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Advance Planning Briefing for Industry 30 January 2014. TOS Subgroup Mission. Mission:
TOS Subgroup Mission • Mission: • Identify, prioritize, and execute rapid research and development projects that enhance the capabilities of DoD and Interagency special operations tactical teams engaged in finding, fixing, and finishing terrorists. This includes the development of capabilities for state and local law enforcement agencies to combat domestic terrorism. • Membership: • Department of Defense • Department of Energy • Department of Justice • Department of State • Local and state SWAT • National Tactical Officer Association • Other Government Agencies • U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Micro Tactical Ground Robot DESCRIPTION: Develop an MTGR as a remote, ground ISR platform (360° day/night camera coverage; internal microphone) able to traverse stairs and steep terrain, yet light enough (e.g., <15 lbs ) to be carried by an operator over long distances. Other features: manipulator arm, U.S. military standard batteries (BB-2557), internal GPS receiver, digital magnetic compass, and mesh network radio with NSA Suite B encryption. DELIVERABLE: 135 MTGRs to interagency end users in CONUS and across multiple Theater Special Operations Commands. The JIEDDO director requested accelerated fielding of 30 MTGRs in support of an urgent Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan combat support request,to be provided at the beginning of February 2013. OPERATIONAL IMPACT: Provide SOF with a remote, ground based ISR platform & the organic ability to address IED-type threats while conducting isolated/low-footprint SOF missions. Provide EOD teams with robot that fills the niche for a highly mobile, capable & lightweight interrogation/inspection system. REQUIREMENTS INITIATOR: USSOCOM, DHS SPONSORS: CTTSO, JIEDDO, AWG PERFORMERS: Roboteam, Stark Aerospace, Persistent Systems, Praevius Group END USERS: CJSOTF-A, TF-Paladin, SOF Component Units of Action, TSOCs, 20thSPT CMD, DOD/IA EOD Community, FBI-HRT, USBP SOG, South Carolina SWAT, FDNY TRANSITION: RS-JPO, based on results of the RDT&E projects and funding in POMs; GSA Schedule COMMERCIALIZATION: Available from Roboteam
ArrowLite-HL Small Unmanned Aerial System DESCRIPTION: The Enhanced Collapsible-Wing Micro Tactical UAS (ArrowLite-HL), provides SOF with an aerial ISR capability that can be hand-launched in 60 to 90 seconds after removal from transport carry case. Features: day and thermal/night mechanically-stabilized payloads, 2.5 hours of operating time (launch to landing), NSA Suite B-encrypted mobile ad hoc network data-link, dash speeds over 50 knots, take-off weight of under 6.5 lbs. DELIVERABLE: Thirteen systems will be available by 7 March 2014. OPERATIONAL IMPACT: ArrowLite provides operators with a rapidly deployable small UAS with a 2-axis mechanically gimbaled stabilized sensor, with laser illuminator, and data link/ communications relay capability provided by the form secure (NSA Suite B) Mobile Ad Hoc (MANET) mesh network. REQUIREMENTS INITIATOR: USSOCOM SPONSORS: CTTSO, CANSOF, JIEDDO PERFORMER: Analytic Methods, Inc.; Stark Aerospace END USERS: AFSOC, FBI-HRT, CANSOF, USASFC, NSW, 75TH RR, USBP SOG TRANSITION: PM-UAS, based on results of the RDT&E projects and funding in POMs; GSA Schedule COMMERCIALIZATION: TBD
TOS FY 2015 Requirements • R3862 – Tactical Day/Night Fiber Optic Camera System • R3863 – Enhanced Military Free Fall Navigation Board • R3865 – Miniature Laser Gimbal Designator for Small Unmanned Aviation System • R3866 – Electro-Optical/Infrared/Laser Target Designator Payload for Silver Fox with Common Ground Control Station Software • R3867 – Secure Personal Wireless Network • R3868 – SMARTBOX • R3869 – Non-Pyrotechnic Diversionary Device • R3870 – Maritime Command, Control, and Tracking • R3871 – Enhanced Underwater Navigation Board • R3872 – In Scope Micro Display for Integration of External Fire Solution Tools • R3873 – Next Generation Small Arms Signature Reduction • R3874 – Ammunition - Lightweight Optimization (7.62 mm/.308, 5.56 mm, and Intermediate Caliber) • R000 – TOSFY15 Unspecified Requirement
R3862 – Tactical Day/Night Fiber Optic Camera System • Description: Develop a tactical, man-portable, day and night, assembled to fit, fiber optic camera system capable of viewing a target of interest remotely in real time. The system will allow inspection under doors and around corners, through duct work, and in confined spaces. Additionally, it will allow standoff inspection of IEDs and offer enhanced target situational awareness for tactical operators in close quarter battle, hostage rescue, and counter terrorism missions.
