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mBackup project

mBackup project. Project report Android Mobile Programing. Group Members. Hung Pham Danh Huynh Thuong Le An Le. 5. 1. 3. 2. 4. Contents. Introductions. Backup and restore contacts. Backup and restore images. Backup and restore SMS. Backup and restore system settings. 5. 1. 3.

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mBackup project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. mBackup project Project report Android Mobile Programing

  2. Group Members Hung Pham Danh Huynh Thuong Le An Le

  3. 5 1 3 2 4 Contents Introductions Backup and restore contacts Backup and restore images Backup and restore SMS Backup and restore system settings Android mBackup K15 Group

  4. 5 1 3 2 4 Contents Introductions Backup and restore contacts Backup and restore images Backup and restore SMS Backup and restore system settings Android mBackup K15 Group

  5. Introductions Android mBackup K15 Group • mBackup application for Android moblie phone • Android OS version 2.1 and higher • SD card support • Features: Backup, restore and schedule backup phone data of: • Contacts • Images • SMS • System settings

  6. Introductions Android mBackup K15 Group

  7. 5 1 3 2 4 Contents Introductions Backup and restore contacts Backup and restore images Backup and restore SMS Backup and restore system settings Android mBackup K15 Group

  8. Backup and restore contacts Android mBackup K15 Group

  9. 5 1 3 2 4 Contents Introductions Backup and restore contacts Backup and restore images Backup and restore SMS Backup and restore system settings Android mBackup K15 Group

  10. Backup images – Screen shot Android mBackup K15 Group

  11. Restore images – Screen shot Android mBackup K15 Group

  12. Backup Images - Solutions • Get images • Get all images on phone • Create “Backup Info file” • To save descriptions of backup file, include the path of each image • Create a zip file • A zip file contains: images + backup info file • Save zip file • Save zip file to sd card Android mBackup K15 Group

  13. Restore Images - Solutions • Get images from zip file • Base on “Backup Info file”, get info about backup version. • If restore type is “Merge”, keep images which are not in the backup file, and restore images in the backup file • If restore type is “Override”, delete all images which are not in the backup file and restore images in the backup file to the phone Android mBackup K15 Group

  14. 5 1 3 2 4 Contents Introductions Backup and restore contacts Backup and restore images Backup and restore SMS Backup and restore system settings Android mBackup K15 Group

  15. Feature Special Contact New Incremental Schedule Extend Backup Override Restore View backup Delete File

  16. Screen shot

  17. Solutions (Backup) Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://sms"); Cursor cur = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null); while (cur.moveToNext()) { String address = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(“address")); ….. }

  18. Solutions (Restore) Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://sms"); ContentValuesvalues = new ContentValues(); values.put("address", address); … getContentResolver().insert(uri,values);

  19. Demo Android mBackup K15 Group

  20. 5 1 3 2 4 Contents Introductions Backup and restore contacts Backup and restore images Backup and restore SMS Backup and restore system settings Android mBackup K15 Group

  21. System settings – Screen shot Android mBackup K15 Group

  22. System settings – Screen shot Android mBackup K15 Group

  23. Schedule for backup System settings Android mBackup K15 Group

  24. Backup System settings – Screen shot Android mBackup K15 Group

  25. Backup System settings • Issuse/Solution • Problem about asyntctask and roration when logingDropbox… • Some unknows error about elise Android mBackup K15 Group

  26. Q & A ???

  27. Thank You ! Android mBackup K15 Group

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