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Safety dB Meter Software Review

Safety dB Meter Software Review. ETec 474 By Polly Leung. Kernel Selection and Task/ISR Design. MicroC/OS-II StartTask KeyTask UITask OSTickISR. StartTask. Priority 4 Initialization Create other tasks Once only. KeyTask. Priority 5 It is for detecting and verifying key presses.

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Safety dB Meter Software Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Safety dB Meter Software Review ETec 474 By Polly Leung

  2. Kernel Selectionand Task/ISR Design • MicroC/OS-II • StartTask • KeyTask • UITask • OSTickISR

  3. StartTask • Priority 4 • Initialization • Create other tasks • Once only

  4. KeyTask • Priority 5 • It is for detecting and verifying key presses. • Period=10ms • Average execution time =3.3us • Peak execution time=16.6us • It is written by Profession Morton, and I modified it to fit my project.

  5. UITask • Priority 7 • This task handles the data come from the ATD port. • It modulates the pulse width output to the LCD and turns LEDs on and off. • Periodic • Period=50ms • Estimated peak execution time= 1ms

  6. OSTickISR • MicroC/OS-II clock ticks • OSTimeDly()

  7. CPU Load • Worst case = 16.6us/10ms+ 1ms/50ms = 0.0217

  8. Module/Library Description • dBmeter.c • Key.c • PWM.c • AToD.c

  9. Main ( ) StartTask( ) UITask( ) Key Level Peak dBmeter.cFunctions Variables

  10. KeyInit( ) KeyPend( ) GetKey( ) KeyTask( ) KeyScan( ) KeyBuffer key cur_key button err Key.cFunctionsVariables

  11. PWMInit( ) ChangePWM( ) Intensity PWM.cFunctionsVariables

  12. AToDInit( ) AToDRead( ) level AToD.cFunctionsVariables

  13. Key Module Pushbuttons Functions Tp KeyInit( ) KeyTask( ) Key.buffer KeyPend( ) Key.flag

  14. KeyTask( ) KeyPend( ) UITask Key.buffer OSSemPost( ) Key.flag OSSemPend( )

  15. A-to-D I/O Function A to D converter AN0 AToDRead( ) ATDDR0 PAD00

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