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Media Reporting and its Role in Disasters

Media Reporting and its Role in Disasters. Carlos Miranda Levy. The Physical Infrastructure may be gone, but the social networks remain. The Physical Infrastructure May be Gone, But the Human Capacity Remains: Use it, do not displace it.

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Media Reporting and its Role in Disasters

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Media Reporting and its Rolein Disasters Carlos Miranda Levy

  2. The Physical Infrastructure may be gone, but the social networks remain

  3. The Physical Infrastructure May be Gone, But the Human Capacity Remains: Use it, do not displace it.

  4. Do not rely on Second Hand Sources: make your own Assessments based on first hand observations and careful review of others’.

  5. Always Asses: constantly Assess – Conditions change quickly and from one place to Another

  6. There is order in Chaos:Find it

  7. What appears to be random or chaos is not… 一見カオスでも、実際は。。。

  8. There is order, social structure… 秩序と社会基盤がしっかりとあります。

  9. Disasters are about People, Human and inhuman stories:Find Them

  10. Who are the people who survive disaster? これ程の災害を「生き延びた人びと」は一体誰だったのでしょうか?

  11. There is people, professionals… 人や専門家もいます

  12. There are friends,people willing to do their share... 役に立とうとしている仲間がいます

  13. Avoid sensationalism: be Tender, be Kind, be Original, be True

  14. Do not supplant the Voice of the People:Donot tell their story, Share it

  15. Do not be the reporter holding the baby or crying for the inhumanity It is not about you reporting the story, it is about the story and the people in the story

  16. Beyond Reporting: Add a Valid piece of information on what actions the people can take to engage the story being reported

  17. Disasters can Be Addictive:Be aware of The Danger of Instant Gratification

  18. Carlos Miranda LevyNever Help: engage, enable, empower and connect www.socinfo.com – www.relief20.come-mail: carlos@socinfo.comMessenger: carlosmirandalevy@hotmail.com Skype: carlosmirandalevy / Twitter: @CarlosMiranda Facebook: www.facebook.com/carlosmirandalevy LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/CarlosMiranda Google Plus: http://short.socinfo.com/carlosplus

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