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Biofuels Assessment Report - ECOWAS Sub-Region

Biofuels Assessment Report - ECOWAS Sub-Region . AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa July 30 – August 1, 2007 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Essel Ben Hagan Director, CSIR-Institute of Industrial Research Accra, Ghana ebenhagan@gmail.com. Biofuel Technologies.

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Biofuels Assessment Report - ECOWAS Sub-Region

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  1. Biofuels Assessment Report- ECOWAS Sub-Region AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa July 30 – August 1, 2007 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Essel Ben Hagan Director, CSIR-Institute of Industrial Research Accra, Ghana ebenhagan@gmail.com AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  2. Biofuel Technologies • Biomass Gasification – demonstration plants in Cote d’Ivoire shut down in 1980/90s for non-viability • Biogas – e.g. Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria • Bioethanol – plans in Senegal and Nigeria • Biodiesel – e.g Mali, Ghana AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  3. Barriers to Promotion of Bio-fuels - ECOWAS sub-region • Absence of clear policy and regulatory frameworks for biofuel industry • Inadequate access to high quality planting material - seeds and seedlings • Poor support from traditional banks and other financial institutions • Bushfires and pests on feedstock farms • Competition with other arable crops for farm lands / labour AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  4. Biofuels – the Ghana Experience AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  5. Ghana’s Energy Sector • Heavy dependence on woodfuels and imported petroleum products • Final energy utilized • Woodfuels – 63% • Petroleum products – 27% • Electricity • Major consumers of petroleum products • transport - 78% • households - 8% • Industry - 7% • agriculture - 5.4% AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  6. Ghana’s Energy Sector (cont’d) • Total primary energy - 6.2 million TOE in 2000 to 6.6 million TOE in 2003 • Average expenditure on crude oil imports (2000-2004) - US$563.18 million/year • Expected expenditure on crude oil imports in 2007 - US$1.3 billion • Growth of consumption of petroleum products (2005-2015) – 56% • Heavy burden on Ghana’s balance of trade AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  7. Biodiesel Initiatives • Key players - non-profit organizations, private enterprises and Gov’t • Major activities • cultivation of Jatropha plant • extraction of oil from Jatropha seed • small-scale production plants– R&D and demonstration • Poor activities coordination and exchange of lessons learnt AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  8. Comparative Prices of Jatropha-Based Oils and Petroleum Products AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  9. Biofuel Committee • In 2005, Biofuel Committee (BFC) set up by Ghana Energy Commission developed and submitted a National Biofuel Policy (NBP) • NBP Objective- to accelerate the development of the biofuel industry in Ghana - special emphasis on production of biodiesel from Jatropha • NBP Recommendations • Substitute 20% of national gasoil consumption and 30% of national kerosene consumption with jatropha oil by 2015 • Remove institutional barriers in order to promote private sector investments and management of biodiesel industry AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  10. BFC Recommendations (cont’d) • Create favourable regulatory climate to ensure development of • competitive market • favourable pricing regime • high quality product • R&D to improve the efficiency of biodiesel production technologies • to reduce production costs • to raise quality and efficacy of product • Medium to long term – Ghana to become a net-exporter of bio-fuels AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  11. Cultivation of Jatropha AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  12. Processing of Jatropha Seeds • Anuanom Industrial Bio Products Ltd. (AIBP) - first company to build Jatropha oil processing factory in Ghana • Originally AIBP planned to build 360,000 tonnes/yr plant at US$12 million • Currently, AIBP has installed • 500-tonne plant for processing Jatropha seeds into biodiesel • 2000-tonne equipment for producing organic fertilizer from by-product of biodiesel - seedcake • Commercial production of biodiesel is yet to commence AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  13. Other Initiatives • Biodiesel 1, Ghana Ltd - Jatropha oil processing plant -2,000 tonnes seeds/month • Gbimsi Women’s Group – production of Jatropha oil to run a Multi Functional Platform for cereals processing • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology • R&D on agronomy of Jatropha and its susceptibility to pests • R&D on chemical and biochemical properties of Jatropha oil • R&D Jatropha utilisation in diesel engines, especially MFPs • Local fabrication of nut-cracking machine and manual press AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  14. Other Initiatives (cont’d) • CSIR- Forestry Research Institute – R&D on improved species of the Jatropha plant with higher oil yields • genetic improvement of planting the jatropha seed • technologies in seed production • collection and handling of seeds • seed germination and viability testing AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  15. Other Initiatives – cont’d • Biodiesel 1 Ltd & University of Ghana, Legon – R&D on • behaviour of Jatropha plant under different agro-ecological and climatic zones in Ghana • development of planting material through tissue culture • Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) Ltd • offers to buy any quantity of biodiesel produced in Ghana • has initiated discussions with Biodiesel 1 Limited and AIBP Ltd AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  16. Overcoming Barriers to Biofuel Promotion – ECOWAS Sub-Region • Demonstrated support of Governments - clear biofuel policy • Public awareness and education on biofuels • Active participation of all stakeholders of biofuel projects – farmers, industry, policy makers etc • Development of profitable supply chains in the biofuels industry • Availability of micro-credit facilities for biofuel projects • Build local capacity of local artisans on fabrication, repairs and maintenance of equipment of biofuel systems • Detailed feasibility studies and financing plan on projects prior to implementation AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  17. Potential Biofuels Projects in ECOWAS Sub-Region AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  18. Recommendations • Awareness creation workshops - potential of biofuels among the private sector, policy makers and financial institutions • Adoption of ECOWAS Commission directives to develop biofuels market • Support private sector to carry out feasibility studies on biofuel projects • Support research institutions for R&D and technology transfer • Development of agro-energy policies to facilitate the acquisition of large tracts of land for biofuels feedstock • Establishment of Bioenergy Development Funds for private sector AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

  19. Thank you AU/Brazil/UNIDO Biofuels Seminar in Africa

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