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Grace Bible Church: Making Disciples, Encouraging Churches

Learn to understand and obey God's commands, face spiritual warfare, and strengthen disciples through biblical teaching and ministry. Follow the example of Paul in ministry and gather for worship and teaching to glorify God.

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Grace Bible Church: Making Disciples, Encouraging Churches

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. Encouraging ChurchesActs 20:1-38 How long does it take for someone to understand God’s commands & obey? We will be learning throughout our lives and will need consistent encouragement to obey

  3. Ministry in MacedoniaActs 20:1-2 The “uproar” – Acts 19:23-41 Many had become Christians The silversmiths idol trade was threatened The worship of Artemis was threatened The uproar finally quieted by the town clerk

  4. Spiritual Warfare Christians need not fear any form of spiritual warfare James 4:7 God is more powerful than anything Satan, demons or man can do – 1John 4:4 God’s power is seen in miracles & working through a pagan government official

  5. Third Missionary Journey – Ephesus to Corinth

  6. Strengthening The Disciples Instructing & Reminding them Romans 15:14-16 1 Corinthians 4:16,17 2 Timothy 2:14 2 Peter 1:12,13 Biblical preachers only repeat what the Bible says, not something new

  7. Ministry in Greece - Acts 20:3-5 Return to Troas

  8. Ministry in GreeceActs 20:3-5 Paul was bold, but he listened to advice Proverbs 11:14; 15:22 Paul’s traveling companions – vs. 4 Ministry takes many gifts, not just 1 man Teaching took place by example It multiplied Paul’s ministry

  9. Ministry in TroasActs 20:6-12 They meet on the first day of the week The church has traditionally met on Sunday in honor of the Lord’s resurrection 1 Corinthians 16:2 Romans 14:4,5 Galatians 4:10,11

  10. Ministry in TroasActs 20:6-12 Sunday is not the “Christian Sabbath” unless the individual regards it that way. Being licentious is as ungodly as being legalistic They were meeting in the evening after their work day When believers meet is optional, but meeting itself is not – Hebrews 10:23-25

  11. Ministry in TroasActs 20:8-12 Paul spoke for a long time – vs. 7 Eutychus fell and died – vs. 8-9 Paul restored him to life – vs. 10 They broke the bread & talked until dawn The boy was taken away alive – vs. 12

  12. From Troas to Miletus – Acts 20:13-16

  13. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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