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This draft outlines key infrastructure protection strategies, including edge infrastructure ACLs, device protection, and infrastructure hiding techniques. It emphasizes the importance of network security in safeguarding against external attacks. The document covers various mechanisms and techniques for enhanced security posture. The draft also discusses the applicability of these strategies to IPv6 networks and highlights the importance of considering multicast security measures.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. draft-lewis-infrastructure-security-00.txt Infrastructure Protection BCP Darrel Lewis, James Gill, Paul Quinn, Peter Schoenmaker

  2. Introduction • Infrastructure protection best practices • List of what is being done today • Expected beneficiaries are both operators and end customers • Draft is mostly focused on traffic to the network rather than transit traffic • Complements BCP 38/84

  3. Edge Infrastructure ACLs • Key for protecting the SP network from external attack traffic targeting the core infrastructure • First line of defense – commonly deployed and very effective in practice • Draft describes ACL composition and provides a guide to implementation

  4. Edge Remarking • Ensures QoS policy supports security posture • Advise edge remarking for ingress traffic • Ex. Prec 6/7 should never be seen on transit traffic

  5. Device Protection • Allows for aggregate security policy implementation for control and management traffic sent to a device • Used in addition to service specific security tools like VTY ACLs • Draft describes policy composition and provides a guide to implementation

  6. Infrastructure Hiding • Advanced technique for protecting core resources by denying reachability • You can’t attack what you can’t target • Draft covers multiple mechanisms • Use less IP • MPLS techniques • IGP configuration techniques • Route advertisement filtering and control

  7. IP V6 • This section discusses the applicability of the other sections to IPv6 Networks • Network infrastructure is enabled with this today • No new techniques

  8. Multicast needs love too • Often overlooked • Multicast requires different techniques from unicast • Covers techniques such as: • filtering protocol/data • Rate limiting

  9. Next Steps • Incorporate feedback from list on next revision (01) • Accept Draft as working group document?

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