R3862 – Tactical Day/Night Fiber Optic Camera System • Specifications: • Configurable to be used in both close quarters 6 ft (threshold) and long-range scenarios 20 ft (threshold); 80 ft (objective). • Segmented cable (assembled to fit) solution is desirable. • Negotiate 90-degree corners without being obstructed (threshold). • High Definition camera providing illumination that is in the nonvisible spectrum and functions in little to no light for identifying a person in a room at 24 ft (threshold); identifying a weapon (hand gun) at 12 ft (objective).
R3862 – Tactical Day/Night Fiber Optic Camera System • Specifications cont’d: • Compatible with a Wave Relay Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) (objective). • Collect and record data at high enough fidelity for use in legal prosecution (threshold). • System maximum weight of 5 lbs (threshold); 2 lbs (objective) without batteries. • External dimensions of the system shall be 7.4 in x 3.7 in x 13.5 in (threshold); 4.5 in x 3.0 in x 1.5 in (objective).
R3863 – Enhanced Military Free Fall Navigation Board • Description: Develop the next generation Military Free Fall (MFF) navigation board that reduces volume and weight, increases the ease of navigation and tracking capabilities, while simultaneously standardizing training and operations for MFF missions. • Specifications: • Shall rely upon proven modular analog and digital technologies for location, direction, and altitude but shall allow for integration of other digital technologies that are attachable and removable at operator discretion.
R3863 – Enhanced Military Free Fall Navigation Board • Specifications cont’d: • Navigation Board: • Modular compass, altimeter, and GPS. • Secure mounting slots for additional attachable/ removable components. • Resist warping, corrosion, de-laminating. • Neutrally buoyant. • Board-to-Operator mounting/retention system shall be removable and replaceable and have a quick detachment capability.
R3863 – Enhanced Military Free Fall Navigation Board • Specifications cont’d: • Illumination: • Red light LED illumination capability for the compass component. • Simple “on/off” function. • Easily manipulated while wearing gloves; feature positive tactile feedback to user. • Navigation Compass: • Incorporate new analog form factors, reduce overall volume of current navigation compasses, while keeping the same inherent capabilities.
R3863 – Enhanced Military Free Fall Navigation Board • Specifications: • Navigation Compass: • Function in all hemispherical zones. • Red LED back-light, operator controlled with simple switch for on/off and high/low power illumination. • Modular, allow for easy replacement within board. • Altimeter: • United States Army Special Operations Command Airborne Authorized Use List removable/replaceable. • GPS: • Attachable and removable via a watch band system. • Ruggedized and allow for MFF Operations.
R3865 – Miniature Laser Gimbal Designator for Small Unmanned Aviation System • Description: Develop intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance payload with a highly accurate laser that meets the targeting requirements for the majority of laser guided weapons and has a “spot” that can be confirmed on the intended target without carrying or employing additional verification equipment. Integrates Short Wave Infrared technology, See-Spot, Laser Target Designator, and Laser Range Finder into a gimbaled payload that can be utilized on the small unmanned aerial system (SUAS) category of aircraft such as the Raven, Puma, Wasp, and Arrowlite.
R3865 – Miniature Laser Gimbal Designator for Small Unmanned Aviation Systems • Key Performance Parameters: • Size no more than 3.5in diameter, 5.5 in high, weight no greater than 1.5 lbs. • Approximately 8 W Nominal; approximately 25W during laser marking. • Slant range of 1,500 ft (threshold) to 3,000 ft (objective) approximately 2 mrad beam. • 15-30 second reactivation of laser with an objective of immediate reactivation. • Ten megapixel color EO camera with E-Zoom - wide field of view for situational awareness; E-Zoom for target identification and recognition (approximately 1.67 micron pixel).
R3865 – Miniature Laser Gimbal Designator for Small Unmanned Aviation Systems • Key Performance Parameters cont’d: • 640 x 512 resolution SWIR with illuminator for verifying spot-on-target. • 1.064 micron Passive Q-Switch Laser Marker – approximately 20 mJ (threshold) to ~35 mJ (objective)/ 5 to 10 ns pulse width effective designating solution for majority of U.S. laser guided munitions. • System operational with existing small unmanned aerial system platforms;capable of handling deep stall maneuvers and landings. • Growth path to incorporate laser fast steering mirror/full up laser designator.
