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Networking Layering MIBs: TDM, CESoPSN, TDMoIP

Detailed MIBs for TDM, CESoPSN, and TDMoIP layers supporting various types of structured data over packet networks.

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Networking Layering MIBs: TDM, CESoPSN, TDMoIP

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    1. PWE3 Paris 2005 draft-ietf-pwe3-TDM-mib-03.txt Presented by: Orly Nicklass Email: orly_n@rad.com

    2. Conceptual Layering +-------------------+ | TDM MIB | DS1MIB, DS3MIB, +-------------------+ DS0MIB | +-------------------+ PW-TDM-MIB, Service | TDM PW MIB | PW-CESOPSN-MIB, Layer +-------------------+ PW-TDMOIP-MIB - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Generic +-------------------+ PW | Generic PW MIBS | PW-TC-MIB, Layer +-------------------+ PW-MIB - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------+ PSN VC | MPLS VC MIBS | PW-MPLS-MIB Layer +-------------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------+ PSN | MPLS MIBs | MPLS-TE-STD-MIB, Layer +-------------------+ MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB

    3. Supports the specific types: o 17 Structure-agnostic E1 over Packet o 18 Structure-agnostic T1 (DS1) over Packet o 19 Structure-agnostic E3 over Packet o 20 Structure-agnostic T3 (DS3) over Packet o 21 CESoPSN basic mode (CESoPSN) o 22 TDMoIP AAL1mode (TDMoIP) o 23 CESoPSN TDM with CAS (CESoPSN) o 24 TDMoIP AAL2 Mode (TDMoIP) Generic CFG & PM

    4. Changes since last draft: 1-Merged all configurable objects from Satop MIB with objects of pwVcTDMCfgTable in this MIB module. 2-pwVcTDMCfgJtrBfrDepth-changed units to microsec. 3-pwVcTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow moved to the pwVcTDMCfgTable. 4-In pwVcTDMCfgConfErr, the enum(1)was renamed to PayloadSize. 5-Renamed pwVcSatopCfgConsecPktsLoss2Normal and pwVcSatopCfgConsecMissPktNorma2Loss to pwVcTDMCfgConsecPktsInSynch and to pwVcTDMCfgConsecMissPktsOutSynch respectively. 6- Rename pwVcTDMType to pwVcTDMRate and changed the enum values

    5. pwVcTDMRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parameter represents the bit-rate of the TDM service in multiples of the 'basic' 64 Kbit/s rate. For structure-agnostic the following should be used: a) Satop E1 - 32 b) Satop T1 emulation: i) MUST be set to 24 in the basic emulation mode ii) MUST be set to 25 for the 'Octet-aligned T1‘ emulation mode c) Satop E3 - 535 d) Satop T3 - 699 For all kinds of structure-aware emulation, this parameter MUST be set to N where N is the number of DS0 channels in the corresponding attachment circuit." REFERENCE "See [TDMCP-EXT]" DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { pwVcTDMEntry 1 }

    6. pwVcTDMGroup conformance pwVcTDMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pwVcTDMRate, pwVcTDMIfIndex, pwVcGenTDMCfgIndex, pwVcRelTDMCfgIndex, pwVcTDMConfigError, pwVcTDMTimeElapsed, pwVcTDMValidIntervals, pwVcTDMCurrentIndications, pwVcTDMLatchedIndications, pwVcTDMLastEsTimeStamp,

    7. pwVcTDMCfgRowStatus, pwVcTDMCfgConfErr, pwVcTDMCfgPayloadSize, pwVcTDMCfgPktReorder, pwVcTDMCfgRtpHdrUsed, pwVcTDMCfgJtrBfrDepth, pwVcTDMCfgPayloadSuppression, pwVcTDMCfgConsecPktsInSynch, pwVcTDMCfgConsecMissPktsOutSynch, pwVcTDMCfgSetUp2SynchTimeOut, pwVcTDMCfgPktReplacePolicy, pwVcTDMCfgAvePktLossTimeWindow , pwVcTDMCfgExcessivePktLossThreshold, pwVcTDMCfgAlarmThreshold , pwVcTDMCfgClearAlarmThreshold, pwVcTDMCfgMissingPktsToSes, pwVcTDMCfgTimestampMode, pwVcTDMCfgStorageType }

    8. Report alarm to reflect LOPS. If LOPS state persists for a period specified by alarm threshold than pwDown notification is sent. When no LOPS is declared for the clear alarm period the pwUp notification is sent. The above should cover most conditions that require reporting. Ready for LC

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