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FAA NAS Enterprise Architecture Briefing Tying it Altogether

FAA NAS Enterprise Architecture Briefing Tying it Altogether. IEEE/INCOSE Meeting. Jesse Wijntjes. June 17, 2009. Objective. Purpose/Introduction Overview/Background EA Activities and Enhancements NAS EA Alignment EA Metrics NAS EA Portal Discussion and Wrap Up. Why Architect ?.

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FAA NAS Enterprise Architecture Briefing Tying it Altogether

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  1. FAA NAS Enterprise Architecture BriefingTying it Altogether IEEE/INCOSE Meeting Jesse Wijntjes June 17, 2009

  2. Objective • Purpose/Introduction • Overview/Background • EA Activities and Enhancements • NAS EA Alignment • EA Metrics • NAS EA Portal • Discussion and Wrap Up

  3. Why Architect ? • Enterprise architecture (EA) provides the structure to relate organizational mission, vision, and goals to business processes and the technical or IT infrastructure required to execute them • An orderly arrangement of parts; structure - a style and method of design and construction Stairs to Nowhere • System architecture relates requirements and the external world to system structures, including both hardware and software, so that the effectiveness of a system design concept can be communicated • Software architecture relates requirements, fixed system hardware, and infrastructure to software structures in order to demonstrate software effectiveness You’ll recognize these… Door to Nowhere But maybe not this…

  4. People Technology Why EA? Process Business • Improve the alignment of systems and technologies with the mission/business needs of the operators and the organization • Identifyduplication of effort in mission and IT expenditures and facilitate the reduction of investments where applicable • Address the need for increased efficiency in information exchange and interoperability • Provide a common language to facilitate linkages and communications between complex architectures & organizations • Provide a unifying approach to minimize the burden for the collection, storage, and access to data • Facilitateefficient identification of necessary changes and change implementation – identifies reuse opportunities • Helps provide a framework for managing change during spiral and evolutionary development • And, because it is a requirement from OMB and GAO

  5. The FAA has developed and is using an EA to manage the portfolio of investments The FAA’s EA aligns with the DoT EA and FEA The EA has two components: Operational Systems and Regulatory/Administrative The EA contains architecture products and views which describe the current NAS portfolio and the target architecture including the definition of the mid term The EA also contains roadmaps to describe the transition from the current portfolio to the target architecture The EA is aligned with the Agency’s goals and strategic objectives as well as the budget Enterprise Architecture – Aligning the Mission, Benefits, and Capabilities with Investments

  6. $  Mission  Services  Infrastructure • Regulations – CFR • < Title 14: Aeronautics & Space > • FAR • ICAO Convention • SARP • PANS Public Law – U.S. Code < Title 49: Transportation > Public Law – U.S. Code < Title 31: Money & Finance > • Mission • Appropriation President's Budget Dept of Transportation (EA) OMB FAA (Enterprise Architecture) OMB A-11 FEA Reference Models Regulatory & Admin EA National Airspace System EA Performance Business Mission / Benefits Service OMB Exhibit 300 Data Agency EA Aligns with FEA Technical Services / Functions Capital Planning Guidance Infrastructure / Systems

  7. NAS Regulatory EA Non NAS EA Overview - FAA Enterprise Architecture FAA EA JPDO EA (ATM) Jay Merkle NAS EA Jesse Wijntjes Terrance Horning Karen Kaye • FAA Enterprise Architecture (EA) has three parts • NAS - Activities that support Operational Air Traffic Services • Regulatory - Activities that support the FAA Mission • Administrative - Activities that support operation of the FAA • FAA CIO has responsibility for entire FAA EA - Delegates responsibility to develop and implement NAS EA to ATO COO

  8. AV-1, AV-2, OV-1, 2, 3, 5, 6c SV-1, 2, 4, 5H JPDO - NextGen – External Stakeholders IWP IWP IWP NAS EA Framework OIs/Enablers OIs/Enablers OIs/Enablers CONOPS (2025) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 + “As Is” EA / 2008 “To Be” EA / 2012 “To Be” EA/ 2018 “To Be” EA / 2025 Project Project (Tailored per AMS) Service Roadmaps / Operational Improvements / Capabilities AV-1 AV-2 OV-1 OV-2 OV-3 OV-4 OV-5 OV-7 OV-6c SV-1 SV-2 SV-4 TV-2 AV-1 AV-2 OV-1 OV-2 OV-3 OV-4 OV-5 SV-1 SV-2 SV-4 TV-1 Enterprise-level Requirements (SR-1000) Financial Forecasts 2014 + Financial Baselines Enterprise Enterprise Sub-Capabilities Roadmaps OV-1 SV-1 SV-2 SV-4 SV-8/9 TV-1 Infrastructure Roadmaps Service Unit AV-1 AV-2 OV-1 OV-5 SV-1 SV-2 SV-4 SV-6 SV-7 SV-10c SV-11 SV-1 SV-2 SV-4 Project Level Baselines Project Level Planning – Rolling Wave FAA –NextGen Operational Enhancements and User Benefits (Safety, Capacity, Efficiency, Flexibility) Near Term Mid Term Far Term

