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USGS Project Objectives. Collect discharge and velocity data at 7 sites in and around the Currituck SoundOversee the collection of discrete water-quality samples and continuous water-quality data at 8 sites in and around the Currituck SoundProvide data processing and storage of project water-quali
1. Currituck Sound Ecosystem Restoration Study Water-Quality Data Collection Efforts Jason Fine
U.S. Geological Survey
October 28, 2008
2. USGS Project Objectives
3. Project Partners
4. Data Collection (2006-2007)
5. Discharge and Velocity Data
7. Continuous Water-Quality Data
9. Discrete Water-Quality Samples
10. Quality Assurance and Data Archival To ensure a uniform water-quality dataset, the USGS trained the ECSU, NERR, and FWS in data collection and documentation techniques for the collection of continuous water-quality data and water-quality sampling.
The USGS periodically accompanied the project partners on site visits to provide assistance.
All of the hydrologic and water-quality data for the project is stored in the USGS National Water Information System database.
11. Currituck Project Website http://nc.water.usgs.gov/projects/currituck/
All water-quality data collected for the current project is available through this site with the associated streamflow data.
All streamflow data collected during the project is available through a request to our office or the NWIS-Web interface (daily values): http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nc/nwis/sw.
12. http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2008/1147/pdf/ofr2008-1147.pdf
13. Historic Water-Quality Database 101,526 unique measurements
58 water-quality parameters
Data collected between
1925 and 2007
14. Future USGS Activities Oversee, process, and store the current collection of water-quality data by ECSU
Expand watershed modeling effort to include the entire Currituck Sound basin
Provide quality assurance for Currituck Sound water-quality model and participate in model testing and application