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Information on web development, how web has dominated all technology.
Cbil360 DigitalWorkshop Introduction:TransitioningtoDigital Jay Ben Avner www.Cbil360.com
The digital revolution affects every aspect of our lives.
Moore’s Law: “The number of transistors on a chip will double about every two years.” Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder, 1965
We are moving faster and in a more economically efficient manner
The computer in your cell phone is by far cheaper and lot more powerful than any computer we had 10 years ago. They are an integral part of our daily life
The pace of change is fast and sometimes overwhelming.
More than 85million 1. 88.2 million consumers (47% of Internet users) plan on using online coupons in 2011 2. SearchesonGoogleper minute 3. Tweetsperday 4. Mobile searches per day
More than 500million Active users on Facebook 2. Songs downloaded through iTunes in 2011 3.Facebook ‘Like’ clicks per day 4. Smart phones in the world
6.5billion and growing are 1. ImagesavailableonFlickr 2. Cellphonesintheworld 3. Appsdownloadedfrom theiPhoneappstore 4. Thenumberofmobilewebpagesonthe Internet
1.5trillion 1. The total number of web pages on the Internet 2. Thenumberofmessagespostedto Facebookin2009 3. TotalvideoviewsonYoutubein2010 4. Totalnumberoftextmessagessentin 2009
Theinternet accelerates. The internet is no longer a new media The internet is the new economy.
GoogleTrendson‘facebook’ Source:http://www.google.com/trends?q=faceboo
Facebook, blogs, Twitter and customer reviews are considered the most effective • tactics for mobilizing consumers to talk up products online. • (Etailing survey of 117 companies, September 2009)
Nearly 49% of shoppers have made a purchase based on a recommendation from a social media channel; respondents most relied on the following sources when making a purchase decision: 60.53% user reviews; 20.48% comparison charts; 15.41% editorial reviews; 3.58% shared shopping lists. • (Razorfish, October 2008)
GoogleTrendson‘twitter’ Source:http://www.google.com/trends?q=twitter
GoogleTrendson‘groupon’ Source:http://www.google.com/trends?q=groupon
This rapid advancement in technology has transformed people behavior and has brought about tremendous disruption to the media channels that we’ve known throughout our lives.
We’re watching the newspaper industry struggle.
Measurable in real-time https://www.google.com/analytics/web/#dashboard/Q78PqmvVSmSLsCa6Z0hAiA/a11405426w24614917p23059874/
Consumers are changing their habits. Companies and retailers must reach customers with the right message, at the right time, at the right place, using the right platform.
You areherenow toevaluate if you should transitionintoadigitalworld? Does it make any sense not to take advantage of one of the greatest opportunities: The internet!!
We areshiftingfromatraditionalmodel of Print TV Radio
Andaremovingtoafullyintegrateddigital Ecosystem where everyone has equal opportunities Interactive TV Mobile Online retail Live reports Social networks Website News Print Microsite Email TV Digital Billboards Search Events Radio
Our discussions will center around this ecosystem and key factors
Asocialinteractioncomplimentsourdigital experiences Mobile Online retail Interactive TV Live reports Social networks Website News Print Digital Billboards Microsite TV Email Radio Event Search
In this expanding digital ecosystem, being a part of the digital space is a key component of the marketing mix. Should you participate?
Consumer shifttodigitalisbringinga significant changetothecompany environment.
It’s a fundamental change to our product and service offering.
It starts with your website http://www.gobiggi.com/templates.php
Westartedwiththetraditionalmodel: Office and store location
And because By 2014, 53% of total retail sales (online and offline) will be affected by the Web, as consumers increasingly use the Internet to research products before purchasing. (Forrester, March 2010)
We must participate in the consumer’s search http://www.gobiggi.com/templates.php
These changes take us out of our comfort zone. Away from what we’ve known. But it opens up incredible opportunities to innovate, to engage customers in new ways, and to drive real and fast business growth.
It’s an exciting time to be in this business. and the truth is Today, There is no other way to stay in business.
Would Your Business Go Down if The Internet Goes Down? Have no email No websites to interact No phone No office network No work! Because people are online 24x7
Have a successful day Jay H. Ben Avner jba@cbil360.com