  9. Current 2008 NextGen 2025+ EA ViewsDescribe the Evolution of the NAS

  10. DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) All Views • Operational View • Operational View Identification, Scope, Viewpoint, and context of the Architecture • Identifies Users • Identifies Warfighter • Relationships and Information Needs • Relationships and Information Needs • Relationships and Information Needs Requirements • Requirements Information Exchange Processing and Levels of • Information Exchange • Processing and Levels of Processing and Inter-nodal An integrated architecture with three types of views… • Processing and Inter • Exchange Requirements Exchange Requirements • Levels of Information Levels of Information Basic Technology • Basic Technology Supportability and • Needlines and Requirements Needlines and Requirements • Supportability and New Capabilities • Systems Associations Systems Associations • New Capabilities • to Nodes, Activities, to Nodes, Activities Specific Capabilities • Specific Capabilities Identified to Satisfy • Identified to Satisfy • Technical View • Technical View Information Exchange • Information Levels and Other • Levels and Other • Prescribes Standards and • Prescribes Standards and • Prescribes Standards and • Systems View • Systems View Operational Requirements • Operational Requirements • Conventions • Conventions • Conventions • Relates Capabilities and Characteristics • Relates Capabilities and Characteristics • Relates Capabilities and Characteristics • to Operational Requirements • to Operational Requirements • to Operational Requirements Technical Criteria Governing • Technical Criteria Governing Interoperable Implementation/ • Interoperable Implementation/ Procurement of the Selected • Procurement of the Selected System Capabilities • System Capabilities

  11. Architecture Views Frame the Evolution of the NAS Ops Concepts NextGen 2025+ Current 2008 OV-1 System Architecture SV-1 Communications Systems SV-2 other EA views too…

  12. NextGen Key Capabilities Seven (7) Solution Sets address and deliver Capacity, Efficiency, Safety and Security benefits for air transportation operations NASEA Roadmap

  13. NAS EA Roadmaps Capture the Evolution Strategy Current 2008 NextGen 2025+

  14. Infrastructure Roadmaps Infrastructure Roadmaps are… Used to define the FAA’s plan for enterprise level system, sub-capabilities, and project evolution over time – updated annually It provides the integrated decisions and synchronized investments needed to deliver NextGen and evolve the NAS (technology, policy, strategy, training, procedures, research, etc.) Roadmaps for this year’s update are: Aircraft (Steve VanTrees), Automation (Chuck Romano), Air-to-Ground (Ron Stroup), Airspace & Procedures (Brian Holguin), Communications (Brent Phillips), Facilities (Chuck Dudas), Navigation (Dave Olsen), Surveillance (Jim Baird), Weather (Cheryl Souders), Enterprise Services (Mike Hritz), Human Systems Integration (Glen Hewitt), Security (Ken Kepchar), Safety (new for 2009) (Jim Daum), Airports (new for 2009) (TBD) Roadmaps capture decision points (and major milestones), assumptions, and dependencies Infrastructure Roadmaps mapped to sub-capabilities and to the NextGen Solution Set OIs for this year’s update Final products capture contributions from ATO service units, AVS, etc.

