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SOLAR ENERGY. GÜNEŞ ENERJİSİ. Solar energy is based on getting energy from sunlight . It needs technology . . Solar Energy. The biggest energy source in the world . An alternative for the fossil fuels . Used to produce electric or heat . Environmentally - friendly . Renewable .
GÜNEŞ ENERJİSİ • Solar energy is based on gettingenergyfromsunlight. Itneedstechnology.
Solar Energy Thebiggestenergysource in theworld. An alternativeforthefossilfuels. Usedtoproduceelectricorheat. Environmentally-friendly. Renewable.
Advantages It’s a renewableenergysource. It’scleanandthere is no dirtymaterialssuch as smoke, gas, carbonmonoxide, sulphurandradiation. It’spossibletoget solar energyalmosteverywhere whenthere is a necessity of energy. Sun is an energysourcewhich can be benefitedfromallcountries in theworld. Forthisreason, theenergydependence of thecountries can be eliminated.
Advantages There is no needthecomplextechnologies in manyapplications. Itdecreasestheexpences of companies. It’s a verysilentwaytogetenergy. There is no noise!
Disadvantages There is needtohavelargepanelsbecausetheamount of solar radiation is littlefor a unitcell. Theamount of solar energycan’t be controlledand it doesn’tdepend on ourdemand. It’snecerraytostore it becauseit’s not permanent. But thecosts of storage is highandlimited. Energyneed is highduringwinter but solar radiation is lowandmoreoverthere is no at nights.
TheUsageAreas of Solar Energy Heatingandcooling of housesandcompanies. Supplying hot waterandheatingswimmingpools. Heatingvegetableglasshousesanddryingagriculturalproducts. Solar ovensandcookers. Producing salt andfreshwaterfromseawater. Solar batteries. Solar pools. Heatpipes. Producingelectric.
References • http://gunesenerjisi.nedir.com/ • orhankural.net/wp-content/.../12/Güneş-Enerjisi • http://www.deviantart.com