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AWIPS Software Recommendation and Evaluation Committee (SREC) Status Meeting

AWIPS Software Recommendation and Evaluation Committee (SREC) Status Meeting. July 26, 2005 Systems Engineering Center. Agenda. Update on OB6 Contents TOC Moratorium Update on OB7 Contents Status on moving AWIPS Master List Requirements to OSI Process Remaining OB7 SREC Activities

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AWIPS Software Recommendation and Evaluation Committee (SREC) Status Meeting

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  1. AWIPS Software Recommendation and Evaluation Committee (SREC) Status Meeting July 26, 2005 Systems Engineering Center

  2. Agenda • Update on OB6 Contents • TOC Moratorium • Update on OB7 Contents • Status on moving AWIPS Master List Requirements to OSI Process • Remaining OB7 SREC Activities • Software Development Process Improvement • Next Meeting Agenda • Backup slides • OB7 contents – 7/21

  3. Update on OB6 Contents • Proposed moving Ingest and Display of Gridded MOS (CONUS & OCONUS) to OB7 • ER, WR, OCWWS objected to moving Gridded MOS to OB7 • Agreement • Provide Gridded MOS in Application Release 6.2 (May 2006) • Max/Min Temp, Temp, Dew Point, Wind Speed and Direction, Thunderstorms 6 and 12 hr, snowfall, POP 6 and 12 hr and Relative Humidity • CONUS area • Work OSIP process in parallel • Complete RCs by October 2005 • Not affected by TOC Moratorium

  4. TOC Moratorium • Originally scheduled Aug-Dec 2005 to install upgrades and run comparison tests. End date later changed to Jan or Feb 2006. • In June, TOC incurred several instances where significant product delays (>45-60 min) and significant FTP slowdowns occurred. TOC unable to analyze root cause but TOC personnel already knew that their system was being heavily taxed; hence the need for the upgrades. • Due to customer impacts the delays caused and TOC already running at or near maximum capacity, TOC requested moratorium to start early. Granted on July 6. • Any new data sets for the TOC data stream placed on hold until after the moratorium. • TOC/DMG personnel will evaluate requests for new data but impact if data is not added will have to be great.

  5. TOC Moratorium • OB6 Data Effected • Include 10km WRF data stream in addition to existing ETA product to allow forecasters to adjust prior to the official switchover. Implement shortly after moratorium ends. • Additional GFS Ensemble data • Originally scheduled July 12 implementation. Implement shortly after moratorium ends. • OCONUS GFS40 • CONUS grids already flowing and not impacting the moratorium. Phase in other grids (OCONUS) shortly after moratorium ends. • RUC data (increase the number of forecast hours). Implement shortly after moratorium ends. • Extension of NCEP Wave Watch III suite – originally scheduled for July 12 implementation. Implement shortly after moratorium ends.

  6. TOC Moratorium • OB7 Data Effected • Development organizations should be able to continue working with test data until structured testing phase begins. • SwIT scheduled to begin early Feb 2006. If moratorium ends as planned, software code would’ve been checked in before SwIT begins and data could begin flowing to TOC in time for testing. • If TOC moratorium extends past March, some OB7 data could be affected. • Dave Miller will monitor and report back to the SREC on a regular basis.

  7. Update on OB7 Contents • AWIPS OB7 Radar Content Adjustment Resulting from the NEXRAD Build 9 SREC • Add back Upgrade LDAD Server to Linux • Money programmed for FY06 • Make DS Decommissioning easier for OB7 • Directive Changes • Test Practice Mode (complete OB6 work – wording of test messages) • Move LAMP product generation off AWIPS hardware • Move off Px1, generate product centrally

  8. Moving AWIPS Master List Requirements to OSI Process • See attached spreadsheet • AWIPS Masterlist Tactical Requirements • AWIPS Masterlist Strategic Requirements • Process • Identify a requirement advocate for all 1st and 2nd tier items • Prepare a Statement of Need • Submit to the OSIP Process • Progress • SONs submitted • MIGFA, GOES Low Cloud Base Product

  9. Moving AWIPS Master List Requirements to OSI Process • Reference- https://osip.weather.gov • Templates available for Statements of Need & Project Plan • Send SONs to SON@noaa.gov • Examples of good SONs • HazCollect a.k.a All Hazards Emergency Message Collection (04-003) • AWIPS Evolution (04-005) • Integrated Upper Air Observations (05-003) • Uninterrupted Data Supply for Mission Critical Wx Sys (05-008) • Questions, points of contact?