  15. 2008 Roadmap Enhancements New roadmaps – Air-to-Ground, Airspace & Procedures, Security, HSI, and Enterprise Services Broader participation - Human factors, Safety, RE&D, etc. Decision point reporting – revised framework and coding Integration of R & D activities – Roadmap Injection/Decision Pts (including TRL identification) Alignment of EA and Infrastructure Roadmaps with JPDO IWP OIs, OEP (NxtGenImp Plan) OIs & capabilities, and the service roadmaps – graphics and spreadsheets Addition of remaining sustainment efforts and legacy programs

  16. Research and Prototyping Efforts Reduce Implementation Risk for NextGen

  17. New Decision Point Attribute/Coding ### Decision Point (DP)/Commit Planning DP ### Higher Priority Decision Point Completed ### ### AMS Decision Points (IARD, IID, FID, BCD, ISD) IARD ### Policy ### Strategy ### Border colored red if also a critical DP ### Executive Level ### DP Owned by Another Roadmap

  18. Aircraft Roadmap (1 of 2) CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 NextGen Equipage Strategy 149 236 155 Positioning 151 GBAS CAT III 156 Modernized GNSS 53 176 244 226 GNSS/INS Comm. FANS 1/A FANS 1+/ATN Baseline 1 160 161 Data Communications VHF/UHF/HF 59 150 165 SWIM (Air) 152 1030/1090 260 52 254 ADS-B Out UAT Sensor 140 FID 143 MDCRS Enhanced Wx Aircraft Obs Evaluate lower troposphere aircraft Wx Obs 93 174 Wx Sensors & Implementation Wake Implementation ATDS Supporting Activities 159 RTCA 214 Standards for ATCData Communications Considerations for Mixed Equipage Safety 165 Airborne SWIM 161 140 Inter-domain flight object data security Using Wx data from airborne sensors to enhance aircraft ops.

  19. Aircraft Roadmap (2 of 2) CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Trajectory Management FMS—Manages Trajectory Based Operations Vertical RNP (Baro) TBO RTA 172 171 4DT Re-negotiation 170 54 Trajectory Optimization Conformance Monitoring 181 CSPO (RPATS/ADS-B In) 182 CSPO (PRM) D-TAXI/D-OTIS CTA ADS-B In Delegated Sep Alerting 192 Future CAS Strategy CAS 154 TAWS Future Terrain Strategy IID166 253 Control/Display FIS-B/TIS-B CDTI 252 167 173 EVS/SVS Auto-pilot and Auto-throttle for 4D Trajectory Operations Auto-pilot Auto-throttle NewAirframes UAS Trans-Atmospheric Vehicles Propulsion Reduced Engine Emissions Low—Zero Engine Emissions Supporting Activities Constrained Trajectory (single RTA)/ Negotiated Trajectory (multiple RTA)/ Delegated Trajectory 152 E-TCAS Research 172 CTA on Routes 170 Surface Movement NextGen Staffed Virtual Tower: Aircraft requirements for VFR vs. IFR services 167 TBO Participation for Non-AOC (High & Low Altitude) users

  20. Aircraft Roadmap: Assumptions

  21. Aircraft Roadmap: Decision Points (1 of 2)

  22. Aircraft Roadmap: Decision Points (2 of 2)

  23. Automation Roadmap (1 of 7) CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 DataComm Segmt. 1 DC Segmt. 3 DataComm Segmt. 2 IDAC CATMTWP3 170 159 149 FID304 * 216 ADS-B (Segmt. 2) ADS-B (Segmt. 1) IID35 29 165 FID158 172 263 FID74 218 FID128 130 IID59 IID88 SWIM Segmt. 2 SWIM Segmt. 3 SWIM Segmt.1 FID277 FID148 209 48 213 IARD33 112 4-D Wx Cube 4-D Wx SAS IID83 FID110 55 114 109 113 NextGen Far-Term Work Package C O N V E R G E N C E IID177 RAPT NextGen Mid-Term Work Package CATMTWP2 FID19 CATMT WP1 TFMS FID119 FID195 TMA TBFM TMA IID44 FID57 DSP TBFM/IES 199 DOTS+ ATOP/ Offshore Automation 338 ATOP NG OFDPS 67 FID202 IID201 FDP2K En Route Automation NextGen Far-Term WP ATOP TR ATOP 67 200 * FID31 IID75 FID111 MEARTS 118 43 IARD33 IID177 FID2 En Route Automation NextGen Mid-Term WP ERAM Program Baseline URET Post ERAM R3 Work Package R1 FID102 HOST * DSR 114 R2 * R3 HADDS FID102 ECG IID275 FID276 109 FID65 FID2 ERIDS * IID45 FID107 FID102 STARS/SL TAMR Phase 3 ARTS IE/IIE IID45 FID107 * FID102 ARTS IIIE IID59 TDDS TDDS TDDS 117 X FDIO FID20 EFS/TFDM1 AEFS TFDM2 Terminal Platform TFDM 3 FID20 EFSTS 114 ARMT FID30 IDAC Integration SMA IID115 FID46 FID102 AMASS IID35 TDLS IID197 FID198 FID21 SAIDS FID65 109 X ACE-IDS FID58 IID 32 22 Staffed NextGen Tower

