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Arithmetic and CAD Tools. CAD tools work great with arithmetic functions Adding,subtracting,multiplying, etc. A few things to learn first How to work with multi-bit numbers in CAD tools and VHDL How to create custom components in CAD tools I.e. a 7-bit adder/subtractor
Arithmetic and CAD Tools • CAD tools work great with arithmetic functions • Adding,subtracting,multiplying, etc. • A few things to learn first • How to work with multi-bit numbers in CAD tools and VHDL • How to create custom components in CAD tools • I.e. a 7-bit adder/subtractor • How to include VHDL components in a larger schematic
Multi-bit Numbers - Busses • In Quartus II Schematics • Busses are collections of wires • mybus[7..0] is an eight bit bus • Composed of mybus[7] (MSB) through mybus[0] (LSB) • Busses make it easier to draw circuit diagrams • In VHDL • Busses are defined as a type of STD_LOGIC • X: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0) • Composed of X(7) through X(0)
Nodes (wires) can be connected by name Reduces complexity of drawing Connecting by name in Schematics • Input names • Can be used on any wires • All wires of the same name are connected • Intermediate node names • Just name it – no need to define it • Busses • Can connect a single wire from a bus by name
Many components have bus inputs Adders, for example Busses in Schematics • Busses use thick lines • Drawing from a bus input automatically makes a bus • May select thick line from the line style menu • Connecting busses • Just name them the same thing • Making busses out of wires • Type all of the components (MSB to LSB) separated by commas
Creating and Using Custom Schematic Symbols 1. Make your component. Inputs/Outputs are interface to higher level 2. File | Create/Update | Create Symbol File For Current File 3. Make a new schematic for your main file and use your new symbol!
Making and Using Custom VHDL Symbols 1. Make your component. Inputs/Outputs are interface to higher level 2. File | Create/Update | Create Symbol File For Current File 3. Make a new schematic for your main file and use your new symbol!
Quartus II has many configurable megafunctions Adders, subtractors, muxes, etc. MegaFunctions • Use the MegaWizard • Button on the insert symbol menu • Answer all of the questions • see next slide… • Save the new part • Insert it into your schematic
Using the MegaWizard • Choose “Create a new…” to make a new device 2a. Pick a megafunction to use:Arithmetic includes adders, subtractors, counters, multipliers, etc.Gates include multiple-bit variations of standard logic. 2b. Choose VHDL and give your part a name.
Using the MegaWizard 3. Pick options: Data bus width Modes Etc.
Using the MegaWizard 4. Decide if any inputs are constants (i.e. always adding 4)
Using the MegaWizard 5. Pick optional outputs: Adder has optional carryin, carryout, and overflow out.
Using the MegaWizard 6. Pipelining – advanced option to speed up the function. Don’t use for now.
Using the MegaWizard 7. Just click Finish…
Using the MegaWizard 9. Now your new symbol is available for use in schematics! 8. Yes – add to your project so you can use it!
Using Busses in VHDL Must use the IEEE library to use STD_LOGIC LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY hextosevenseg IS PORT( N : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); a,b,c,d,e,f,g,dec : OUT STD_LOGIC);END hextosevenseg; ARCHITECTURE logicfunc OF hextosevenseg IS BEGIN a <= NOT( (N(2) AND N(1) AND NOT N(3)) OR (N(1) AND NOT N(2) AND N(0)) ); b <= … END logicfunc; Bus definition Using bus signals individually
Math in VHDL Must use the SIGNED library for math LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;USE ieee.std_logic_signed.all; ENTITY addemup IS PORT( A,B : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0); Sum : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0));END addemup; ARCHITECTURE logicfunc OF addemup IS BEGIN Sum <= A + B; END logicfunc; We’re adding two 16-bit numbers and producing a 16-bit sum It’s this easy!
Decisions in VHDL using IF/THEN/ELSE LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;USE ieee.std_logic_signed.all; ENTITY addemup IS PORT( A,B : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);Sub : IN STD_LOGIC; Out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0));END addemup; ARCHITECTURE logicfunc OF addemup IS BEGINPROCESS(Sub,A,B)BEGINIF (Sub = ‘0’)THEN Out <= A + B;ELSIF (Sub = ‘1’)THEN Out <= A – B;ELSE Out <= “0000000000000000”;END IF;END PROCESS;END logicfunc; Expand adder to adder/subtractor:Sub=‘1’ subtract, Sub=‘0’ Add PROCESS: Identify which inputs may cause output to change Scalar constantsin single quotes IF / ELSIF / ELSE / ENDIF;Decision-making statements Vector constantsin double quotes Don’t forget to END IF and PROCESS
Truth Tables in VHDL LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;ENTITY simplefunction IS PORT( A : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0); Z,Q : OUT STD_LOGIC);END simplefunction;ARCHITECTURE logicfunc OF simplefunction IS BEGINPROCESS(A)BEGINCASE A ISWHEN “00” => z<=‘0’;q<=‘0’;WHEN “01” => z<=‘1’;q<=‘1’; WHEN “10” => z<=‘1’;q<=‘1’; WHEN “11” => z<=‘0’;q<=‘1’; WHEN OTHERS =>z<=‘0’;q<=‘0’;END CASE;END PROCESS; END logicfunc; Process block specifies input(s) to process Vector constantsin double quotes Scalar constantsin single quotes A case for each rowin truth table “Others” catches any unlisted cases. Use it even if you covered them all.