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Bloom’s Taxonomy and Sim School Tasks. By Kaya Savannah and Ashonte Bell. Student Name: Adela Zavala. Adela: Can be hyperactive She acts out and interrupts others Very sensitive about due dates She is very creative She holds grudges and is very judgmental She is very passive
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Sim School Tasks By Kaya Savannah and Ashonte Bell
Student Name:Adela Zavala Adela: • Can be hyperactive • She acts out and interrupts others • Very sensitive about due dates • She is very creative • She holds grudges and is very judgmental • She is very passive • She is an A+ - B+ student • She is able to understand and participate in conversations with high precision and a wide vocabulary • She is able to respond appropriately in situations she is unfamiliar about • She is a perfectionist • She is very competitive
Recall/Skills & Concepts Activities • In this activity Adela: • Reviewed last week’s lesson (Recall – Blooms’ Remembering) • Did a team worksheet (Skills & Concepts – Blooms’ Understanding) • Took a written test (Recall – Blooms’ Applying) • Adela did not preform as to the best of her abilities. The tasks were very low range and uninteresting to her. • Adela distracted the class many times. • In order to improve Adela’s performance we need to add a various activities and harder challenges.
Strategic Thinking/Extended Skills • In this activity Adela: • Do silent reading (Strategic Thinking – Blooms’ Analyzing) • Play a game (Strategic Thinking – Blooms’ Analyzing and Evaluating) • Made a creative product (Extended Thinking – Blooms’ Creating) • Student lead discussion ( Extended Thinking – Blooms’ Creating) • Adela began to become more interested in the task at hand. The activities began to challenge her thought process. • She became more open and outgoing. • There were still dips in her academic progress, which meant that we hadn't found the correct balance of questions. Adela began to become more intreseted in the task at athand.They began to challenege her thought process
Mixed Skills • In this activity Adela: • Went over last weeks lesson (Recall – Blooms’ Remembering) • Whole class oral response (Skills & Concept – Blooms’ Understanding) • Compare and contrast (Skills & Concept – Blooms’ Analyzing) • Played a game (Strategic Thinking – Blooms’ Analyzing and Evaluating) • Make a creative product (Extended Thinking – Blooms’ Creating) • Adela was on track with her academic performance. She was very agreeable and communicated efficiently to the teacher. • She did revert in at times but overall was very outgoing and helpful. • The various changes in classwork and levels on Blooms Taxonomy helped a lot.
Summary • 1.Briefly describe Adela’s ability vs. her performance. - Adela has the ability to complete all of he task given to her but because they questions do no peak her interest, her performance suffered. • 2.How were you able to adjust activities to improve her performance? - By giving Adela higher order questions and activities I was able to see improvement in her overall drive and performance on classwork. Her posture improved, her happiness bar rose and her contentment rose overall. The results show that she was cognitively where she needed to be each time we went through he simulation. • 3.Why did her performance improve or not improve? - It improved because we found the right type of questions that required her to use her inquiry skills but also her to slow down and think through each step of the task. • 4.How many simulations did it take you to find the right balance of activities for Adela to perform at her best? - I found that giving her at least one task from each level, helped create academic awareness and got her brain power flowing. So in total 4 task were the right amount. • 5. What would you implement next for Adela? And why? -I would implement more group work and presentations, because she is a very social person and is a visual and hands on person. • 6. Is their a tradeoff between at level activities verses challenging activities? - Not in all students, But in challenging activities it pushes the student to ask questions and try new things. • 7. What happens when the activities are more difficult? - It took Adela a longer time to complete the task, and she was content in her work. Not bothering others. • 8. What happens when the activities are too easy? - Adela became distracted and often wanted to leave class. • 9.How does Bloom’s Taxonomy challenge teachers in preparing lessons? - It allows teachers to plan for all of the students in the classroom, and the various ranges that they may be at. It gives teachers a platform to grow and scaffold off of. • 10.How does simSchoolchallenge teachers in preparing lessons? -It allows them to test their teaching approach with students without the reality of the classroom. Students are often unpredictable and Simschool helps to find what works and what doesn’t.