  24. CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Flight Services Evolution Integrated Services and Capabilities Integrated Enterprise Solution DataComm (DCS) Segmt. 1 DataComm (DCS) Segmt. 3 DataComm (DCS) Segmt. 2 Automation Roadmap (2 of 7) 28 FID304 170 * 159 149 216 ADS-B (Segmt. 2) ADS-B (Segmt. 1) 29 FID158 263 IID35 172 FID74 165 IID59 218 FID128 130 SWIM Segmt. 2 IID88 SWIM Segmt. 3 SWIM Segmt.1 FID277 FID148 209 48 213 4-D Wx Cube 4-D Wx SAS IARD61 Wake Turbulence Sub-capabilities (Weather) FID40 FID87 FID129 AFSM Segment 1 (Tier 0) Basic Functions 150 FID125 AFSM * (Tier 1) Development WP1 * OASIS (Alaska) (Tier 2) WP2 FID14 * FID208 (Tier 3) WP3 207 DUAT(S) 306 AFSS CONUS AIM ModernizationSegment 1 IID203 FID204 AFSM Segment 2 [Facilities] AFSM [Voice Switch] IID126 FID127 AIMModernization Segment 3 IID177 IARD33 AIMModernizationSegment 2 IID 120 USNS FID2 FNS R1 FNS R2 FNS R3+ DINS IID120 FID2 FID122 NDS IID120 FID2 ADAM R2 ADAM R3 ADAM R1 CARF FID121 SAMS AISR AISR Future Briefing System FID121 SDAT FID65 Airport GIS OEAAA NASR 68 NASE FID206 IARD33 IID177 SITS R1 Security Integrated Tool Set – Work Package ADAPT

  25. CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Automation Roadmap: Supporting Activities—Initiate TBO (3 of 7) Initiate TBO Separation Management Supporting Activities Asia and South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions (ASPIRE) 67 FID199 Atlantic Interoperability Initiative to Reduce Emissions (AIRE) Separation reduction - 50 longitudinal miles in Anchorage Oceanic airspace 50 nmi Lateral Separation in WATRS ADS-B: Develop Phase III Rulemaking Project Record for approval ADS-B in Gulf Of Mexico Multi Sector Planner, NASA, RTT High Altitude Specialty – ATM/ATC Display & Cognitive Requirements Definition D-Side and R-Side Separation Management Enhancements Variable Separation - Probed and displayed FID31 TSAFE - Conflict Alert Improvements IID45 FID107 Initiate TBO Trajectory Management Supporting Activities FID199 Oceanic Trajectory Management 4-D pre-departure tool specification FID31 Point in Space Metering (TMA En Route) FID195 3D-PAM Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) 4D Trajectory-based demonstration Initiate TBO Capacity Management Supporting Activities FID31 Trajectory model upgrades to support RNP ADS-C Oceanic In-Trail Procedure Demonstration 67 Initiate TBO Flight and State Data Management Supporting Activities ICAO FP International Flight Object Demonstration Flight Object Specification

  26. CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Automation Roadmap: Supporting Activities—Terminal Flexibility (4 of 7) Terminal Flexibility Separation Management Supporting Activities STL Revised Wake Separation Standards WAAS 200 foot Minima Wake Turbulence Re-categorization IARD61 FID87 FID40 IID45 FID107 Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Arrivals (WTMA) Concept of Operation IID115 FID46 Wake Turbulence Mitigation for a Single Runway Concept of Operation Terminal Flexibility Trajectory Management Supporting Activities Limited Use CDAs: SDF, LAX, ATL Continuous Descent Arrivals (CDA) demonstrations [MIA, ATL] – ZON 03.00 ”Trajectory Management - EnRoute” IID75 FID111 IID275 FID276 Terminal Flexibility Capacity Management Supporting Activities T Routes/GPS Minimum en Route Altitudes (MEAs) ZON 26-00 “RNAV/RNP with 3D and RTA” Prototype Dynamic Management of Airspace Decision Support Tools FID121 Terminal Flexibility Flight and State Data Management Supporting Activities FID20 FID30 Prototypes for TRACON and ATCT Flight Data Management, Clearance Delivery, and Monitoring Expanded Traffic Advisory Services Using Digital Traffic Data (Nationwide)