R3866 – Electro-Optical/Infrared/Laser Target Designator Payload for Silver Fox with Common Ground Control Station Software • Description: Upgrade fielded Silver Fox systems with a new laser target designation capable gimbaled payload, add an NSA suite B encrypted Mobile Mesh capability, and incorporate the Ruggedized Operator Control Unit (ROCU-7) as the common ground control station (GCS) for the system.
R3866 – Electro-Optical/Infrared/Laser Target Designator Payload for Silver Fox with Common Ground Control Station Software • Key Performance Parameters: • Size and weight of no more than 6 in diameter; 8in high, and no greater than 7 lbs. • Approximately 70 W Nominal; approximately 100W during laser marking. • Slant range of 1,500 ft (threshold) to 3,000 ft (objective). • 15-30 second reactivation of laser with an objective of immediate reactivation. • Ten megapixel color electro-optical camera with E-Zoom - wide field of view for situational awareness; E-Zoom for target identification and recognition.
R3866 – Electro-Optical/Infrared/Laser Target Designator Payload for Silver Fox with Common Ground Control Station Software • Key Performance Parameters cont’d: • 640 x512 resolution SWIR with illuminator for verifying spot-on-target. • 1.064 micron Passive Q-Switch laser marker – approximately 20 mJ/5 to 10 ns pulse width effective designating solution for majority of U.S. laser guided munitions • System shall be operational with existing small unmanned aerial system platformsand capable of handling deep stall maneuvers and landings. • Growth path to incorporate laser fast steering mirror/full up laser designator.
R3866 – Electro-Optical/Infrared/Laser Target Designator Payload for Silver Fox with Common Ground Control Station Software • Additional upgrades to the system: • Integration of the Wave Relay Radio/NSA Suite B encrypted Mobile Mesh Network. • Upgrade the ground control station to the ROCU-7. • Upgrade auto pilot and mission planning software to be compatible with Arrowlite SUAS.
R3867 – Secure Personal Wireless Network • Description: Develop the capability to connect tactical and commercial operator command and control communications (C4I) devices and accessories through secure wireless signals. Provide more ergonomic solutions, reduce weight, reduce complexity with wiring devices together, have a low power draw, and provide the ability to connect numerous devices together on the fly.
R3867 – Secure Personal Wireless Network A secure wireless solution for integrating the following prioritized components is needed: (1) Headset/PTT microphone (Silynx/Peltors) to commercial Manet Radio (threshold). (2) Smart devices/tactical tablets (threshold). (3) Headset/PTT microphone (Silynx/Peltors) to military radios (AN-152A) (objective). (4) Video downlink devices (objective). (5) Night vision devices (objective). (6) Heads up display (objective). (7) Laser range finders (objective). (8) Tactical computers (objective).
R3867 – Secure Personal Wireless Network • Specifications: • System will support audio (threshold) and data network (objective) communications. • Personal area network range will be 3 ft but no more than 17 ft. • System will include AES 256 Encryption. • Form factor will be less than 0.5 cubic inches. • Use standard military rechargeable batteries and include a charger. • Include the following hardwired interfaces: USB, RJ-45 Ethernet, 3.5mm audio, 6/10/11 pin audio (threshold).
R3867 – Secure Personal Wireless Network • Specifications cont’d: • Flexible, easy to configure in less than 5 minutes for initial set up. Solution will pair and connect different components together as needed (threshold). • Provide different channels/signals to use. Operators will be able to switch channels. • Use nonproprietary/open source standard solution. • Use any part of the spectrum that is safe to use.
R3868 – SMARTBOX • Description: Develop a tactical communications gateway system that can provide repeater services and cross connect capability with different communications sources from multiple agencies in a modular tactical box that can be deployed in an austere environment.
R3868 – SMARTBOX • The system shall integrate the following prioritized components and wave forms: • Harris AN/PRC/ 152A and 152 V4 (threshold). • ANW2 Radio/Data Network (Harris Proprietary) (threshold). • Motorola XTS 5000, APX 7000 (threshold). • MSAT G2 commercial satellite radio(threshold). • Persistent Systems Wave Relay Radio (threshold). • VOIP between Internet/external networks and Persistent System Radios (threshold). • Video downlink receiver capability such as Rover 5 or Cobham Solo 4 (COFDM) receiver (only 1 receiver will be used at a time). • Thales MBITR JEM (objective). • VOIP between Internet/external networks and Harris Radios and other radios (objective).
