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The 1970s

The 1970s. Nixon Ford Carter. 1971 Betty Friedan March for ERA. Betty Friedan, 1970. Phyllis Schlafly: Pro - Life Anti-feminist. The Seventies. The Rise and Fall of Richard Nixon (1968-74) Domestic Policies : mixed

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The 1970s

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  1. The 1970s Nixon Ford Carter

  2. 1971 Betty Friedan March for ERA

  3. Betty Friedan, 1970

  4. Phyllis Schlafly: Pro - Life Anti-feminist

  5. The Seventies • The Rise and Fall of Richard Nixon (1968-74) • Domestic Policies: mixed • New Federalism – reduce the size and power of the federal government – power, funds, and responsibility will flow from Washington to the people. • Revenue sharing –federal government distributesd tax revenues to states and local govts. To spend as they see fit. Popular with conservatives

  6. Stagflation – 1970s • Stagnant economy + rapid inflation • Unemployment rose as in a normal recession but prices also increased at alarming rate • 1973 - Energy crisis – oil embargo against the U.S.

  7. Nixon’s Foreign Policy Record • Realpolitik – Henry Kissinger top foreign policy adviser, backed pragmatic approach • 1969, Nixon Doctrine – countries do more to help themselves: follows the Vietnamization of war in Vietnam • Support for Israel – oil embargo following Yom Kippur War • Détente with Soviet Union and China • Opens diplomatic relations with China • 1972 – historic visit to China • SALT – Arms Limitation Treaty, 1971 Salt I

  8. Nixon and Kissinger Open up China

  9. Watergate’s Legacy1972 break-in – resignation in 1974 • 1. Showed that no one is above the law • 2. Damaged confidence in the presidency • 3. Scandals lost their power to shock us • 4. Increased the power of the press – no holds barred as before

  10. Gerald Ford (1974-76) • 1974 - Gerald Ford president • OPEC raises oil prices • Ford –WIN, Whip Inflation Now, ineffective • High unemployment rate • 1976 – Jimmy Carter (Washington outsider) • Emphasized human rights – foreign policy priority in in contrast to realpolitik of Nixon

  11. Jimmy Carter 1976 -1980 • 1976 – Jimmy Carter (Washington outsider) • Emphasized human rights – foreign policy priority in in contrast to realpolitik of Nixon • 1978 – Treaty, returns control of Panama Canal to Panama in 1999 • 1978 – Camp David Accords, Jimmy Carter – a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel • Death of détente between U.S. and U.S.S.R.; 1979 Soviets march on Afghanistan • 1979 – 1981, Hostage crisis in Iran

  12. US SUPREME COURT • WARREN COURT (CIVIL / PRIVATE LIBERTIES) • 1962 - 63, School District of Abington Township v. Schempp • 1963, Gideon v. Wainright • 1964 Escobedo and Miranda • 1964, New York Times v. Sullivan • 1965, Griswold v. Connecticut • 1969, WARREN BURGER COURT • (By 1971- Nixon appointed four conservatives to the court) • 1973, Roe v. Wade • 1973, Allan Bakke v. University of California • 1989, Webster decision

  13. 1970 Milestones - Environmentalism • 1970 – First Earth Day celebration – a new environmental movement: awareness / legislation • 1972 – Clean Water Act; 1974 – Safe Drinking Water Act • EPA: acid rain source water pollution; cars have to reduce pollution • 1978 Three Mile island accident - nuclear generating station • 1987 Love Canal water – New York state, a chemical waste dump – high cancer death rate • ZPG – Zero Population Growth founded in 1968 – two children • Population ages and moves south from Rustbelt to Sunbelt – baby bust / retirement boom • Growing gender equality in workplace & politics

  14. 1970s • “Vietnamization” policy • 1970, invasion of Cambodia; Kent State + Jackson State • 1970, EPA created, Clean Air Act • 1973, Endangered Species Act • 1971, Pentagon Papers – Daniel Ellsworth • 1973-1974, Watergate Scandals and Nixon’s resignation • 1974, Ford assumes the presidency • 1976-1980 Jimmy Carter defeats Ford • 1978, Camp David agreement • 1979, Iranian Revolution; 1979-81 Iranian hostage crisis • 1980, Ronald Reagan elected president

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