  27. CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 High Density Airport (HAD) Capacity and Efficiency Improvement Project Automation Roadmap: Supporting Activities—High-Density Ops (5 of 7) High-Density Ops Separation Management Supporting Activities Electronic Flight Strip Demonstrations FID20 FID30 Automation Requirements for Closely-Spaced Parallel Runway Operations Multi Sensor Processing - Radar High-Density Ops Trajectory Management Supporting Activities Three-Dimensional Path Arrival Management (3D-PAM) [DEN] Tailored Arrivals demonstration [MIA] High Density Airport Time-based RNAV/RNP Demonstration IID75 FID111 En-Route TBFM Procedures Integrated Surface Data (ATL, ORD, JFK) IID275 FID276 ATM Requirements for High-Density TBO NASA/FAA Surface RTT Research IID115 Initial Surface TBO Demonstration at MEM Demonstrate Advanced Surface TBO Capabilities at MCO, SDF, and Other Sites High-Density Ops Capacity Management Supporting Activities Recommend 1 or 2 test field locations and define automation alternatives IID44 FID57 272 IID75 FID111 Predictive Weather Demonstration [DAB] IID275 FID276 FID195 Requirements for Multi-Center Time Based Flow Metering

  28. CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ICAO FP Automation Roadmap: Supporting Activities—Improve CATM (6 of 7) Improve CATM Flow Contingency Management Supporting Activities Airspace Flow Program Integrated Surface Data (ATL, ORD, JFK) Re-Route Impact Assessment and Resolution Execution of Flow Strategies Requirements for Surface Information into the Strategic Flow IID115 FID46 Improve CATM Capacity Management Supporting Activities Dynamic Airspace Management (Flexible dynamic airspace, ARMS) FID121 Advanced Methods for TFM Improve CATM Flight and State Data Management Supporting Activities International Flight Object Demonstration Flight Object Specification FID121 OGC/OWS-6 Feasibility Study Requirements for Enhanced SAR Coordination Services Interactive Flight Planning and Briefing - Specialist Collaboration Flight Services Data Push to Cockpit Demonstrations FID208 Common Status and Structure Data: i.e. NOTAM, SUA, LOAs, Runway Configuration FID121 Implement Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM)

  29. Automation Roadmap: Supporting Activities—Convergence & Other (7 of 7) CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 55 112 Decision to purchase the same radar console for multiple systems, in lieu of independent technical refreshes. Decision for common Terminal and EnRoute R-side display (e.g., hardware and software) 114 Decision for common display (e.g., H/W and S/W platforms) of electronic flight data for En Route and Terminal automation Convergence FID110 IID83 FID111 IID75 109 FID65 Plan for procurement or development of a common display for IDS in Terminal and EnRoute 113 Access common Surveillance Data Processing for Terminal and En Route automation (e.g., 3 mile separation, fusion). Air Traffic Control/Technical Operations Human Factors- Controller Efficiency Other Supporting Activities IARD33 Content Definition for the Security Integrated Toolset (e.g., ADAPT, Sky Watch) Plan and submit for approval the En Route implementation strategy. FID208 118 Autonomous AFSM Tower Concept of Operations SNT R&D IID32 22

