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Project Management with XPrince

Requirements Eng. & Project Management Lecture 11. Project Management with XPrince. Jerzy Nawrocki. www.cs.put.poznan.pl/jnawrocki/require. „Trabrennen” in Austria. Software Crises. Loop. ate. L O O P. ver budget. vertime. oor quality. Loop is dangerous. The LOOP syndrome.

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Project Management with XPrince

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  1. Requirements Eng. & Project Management Lecture 11 Project Management with XPrince Jerzy Nawrocki www.cs.put.poznan.pl/jnawrocki/require „Trabrennen” in Austria

  2. Software Crises Loop ate L O O P ver budget vertime oor quality Loop is dangerous. The LOOP syndrome J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  3. Disciplined approach Requirem. 5 IEEE Std IEEE Std 4 Design IEEE Std 3 Coding 2 1 Testing CMM More discipline! ISO 9000 J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  4. Disciplined approach to project management Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE 2 1975: PROMPT, Simpact Systems Ltd 1979: PROMPT becomes a standard of CCTA CCTA = the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency, UK 1989: CCTA introduces PRINCE PRINCE = PRojects INControlled Environments 1996: CCTA publishes PRINCE2 J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  5. Too much discipline kills initiative and flexibility J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  6. Agile software development – 90s O K Working software Tommorow or never! Customer collaboration Responding to change People & communication J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  7. XP Extreme Programming (XP) = a lightweight (agile) software development methodology Tom DeMarco "XP is the most important movement in our field today." J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  8. XP • Interesting practices of XP: • strong customer orientation • increments & short releases • test-first coding • refactoring • planning game etc. J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  9. XP No silver bullet! Frederick P. Brooks IBM OS/360 Manager (1964-65) J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  10. Weaknesses Discipline (Celebrity ) Agility (XP) • Excessive paper work • Slow decision process • Low flexibility • Change-resistance • Assumption of on-site customer • Lack of written documents • Too short planning perspective J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  11. The solution Barry Boehm Richard Turner Balancing Agility and Discipline A Guide for the Perplexed „every successful venture in a changing world requires both agility and discipline” Addison-Wesley, 2004. J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  12. XPrince origins PRINCE 2 Rational Unified Process XPrince eXtreme Programming incontrolled environments XP J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  13. Presentation Plan • Introduction • Team Structure • Project Lifecycle „Trabrennen” in Austria J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  14. Presentation Plan • Introduction • Team Structure • Project Lifecycle „Trabrennen” in Austria J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  15. XP Team J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  16. XP Team Customer Tester Coach Programmers Tracker J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  17. Management Team in PRINCE 2 J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  18. Management Team in PRINCE 2 Project Board Senior user Executive Senior Supplier J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  19. Management Team in PRINCE 2 Report Project Board Senior user Executive Senior Supplier Plan Project Manager J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  20. Management Team in PRINCE 2 Report Project Board Senior user Executive Senior Supplier Project Assurance Plan Project Manager J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  21. Management Team in PRINCE 2 Report Report Work pack. Project Board Senior user Executive Senior Supplier Project Assurance Plan Project Manager Project Support Kierownik Zespołu Kierownik Zespołu Team Manager J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  22. Roles in RUP J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  23. Roles in RUP Project Manager Tester Architect Developer Analyst J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  24. XPrince Team J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  25. XPrince Team Prince 2 XP J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  26. XPrince Team Analyst=Client Prince 2 Project Board Senior user Executive Senior Supplier Project Assurance Manager = Coach XP Architect= Coach Kierownik Zespołu Kierownik Zespołu Developers J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  27. Presentation Plan • Introduction • Team Structure • Project Lifecycle „Trabrennen” in Austria J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  28. PRINCE 2 Lifecycle J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  29. PRINCE 2 Lifecycle J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  30. XP Lifecycle J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  31. XP Lifecycle Release 1 Release 2 Increment 1 Increment 2 Increment 1 Increment 2 J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  32. RUP Phases J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  33. RUP Phases Inception Elaboration Construction Transition J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  34. XPrince Lifecycle J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  35. XPrince Lifecycle CL SU IP Stage Stage Stage Stage J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  36. Summary At last! • Agile Allience’s Manifesto • Agility vs. discipline • Team structure in XPrince • Project life cycle in XPrince J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

  37. Questions? ? J.Nawrocki, XPrince (1)

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