R3868 – SMARTBOX • Specifications: • System will include a repeater capability for the Harris Radios with 20 Watt amplifiers. • Fully modular and configurable; will support up to 4 radios (threshold); 8 radios (objective) at a time inside the box. • Will allow remote configuration changes through Wi-Fi/cellular network (objective). • Allow transmissions between networks at different classifications. • System shall all fit into a standard FAA/TSA carry on case with a hard plastic outer case. • Easyto use and intuitive interface.
R3869 – Non-Pyrotechnic Diversionary Devices • Description: Develop a non‐pyrotechnic, intrinsically safe noise/flash diversionary device (NFDD) to be used in any environment without the risk of unintended collateral damage caused by fires and explosions and enhance operator safety. • Specifications: • Single handed operation; easily held and thrown. • Shall be compatible with commonly available pouch carriers used for pyrotechnic diversionary devices.
R3869 – Non-Pyrotechnic Diversionary Devices • Specifications: • Tactile feel, markings, and activation procedures should be easily identifiable and differentiate pyro and non‐pyro NFDDs in lit and unlit areas. • Blast effects shall be directed away from the operator’s hand. • Temporary flash‐blindness for 5 seconds against low contrast target in dim room (threshold); 10 seconds (objective). • Generate debilitating sound pressure levels. • Device should be reusable to minimize cost.
R3870 – Maritime Command, Control, and Tracking • Description: Develop a capability to reliably track and monitor surface craft, swimmers, and subsurface divers. Development shall be a phased approach: • Tracking • Subsurface Communications • Surface Communications • Specifications: • System shall not interfere with normal surface craft or swimmer/diver function and recovery operations. • System shall be ruggedized for maritime operations. • All components shall be calibration free. • All system components shall be fully configurable by the user.
R3870 – Maritime Command, Control, and Tracking • Specifications cont’d: • Shall provide the capability to geospatially locate submerged and surface maritime operators within an accuracy of 3 m (threshold); 1 m (objective) without the use of buoys. • Shall have a surface swimmer and diver detection, tracking, and monitoring range of 3,000 m radius (threshold); 5,000 m radius (objective) from the receiving unit; surface vessel detection, tracking, and monitoring ranges of 5,000 m radius (threshold) from the receiving station. • Component systems: surface craft mounted tracking and monitoring command and control system, and a low volume, low profile swimmer/diver manipulated system that communicates with surface craft.
R3870 – Maritime Command, Control, and Tracking • Specifications cont’d: • Surface and subsurface maritime operator positions shall be displayed on diver wearable ruggedized operator display device. • Device shall allow for sending/receiving messages between swimmers/divers/surface craft, diver initiated marking of locations as waypoints, diver distress alert, and “return to surface craft”. • Surface vessel software shall be simplified, user friendly, and configurable; have the ability to load appropriate maps for mission, military diver mission planning, and multiple participant (surface craft, swimmers, divers) discrimination capability.
R3871 – Enhanced Underwater Navigation Board • Description: Develop the next generation underwater navigation board that reduces volume and weightand increases the ease of navigation, while simultaneously standardizing training and operations for combat diver and surface swimmer missions. • Navigation Board: • Durable and constructed of a material that is resistant to warping, corrosion, delaminating, or any other salt and fresh water submersion caused defects.
R3871 – Enhanced Underwater Navigation Board • Navigation Board cont’d: • Shall be neutrally buoyant. • Reduced size from current standard military issue diver navigation boards. • Comprised of a modular compass, depth gauge, and chronograph. • Contain mounting slots for 2 diver defined, attachable/removable components secured via watch-type straps.
R3871 – Enhanced Underwater Navigation Board • Illumination: • Red light LED illumination capability for the compass component. • Simple “on/off” function. • Easily manipulated while wearing gloves; feature positive tactile feedback to user. • Navigation Compass: • Incorporate new analog form factors and reduce overall volume of current navigation compasses while keeping the same inherent capabilities. • Shroud prevents/reduces off-axis detectability “light plume” as seen from in front of the diver.
R3871 – Enhanced Underwater Navigation Board • Depth Gauge: • Analog modular depth gauge. • Include markings from 0 to 330 feet. • Chronograph: • Removable digital chronograph device. • Depth rated to 200 m. • Self-illuminating.
R3872 – In Scope Micro Display for Integration of External Fire Solution Tools • Description: Develop an adjustable magnification sniper scope falling within the parameters of minimum 3x to maximum 30x, with a monochromatic micro-display, at the second focal plane. Display shall overlay firing data from clip-on laser range finders/ballistic calculators onto the scope’s analog image, while minimizing impact to image quality and utility. • Specifications: • Data displayed in accordance with SOCOM data display standard operating procedure - display 6 items all of which can be toggled on or off by the operator as needed.