  30. Automation Roadmap: Assumptions

  31. Automation Roadmap: Decision Points (1 of 4)

  32. Automation Roadmap: Decision Points (2 of 4)

  33. Automation Roadmap: Decision Points (3 of 4)

  34. Automation Roadmap: Decision Points (4 of 4)

  35. CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Air-Ground Roadmap (1 of 2) VNAV FMS Manages Trajectory Based Operations A/C Avionics: ADS/FMS/ RNAV/ RNP/ CDTI/ CAVS/ MFDS/TAWS RTA 59 Trajectory Optimization 165 Avionics Swim Air 4DT Negotiation 140 Wx Sensors Conformance Monitoring 192 Delegated Sep Alerting TCAS FID70 69 GBAS CAT III Modernized GNSS GNSS/INS 152 ADS-B CNS 52 TIS-B/ FIS-B Digital VHF Aeronautical Mobile Communication Infrastructure 183 29 DataComm (DCS) Segmt. 1 DataComm (DCS) Segmt. 2 DataComm (DCS) Segmt. 3 149 28 Equipage Strategy Effective Data Link/FANS (SITA) 59 ADS-B (Segmt. 1) ADS-B (Segmt. 2) 29 183 165 SWIM Sgmt.1 SWIM Sgmt. 3 SWIM Sgmt. 2 FID158 NextGen Far-Term Work Package NextGen Mid-Term Work Package CATMTWP2 TFM CATMT WP1 CATMTWP3 CATMT WP4 TBFM/IES TBFM TMA ATOP NG ENROUTE & OCEANIC ATOP/Offshore Automation 29 183 ATOP TR En Route Automation NextGen Mid-Term WP En Route Automation NextGen Far-Term WP Post ERAM R3 WP ERAM Program Baseline TRACON Automation TAMR Phase 3 TDDS TDDS TDDS TOWER TFDM 3 Terminal Platform TFDM2 EFS/TFDM1 FLIGHT SERVICE Flight Services Evolution Integrated Services and Capabilities AFSM Segment 1 Integrated Enterprise Solution AIMModernizationSegment 1 AIM AIMModernization Segment 3 AIMModernizationSegment 2

  36. CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Air-Ground Roadmap (2 of 2) 29 183 A/G Data Integrity 149 NextGen Equipage Strategy 28 Base-Lined Air/Ground Integrated Concepts Examples: 187 188 Optimized Descents Delegated Separation CSPR- Parallel Ops Trajectory-Based Ops Low Visibility Ops NextGen Virtual Tower Collaborative Decision Making 185 Coordinate Operational Approvals Supporting Activities 184 Global A-G Information Exchange Assurance 186 Synchronized A-G Implementation 190 189 Integrated Performance-based Standards 192 191 A-G Safety Network 184 193 194 Human/Automation-centric operations TRL 4 AP-4 192 TRL 5 TCAS8 188 TRL 6 Low Vis 188 4D Trajectory TRL 6 188 CSPO TRL 7 193 194 TRL 6 HF A-G Roles

  37. Air-Ground Roadmap: Assumptions (1 of 2)

  38. Air-Ground Roadmap: Assumptions (2 of 2)

  39. Air-Ground Roadmap: Decision Points (1 of 2)

  40. Air-Ground Roadmap: Decision Points (2 of 2)

  41. Air-Ground Roadmap: Related Decision Points The A-G roadmap decisions may have an impact on the following DP’s:

  42. OIs xx xx xx xx Sub Capabilities Portfolio Near Term Mid Term ERAM Far Term DataComm Integration Framework - Alignment Infrastructure Roadmaps NGIP / Svc Roadmaps NII Solution Sets Initiate Trajectory Based Operations Enh. 2 Basic Enh. 1 Increase A/D at High-Density Airports Sub-Capability 2 Increase Flexibility in the Terminal Env. Improve Collaborative ATM Sub-Capability 3 Reduce Weather Impact Increase Safety, Security, and Env. Perf Sub-Capability n Transform Facilities Projects Decision Points Aircraft and Operator Requirements ERAM 2 43 37 108 DataComm 2 85 73 108 NextGen Imp Plan (NGIP) ADS-B 85 TFM 34 . NVS 73 . .

  43. NAS EA Alignment Products CY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 OEP-1 Initiate Trajectory Based Ops 102108—Oceanic In-Trail Climb & Descent Ops Benefits 102114—Initial Conflict Resolution Advisories 102118—Delegated Responsibility for Separation Sub-Capabilities Reduce Separation Using ADS-C (Date Range TBD) Conflict Resolution Advisory via Voice Functions Conflict Resolution Advisory via DataComm Initial Conflict Resolution Advisory Altitude/Speed Display Situational Awareness EA Captures Alignment of Operational Benefits to Functions to Implementing Programs Infrastructure TFM NextGen Mid-Term Work Package Programs ATOP/Offshore Sustain ENROUTE & OCEANIC En Route Automation NextGen Mid-Term WP ERAM Program Baseline Post ERAM R3 WP STARS/SL TAMR Phase 3

  44. ‘09 Roadmap Activities / Focus Areas • Improve Integration and Alignment of Supporting Activities • Align EA with financial management systems • Align EA with benefits/models • Add DPs for CRD Readiness • Look for activities that may produce environmental benefits • Look for opportunities for convergence • Portfolio Management Definition Activities • JPDO Workgroup Activities – Alignment • Functional Integration Areas

  45. NAS EA Portal / Conference Fall 2009 Launch Date http://nas-architecture.faa.gov

  46. Summary Questions??

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