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The Republic Institute for protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural heritage. The current status of the national biodiversity assessments and indicators in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Copenhagen, June 30, 2016. Dejan Radošević. After article III 2.c, Annex 4 of Dayton Agreement:.
The Republic Institute for protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural heritage The current status of the national biodiversity assessments and indicators in Bosnia-Herzegovina Copenhagen, June 30, 2016 Dejan Radošević
After article III 2.c, Annex 4 of Dayton Agreement: “entities shall ensure safe and protectedenvironment for all people living under their jurisdiction, by sustaining the Agency for the implementation of civil law that shall be functioning in accordance with internationally acknowledged standards respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms addressed in article II and undertaking other measures according to needs”.
The Institute for protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage
GAPS • Currently in Bosnia and Herzegovina none of the institutions are engaged in systematically collection of data related to development and updating of indicators. • According to the Law on Nature Protectionof Republic of SrpskaInstitute for protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage conducts monitoring, collects, processes and compiles data on the state of nature, produces reports and updated data for the information system of nature protection. • Bylaw has not been adopted (Information system has not been established) • According to the Law on Nature Protection of Federation of B&H the Institute for Nature protection is responsible for management and maintenance of the nature protection information system and cadastre of biological and landscape diversity. • Institute for Nature Protection has not been established.
Although the issue of invasive species in BiH is governed by different laws and bylaws (Law on Nature Protection of the RS - Official Gazette of the RS, no. 20/14; Environmental Protection Law - Official Gazette of the FBiH, no. 33/03, and 39/09; Law on Nature Protection - Official Gazette of the FBiH, no. 66/13, etc.), there are no documents regulating the monitoring, control and minimization of negative impacts of these species. The list of prevalent invasive species, as well as the data on their distribution and the size of populations of these species are segmented and given as results of various studies. • In BiH, 153 areas belong to one of the protection level forms since 1954, including protected landscapes, monuments of nature or protected habitats (e.g. forest seed components). However, the classification and registration of these areas are still not in line with the new legislation, nor is there any clarification for the state of the decisions on protection issued on the basis of the Law on the Natural, Cultural and Historical Heritage of SRBiH, due to which these areas cannot be deemed officially protected.
PAs in the Republic of Srpska to 1995 In 1995 a new Law on nature protection was created which delisted the majority of Pas. It has decreased the number of Pas from 56 to 2 (NP Sutjeska and NP Kozara)
The network of existing and planned protected areas of the BiH 27 PAs 2 % of the territory 101,315 ha
The percentage of protected areas increased from 0.55% in 2003 to 2% in 2016, however it is still a small area size in relation to the global level (17 %) and regional level. • The existing protected areas do not fully implement the system of protection, monitoring and sustainable use. The lack of the budgetary allocations, inadequate structure of employees, the lack of management plans, failure to appoint the institution responsible for the management of the protected areas, and the like. • Proposal of protection the following new areas in the Federation of BiH is additional 3% of the territory, Bjelasnica, Igman and part of the Canyon Rakitnica, Livanjskopolje, Increasing the area of Vjetrenica cave and pine forests in Ravno. • Increasing the number of PA in Republic of Srpska (OrijeniBijelagora, Tišina, Jahorina, NP Drina.
22,192.25 ha 0.9% of the territory 17 protected areas: 2 nature reserves 2 national parks 12 natural monuments 1 PA with sustainable use of NR (data updated on February 16, 2016). Protected Areas in Republic of Srpska Ia - Strict Nature Reserve II - National Park III - Nature monument VI - Protected Areas with Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
increase in the number of protected areas Nature Monument Strict Nature Reserve PAs with sus. use of nr National Park categories of protected areas
122 potential Natura 2000 sites in B&H have been selected Total area: 9567.7 km² (18,68% of the territory of B&H) The Project “Support to the Implementation of the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive in BiH" (October 2012-2014)
The Decree on the Red List of protected species of flora and fauna of the RS (Official Gazette of RS, no. 124/12) has been issued, which contains a list of vascular plants, birds, fish, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and the subregnum of metazoans. Reptiles Mammals Fish Plants The adopted Decree contains the listings of all species recorded, but it does not provide separate threat categories.
As for the FBiH, the Red List of Endangered Plants, Animals and Fungi in the FBiH has been adopted (Official Gazette of FBiH, no. 07/14). This list includes plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and cyclostamata, with a breakdown by the appropriate categories of threat. The list also includes species from order Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Odonata (dragonflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies) and Trichoptera (caddisflies), a breakdown of butterflies, ground beetles and dung beetles in the FBiH, then the species from the orders of Amphipoda (crayfish), Decapoda (decapods), Opiliones (harvestmen) and Pseudoscorpionida (pseudoscorpions). Butterflies Amphibia Birds Plants
Forests • All certified forests in BiH are publicly owned and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). There are no certified private forests. • A total of 1 519 234.9 ha of state forests are certified by FSC in BiH. • The Federation has not yet adopted the Law on Forestry, in RS there is the Law on Forestry and adopted Strategy of forestry development (2012). Since forests are generally found in several national goals, and one of them is the certification of state forests. Indicator: Area of certified state forests.
HCVF in Republic of Srpska 47 367 ha 1.92%
HCVF of biodiversity importance in Republic of Srpska 4559 ha 0.185%
“Strengthening MEA synergies and indicators in NBSAPs for the Pan-European region” This project is funded by the European Commission’s Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources including Energy (ENRTP), with contributions from UNEP (Environment Fund) and aims to explore the opportunities to produce a suite of common indicators, first at the sub-regional level, and subsequently across the Pan-European region. The draft of Technical Publication of Examples and Lessons for NBSAP Impact Indicators and Information Systems, focusing on common NBSAP subject areas.
Common subject areas: Large carnivores Protected areas Birds – populations Forest areas/habitats Rivers are a key area and key species they share (e.g. Danube) Common butterfly species that indicate habitat fragmentation
“Towards Strengthened Conservation Planning in South-Eastern Europe” Effective Conservation in the Western Balkans through Consolidated Biodiversity Information Partnership IUCN and GIZ, national authorities responsible for biodiversity information, experts CSOs, international organisations
Lack of human resources • Lack of data and baselines • Reliability of official data e.g. Corine – land cover 2000, 2006; forestry and logging data in BiH • Lack of common resources (financial and human) to do the job • Lack of political will – if exists it solves a lot of challenges • Public opinion – public still not aware of biodiversity (>50% need to be aware, then maybe something will change) • Communication to different Ministry departments – lengthy processes • Indicators are contextualised by other indicators within the country • Time! Regional reporting to CBD – is there long enough time to develop something to report together before the next COP? Limited time to meet national targets • Different status of countries e.g. EU vs non EU • Poor collaboration with NGOs • Different national priorities • Different legislative framework