R3872 – In Scope Micro Display for Integration of External Fire Solution Tools • Specifications cont’d: • Power for micro display shall come from external device with battery power being pulled/slaved from external integrated laser system. • Display shall be streamlined into the ocular lens so as not to interfere with normal scope adjustments and use.
R3873 – Next Generation Small Arms Signature Reduction • Description: Develop the next generation suppressor for MK18 CQBR and M4 to reduce sound, visual, and heat signatures. • Specifications: • Two configurations: Over the Barrel and Flush Mount. • Visual Signature: • Shall conceal, modify, and minimize profile of flash from weapon system so enemy forces cannot locate the shooter. • Flash profile from suppressor and weapon system shall not adversely affect the visual acuity of the operator shooting or teammates on either the right or left.
R3873 – Next Generation Small Arms Signature Reduction • Specifications cont’d: • Sound Signature: • Should reduce sound for command and control to enhance situational awareness and reduce friendly forces sound signature to avoid detection by enemy combatants. • Firing Performance: • Shall not affect the balance of the weapon system. • Should be operator serviceable and allow for easy replacement of worn or damaged components.
R3874 – Ammunition - Lightweight Optimization(7.62mm/.308, 5.56mm, and Intermediate Calibers) • Description: Assessments to date indicate that lightweight small caliber cartridge case material optimization for use in legacy small arms has reached a maturity level wherein it can be utilized in important traditional and nontraditional applications to support the established needs and capability gaps of counterterrorism organizations.
R3874 – Ammunition - Lightweight Optimization(7.62mm/.308, 5.56mm, and Intermediate Calibers) • 7.62mm/.308 Subsonic Ammunition Optimization: • Development of two advanced rounds for precision subsonic .308/7.62mm—one for fast twist 1-7 in to 1-8 in specialty sniper systems and one for 1-11.25 in legacy (program) sniper systems. • Recommended approach for the program standard twist 1-10 in to 1-11.25 in twist weapon systems is a 165-185gr. match high G1 BC (>.400) projectile with a tailor-made polymer case that supports a compact powder charge to negate typical powder position sensitivity issues with current subsonic ammunition configurations. • Recommended approach for the 1-7 in to 1-8 in twist specialty sniper system is a high G1 BC ( greater than .500) projectile with a weight of 220 gr-250 gr loaded in a tailor-made polymer case that compacts the powder charge to negate typical powder position sensitivity issues with current subsonic ammunition configurations. *Additional specifications available to be published.
R3874 – Ammunition - Lightweight Optimization(7.62mm/.308, 5.56mm, and Intermediate Calibers) • Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridges (LICCs): • Load and deliver mature test sample ammunition of 264 USA and 277 USA cartridges with lightweight (threshold); polymer (objective) cartridge cases with Sierra HPBT “MatchKing” projectiles. • Cartridges will function in modified, purpose-built AR-10 rifles and magazines in the semi-automatic and fully automatic modes of fire with and without the use of a muzzle-mounted signature suppressor. • Accuracy: 1.5 MOA (threshold); 1.0 MOA (objective) to 600 m (threshold); 800 m (objective). • Deliverables: 100 (PofC), 1,000 (threshold); 2,500 (objective) rounds each and contractor form/fit/function technical data. *Additional specifications available to be published.
R3874 – Ammunition - Lightweight Optimization(7.62mm/.308, 5.56mm, and Intermediate Calibers) • 5.56x45mm Lightweight Ball Ammunition: • Caliber 5.56x45 mm NATO optimized with a lightweight cartridge case firing 62 gr M855/SS109-style ball projectiles in 5.56 mm legacy weapons with barrel rifling twist of at 1-7 in right hand. • Shall function reliably through UK Service weapons in new and worn yet serviceable condition in all modes of fire: • 5.56 mm L119A1 Carbine (C8 SFW), and L85A2 Rifle (SA80A2) • 5.56 mm L86A2 (SA80A2 LSW) and L110A3 Machine Gun (FN MINIMI) • Deliverables: 100 (PofC), 10,000 (threshold); 50,000 (objective) rounds and contractor form/fit/function technical data. *Additional specifications available to be published.
R000 TOS FY15 Unspecified Requirement • Description: Develop innovative technologies that enhance the capabilities of DoD and interagency special operations tactical teams engaged in finding, fixing, and finishing terrorists. This includes the development of capabilities for state and local law enforcement agencies to combat domestic terrorism. • TOS Focus Areas: • Communication Systems • Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance Systems • Offensive Systems • Specialized Access Systems • Survivability Systems • Unconventional Warfare/Counterinsurgency