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Advance Planning Briefing for Industry 30 January 2014. Irregular Warfare and Evolving Threats Mission. Mission:
Irregular Warfare and Evolving Threats Mission Mission: Develop new concepts and capabilities for warfighters and interagency partners who are confronting the complexity of the current operational environment, while simultaneously looking outward, rather than inward, to appropriately size, shape, and develop their forces. In accordance with the Quadrennial Defense Review’s emphasis on preparation to defeat adversaries and succeed in a wide range of contingencies, Irregular Warfare and Evolving Threats (IW/ET) engages in operational assessment, concept development, and independent validation of unique prototype capabilities to identify, confront, and defeat evolving threats.
Secure Unclassified Network (SUNet) GKMC (DTRA) WASP (HSI, CBP, Nigeria) DESCRIPTION: Deliver a unique virtualization of a single hardware suite of servers and software that will provide protected dynamic enclaves of capability for multi-agency users (TSOCs, Law Enforcement, Counter WMD, Coalition, and Foreign Nationals) Users can create inter-organizational collaborative areas to upload, search, and share selected information; and jointly work on specific missions, cases, and objectives from their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. Provides a channel to feed appropriate information to key U.S. and Coalition networks such as SIPRnet, BICES, and various Law Enforcement restricted networks, thus enriching these databases. DELIVERABLES: NSA-certified Suite-B encryption standard; DIACAP-compliant Information Assurance gateway; data and user segmentation with positive control of user data; integration of advanced tools IAW mission architecture needs; “ad hoc” creation of mission-specific networks while maintaining data segmentation. OPERATIONAL IMPACT:Removes technical barriers to cross-organizational data sharing and creates a universal, secure and global collaboration capability between DoD, Law Enforcement, and Coalition Partners. SPONSOR: CTTSO PERFORMER: Information Systems Worldwide (iSW) END USERS: CBP, DEA, DTRA, ICE/HSI, MARSOC, NTC, SAF/ISSO, SOCOM J36 TNT/TSOCs TRANSITION: Enclaves will transition based on user-unique requirements. COMMERCIALIZATION: Transitions to USG owned .net capability.
IW/ET FY 2015 Requirements • R3859 – Holistic Approaches in Expeditionary Security Assistance and Capacity Building Operations Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation (RDT&E) • R3860 – Intelligence and Operations Support to Information Operations (IO) • R3861 – Counter Threat Finance • R3830 – Methods and Means to Systematically Discern and Display “Precursors of Instability” in the Dark Web
R3859 – Holistic Approaches in Expeditionary Security Assistance and Capacity Building Operations RDT&E • Description: Conduct RDT&E in support of holistic approaches in expeditionary security assistance and capacity building operations. This requirement will enhance United States and partner nation governments’ ability to build long-term supported nation capabilities critical to deterring, disrupting, and defeating its adversaries. • Specifically: • Determine how Department of Defense (DoD), interagency, and partner nations conduct partner capacity building operations. • Identify the organizational structures of key capacity building organizations, their authorities, and appropriate contacts. • Build case studies on best and worst practices. • Design/develop a best practices playbook on capacity building. • Recommend appropriate dissemination of final deliverables.
R3859 – Holistic Approaches in Expeditionary Security Assistance and Capacity Building Operations RDT&E • Include how to define supported nation needs: identifying the types of authorities and approvals within the United States government, partner nations, and the supported nation. • Key processes in achieving appropriate authorities and approvals. • Synchronizing multiple agency/nation efforts into one common architecture (security force, judicial, penal, public works, etc.). • Developing appropriate relationships with the supported nation ministries, departments and agencies. • Linking national efforts to provincial and local efforts. • Proper identification, screening, and developing of subject matter experts and advisors. • Designing and delivering standardized doctrines, lesson plans, and training. • Developing measures of effectiveness that demonstrate compliance and lead to transition and sustainment. • Determining the end state and when it is reached.
R3860 – Intelligence and Operations Support to IO • Description: This requirement is for innovative materiel and non-materiel solutions to develop and/or enhance the integration of intelligence and military operations with information operations. • Most military operations are conducted with the physical or kinetic effects in mind. Traditional military intelligence capabilities are also focused on kinetic effects. However, military operations also achieve significant psychological or non-kinetic effects. Information operations are conducted toward achieving these non-kinetic effects and are done through utilizing all capabilities in the U.S. military to disrupt, corrupt, or usurp adversarial decision making. • This requirement exists to focus research and develop concepts and capabilities and then test and evaluate concepts and capabilities in order to provide more effective integration of intelligence and military operations with information operations.
R3861 – Counter Threat Finance • Description: This requirement is for innovative materiel and non-materiel solutions to develop and/or enhance new concepts and constructs for understanding the role of virtual currencies in threat finance. • Radical connectivity is blurring national lines and facilitating the transfer of virtual currency between otherwise disparate non-state actors. The introduction of virtual currency may shape threat finance by increasing the opaqueness, transactional velocity, and overall efficiencies within terrorist organizations and illicit enterprises. • This requirement will explore the skills, technology, and knowledge necessary to understand and react to the rapidly evolving architecture of threat finance networks within a radically connected hybrid warfare context and will develop solutions to combat vulnerabilities posed by virtual currencies.
R3830 – Methods and Means to Systematically Discern and Display “Precursors of Instability” in the Dark Web • Description: Develop an automated capability to intuitively visualize geographic and functional areas of latent and/or emergent instability in the Dark Web. The Dark Web includes sites that are not indexed by major search engines and that are accessed by using anonymizing software (e.g., .onion domains). • Discerning, then monitoring latent instability manifest in Dark Web precursors would enable the development of more nuanced, contextually appropriate and proactive theater-strategic policy reflected in: • More efficient and effective strategic communications and military information support operations (MISO); • Enhanced military-to-military engagements; and • With an emphasis on UNCLASSIFIED, “shareable” information/knowledge, the creation of “shared understanding” amongst partners and allies leading to combined mitigation actions.
R3830 – Methods and Means to Systematically Discern and Display “Precursors of Instability” in the Dark Web • Emphasis is on identifying precursors to allow detection well left of crisis on a timeline where: • Commander’s mitigation options are more numerous. • The risks in execution are relatively low. • Coordinated interagency collaboration and action has the greatest probability of success. • Access to Dark Web information is relatively high (acknowledging that the Dark Web by definition is already obscured by security and technical systems and protocols).