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SUGAR UP. QUESTIONS. SLOW TWITCH MUSCLES Thin fibers Many mitochondrion Aerobic Many myoglobin Dark Meat Long Distance runs. FAST TWITCH MUSCLES Thick fibers Few Mitochondrion Anaerobic Few myoglobin Light Meat Sprinters, weight lifting. CONTRAST. Where are the bronchioles?.
SLOW TWITCH MUSCLES Thin fibers Many mitochondrion Aerobic Many myoglobin Dark Meat Long Distance runs FAST TWITCH MUSCLES Thick fibers Few Mitochondrion Anaerobic Few myoglobin Light Meat Sprinters, weight lifting CONTRAST
Where does the oxygen enters? Nose (1) and mouth (2)
What is located at #11? alveoli
What is located at #3? Larynx (voicebox)
What is located at #7? pharynx
What is located at #4? R. lung
Respiratory System • What is another name for the trachea? Where is it? • Windpipe and located below epiglottis
Respiratory System • The trachea branches into what two pipes as it enters the lungs? • Bronchi #5 and #9 • What are the grapelike clusters at the end of the small tubes in the lungs? • Alveoli (#11)
WHAT IS AT EACH AREA? C. D. E. A. folds B.
Intermembrane space (Fold)
H+ ions collect at “B” H+ H+ H+ H+
Where is the Krebs Cycle? H+ H+ H+ H+
“D” has the Krebs Cycle H+ H+ H+ H+ KREBS CYCLE
What is the difference? • Between calorie and Calorie? • calorie = heat it takes to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius • Calorie = 1000 calories
What is another name for… • The Krebs Cycle? • A. Calvin Cycle • B. Lactic Acid Cycle • C. Citric Acid Cycle • D. Pyruvic Acid Cycle • ANSWER: C
Which enzyme… • Grooms pyruvic acid so it can enter the Krebs cycle? • A. Lactase • B. Coenzyme A • C. Coenzyme K • D. Protease • ANSWER: B
What is cut off… • Pyruvic acid so it can enter the Krebs cycle? • A. oxygen • B. nitrogen • C. hydroxide • D. carbon • ANSWER: D
Which process… • Means “sugar breaking?” • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs cycle • C. ETC • D. chemiosmosis • ANSWER: A
What process… • Regenerates NAD+ so glycolysis can continue? • A. Krebs cycle • B. fermentation • C. glycolysis • D. chemiosmosis • ANSWER: B
1. Which process is the anaerobic one in yeast? • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs Cycle • C. Chemiosmosis • D. ETC • E. alcoholic fermentation • F. lactic acid fermentation • ANSWER: alcoholic fermentation
2.Which is the movement of H+ ions across ATP synthase? • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs Cycle • C. Chemiosmosis • D. ETC • E. alcoholic fermentation • F. lactic acid fermentation • ANSWER: chemiosmosis
3. Which is the splitting of glucose into two 3-carbon compounds? • A. glycolysis • B. Krebs Cycle • C. Chemiosmosis • D. ETC • E. alcoholic fermentation • F. lactic acid fermentation • ANSWER: glycolysis