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Strengthening the Argument in Analysis of Beowulf's Actions

Analyzing passages from Beowulf to identify pronouns, correct grammar, and enhance arguments for a stronger position. Discussion on missed elements and improvement strategies.

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Strengthening the Argument in Analysis of Beowulf's Actions

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  1. On a clean sheet to be collected and skipping lines, copy the passages on the following slides AS THEY APPEAR. Then, do THREE things to each: 1-Identify every pronoun by underlining it; 2- Make the appropriate grammatical corrections on the lines between the original text; 3- Tell what is missing and tell what needs work/improvement? How can the passage’s argument be made stronger? Auguste -E3BELL RINGERJanuary 15, 2012

  2. SKIP LINES! • Passage 1 Beowulf is a murderer he should be persecuted to the highest exstint. He not only killed humans he also killed a dragon and stole gold. He also took time out of his life to travel to kill and steal from them (109-116). In his battle with the Dragon, Beowulf stole his treasure from the Dragon’s home and this makes Beowulf a careless, greedy, monsterous murderer. It is clear that Beowulf should go to jail.

  3. SKIP LINES! • Passage 2 I’m the prosecuter. I’m prosecuting Beowulf. I’m prosecuting him for murder and burglery. I will prove that he is a murderer and a theif and their was no legitimatreason for these crimes. After killing the dragon, Beowulf steals his treasure and he also trespassed into there lands.

  4. SKIP LINES! • Passage 3 Beowulf is on trail and my defender is innocent. Grendal, who descendant from Cain and Able, lived in a lake near Herot and for 12 years he terrorizes the danes and there isn’t anyone who could defeat him so he killed him and Able, his mother.

  5. YOUR TURN… Silently read through your draft and underline, highlight, circle, asterisk (*) where you need improvements. Think about: spelling; argument structure (do you address both sides, are your position statements clear and in the right place?); citations (do you have correct line numbers?), etc. You are NOT MAKING CORRECTIONS-just IDENTIFY where something more may be needed.

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