Directors (PD) (i.e., an organization composed of a corporate office and two satellite offices, the organization could establish an ED to oversee the AFL company wide campaign and PDs to implement the campaign at each satellite office)

  5. Executive Director Role • Receive the email invitation to serve as the Executive Director • Click on the Link or copy the link in its entirety and paste it in your browser, press return/enter

  6. Complete the Invitation Process • If you DO NOT have an ACS Account, choose “REGISTER” • Click “Accept Invitation”

  7. Establish Campaign • Complete each field of the form and save (explanation of each field is on the following two slides)

  8. Campaign Management Fields • Name the campaign • Set the campaign start date -(date of the 10 week campaign) The Campaign Finish date will populate 10 weeks from the Campaign Start date • Post-Campaign Survey Deadline -determines how long you want to allow participants to complete the post-program survey • Program Director- select a user to be a Program Director or click Invite PD to invite a Program Director • Enhanced Campaign-If “yes” participants will be able to add a food tracker, weight tracker and/or BMI calculator to their personal dashboard. These tools are optional, confidential, not a part of the AFL reporting system and are simply provided as additional resources for individuals to use during their AFL campaign.

  9. Campaign Management Fields Cont. • Enable News- use 10 weekly newsletters as default news to display as weekly campaign news for participants to see • Enable Motivational Emails- If “Yes” users will receive automatic email messages supporting them to meet their goal or congratulate them for exceeding their goal. Individual users can choose to stop receiving these automatic emails by updating their profile. • Campaign Supports Bonus Points- Bonus points are determined by the company and are an optional feature to the AFL program. Bonus points are reported in AFL campaign reports. You or the Program Directors and/or Team Captains will need to communicate to participants what counts as Bonus Points in your campaign(s).

  10. Campaign Tools Executive Director Abilities Step by step instructions are available in the Help section in the AFL site Some examples of abilities are below: • Invite Program Directors, Team Captains, and Participants • Email Participants • Move participants • Edit User’s Physical Activity Goal • Change Team Captains and make Co-Captains • Manage teams and campaigns • Add or Manage Offline Users • Manage Campaign News • Select additional Survey Questions

  11. Campaign TipsExecutive Director Resources • Campaign Tips contains tips and resources needed to learn about AFL and implement successful campaigns • Some tips include: • AFL ED Training Manual • AFL Suggested Campaign Timeline • Access to our Print On Demand Site • AFL Best Practices • Access to ACS Podcasts series

  12. Executive Director Reports Executive Director reports allow you to see company wide, campaign, team and participant levels

  13. My Dashboard An ED must either be a Team Captain or a Participant on a team to have a dashboard. The dashboard is where the company message, campaign news, activity tracker and optional nutrition and weight tools will display.

  14. Help Features The Help Button is role specific and has step by step instructions on how to do common ED tasks. Each role in AFL has access to the Help button.

  15. Future Sign Ins • Each time you are ready to sign in to Active For Life, go to www.activeforlife.org • Click “Sign In” to access Active For Life • Do not attempt to sign in with your invitation link

  16. Executive Director Checklist • Invite Program Director(s) • Communicate the details about the Active For Life campaign and let people to know to look out for email invitations and/or direct people to the Join a Team button if applicable • Review optional survey questions and select if any are appropriate for your campaign • Prepare your optional company wide/campaign news • Join a Team!

  17. Need More Help?Contact your ACS Relationship Manager or activeforlife@cancer.org

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