  10. Remaining OB7 SREC Activities • Publish Release Plan (May 24) • Working on SREC Website with OB7 Content • Deliver tasking letters to Development Organization (July 31)

  11. Software Development ProcessImprovements • SEC and development organizations are looking for ways to improve the AWIPS development process so that we can improve the quality of the software provided to the integrator. Areas being discussed include: • Planning • Process • Project tracking and reporting • Involvement of Users (Regions, Field, OCWWS, Training) and Development Partners (SEC, CIO, OOS, NCEP, NESDIS) in the development process • Testing • Developers demonstrate and users will test software prior to integration, alpha and beta testing • Extreme testing using canned weather scenarios • Testing tools

  12. Next Meeting Agenda • Meeting to be held on August 30 at 2:30pm EDT • OB7 Status • OSIP Task Status • Begin to identify tasks for OB8 (9/07) – OB11(9/10)

  13. OB7 Contents • Software maintenance • DRs from previous releases • FSL (40), MDL (40), SEC (80), OHD (37) • Radar • Super‑resolution 88D base products or replace some of the following • Plan View Display of VWP (SREC – Tactical/1st tier) • DVL low value/linear scale change (Build 9) • Generate products for non-assoc. user requests (e.g, RCS, VCS, ULR, USP) (Build 9) • RDA/SZ-2 Range Unfolding VCPs (Build 9) • All Tilts Navigation improvements • If time permits, also do the following • Integrated radar/environment tool • Estimated actual velocity tool (SREC – Tactical/1st tier) • Mesocyclone Detection Algorithm • Send environmental data from AWIPS to RPG • Add products to TDWR SPG • candidates are: composite reflectivity (CZ and/or ULR), VAD wind profile (VWP), Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL) • Snowfall Accumulation Products

  14. OB7 Contents • Model data • NOGAPS (OB6 SREC) • FNMOC Wave Watch Model Guidance (OB6 SREC) • GFS BUFR Sounding Data (OB6 SREC) • All 12 km Eta products CONUS & AK upgraded to 10 km from North American Mesoscale WRF • Full suite of SREF products for CONUS and Alaska • ECMWF model • All 20 km RUC products upgraded to 13 km • OPC and TAFB Offshore Gridded Significant Wave Height Forecasts • Gridded MOS (CONUS)-5km grid, issued 2x daily • Satellite • Polar Microwave Products • Polar Visible and IR imagery (OB6) • Cloud Amount DPI (OB6)

  15. OB7 Contents • Hydrology • Operational Implementation of Distributed Hydrologic Modeling • WHFS HydroView Enhancement to Replace “Mapper” • Integration of RFC QPE tools into a common National System • Integrate CHPS Data Services for RRS • Decision Assistance • SCAN: Auto-Nowcaster short-term convective forecast application • 4D Storm Cell Investigator (NSSL WDSSII display on AWIPS) • SAFESEAS Enhancements • Fog Monitor (OB6 SREC) • Rip Current Products (OB6 SREC) • Add MAROBS to data type list • FFMP Enhancements • Gridded precipitation • Guardian (OB6 SREC) • LSR Enhancements: Quick List (OB6) • System for Nowcasting of Winter Weather (SNOW) (OB6 SREC) • Aviation Forecast Preparation System (AVNFPS) • LSR Enhancements: Quick List

  16. OB7 Contents • GFE • Add the capability to use NCDC climatological data in GFE for display, smart tools, and formatters • OPC and TAFB Offshore Gridded Significant Wave Height Forecasts in GFE • NWR • Improvements to NWRWAVES • NDFD • NDFD grid sub sectors for RFCs via AWIPS • Analysis of Record • Ingest and display Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) information in AWIPS and NDGD • Extend geographic domain of NDFD products to cover Offshore and High Seas domain • New NDFD elements (TPC’s Gridded Probabilistic Winds and OPC and TAFB Offshore Gridded Significant Wave Height Forecasts)

  17. OB7 Contents • Infrastructure • Additional Frame Capability (OB6) • Display a subset of GFE parameters on D2D (OB6) • Displace Real Time (prototype) • Improve installation times • Data distribution method (prototype)

  18. OB7 Contents • Infrastructure • COTS Upgrades (e.g., op system, gcc compiler) • Convert RFC Archiver Database and Software to PostgreSQL • Technology Transfer (e.g., GFE Support, Climate, HWR, IFPS, LSR, Radar Display) • Decommission DS • Upgrade LDAD Server to Linux • Decommission WWA • GFE/GHG Infrastructure - Performance Improvements • Text Formatter sampling performance • Multithreaded ifpserver • Database Reliability/Correction Issues • DRT for GFESuite • iTools Development • GRIB2 Decoder (MDL to NCEP) • Consolidate MOS/BUFR Decoders • Removing local data access on NAS • Modify architecture to allow more frequent release • Directive Changes • Test/Practice Mode • Move LAMP product generation off AWIPS hardware

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