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This comprehensive guide provides a detailed walkthrough of SPI4 Version 2.0, covering modules, functionalities, reporting, and more for institutions planning audits. Instructions include enabling macros, selecting modules, importing data, and generating reports.
Contents Optional modules Green Index ALINUS Truelift Import functionalities Smart Campaign MIX Factsheet SPI4 v1.x (previous versions of SPI4) Welcome Page Organization information APR estimation tool Questionnaire Comments columns filtering by function option Reports Social dashboard Universal Standards Reports Smart Campaign Light Reports
Beforestarting: Enable the macros in your Excel file If they are not enabled, SPI4 will not work! To activate macros: 1 Click on Options 2 2 Select Enable this content 3 Click on OK
4 Click on on the top and center of the Welcome Page, and choose your language from the list Select your language
Fill in the Welcome Page 5 Provide your contact information as well as the type of audit you plan to do. In return for use of the SPI4, CERISE requests that audited institutions share their results with CERISE and authorize CERISE to enter their results into a confidential database for benchmarking purposes. If you do not agree to share your results with CERISE, you must untickthis box. If do you notagree to share your results with MIX, you must untickthis box. 6
7 Select additional modules (optional). By default, SPI4 opens to the core questionnaire (Universal Standards for SPM, which include the Client Protection Certification Standards and indicators*) If your organization has a specific mission focus, you can add additional indicators that will appear in Organization Information and/or the Questionnaire. • Truelift poverty assessment framework • Gender (with Women’s World Banking/Foro Lac) • Green Index (developed by a Green working group of the European Microfinance Platform) • Third party providers (Smart Campaign) • Insurance(Smart Campaign) • Once the relevant module selected, click on the button Click to update 8 Make sure you get this message. Click OK. 9 * SPI4 does not include the compliance criteria used in Client Protection Certification missions.
10 Choose an external reporting option to report to partners (optional). This option filters the questionnaire to provide a selection of the indicators used in that reporting option • Once you’ve selected the option, make sure to click to update to update the questionnaire. A sub-set of 68 indicators used by investors in due diligence and monitoring Indicators specific to Opportunity International partners Networks Indicators specific to network reporting– selected by MFC * ** CLICK HERE after selecting options to set-up the questionnaire
You cannot select both an optional module AND an external reporting option. • If you select an optional module and then an external reporting option, you will have an error message. The optional module will be cancelled.
11 Import data from other tools. You can import data from the following tools: Pre-fill part of the SPI4 questionnaire with Smart assessments and Getting Started Questionnaires (see page 47 of this guide) Use your MIX SP profile to pre-fill in data on the Organization Information page The Microfact Microfinance Factsheet, developed by ADA/BRS will pre-fill indicators on the Organization Information page Pre-fill part of SPI4 questionnaire with data from versions 1.1 and above of SPI4 (see page 36 of this guide) • To import data, click on the option you want to import to go to the page with detailed instructions.
Navigate in the toolthanks to the green buttons on the right side of the Welcome Page. 11 Organization information – Profile data and resultsindicators Questionnaire – Processindicators to measure practices against the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management and optional modules. Results– Reports generatedbased on data provided in Org Info and the questionnaire
Buttons to navigate between sections of the Org Info page Click to access a glossary of key terms and definitions Click on Tip!For definitions and explanations Comments column for users to specify source of data or additional information, like if the data provided comes from the MIS or is estimated Green cells are automatically updated Blue bullet points show which data is reported in the Social Dashboard or MIX report. Add more data points by filtering this column and adding OPT
Protfolio composition – loan and savings portfolio data and pricing data • APR estimation module – Calculator to estimate the Annual Percentage Rate for the loan portfolio. Instructions for the tool. • Financial information – key financial ratios for the reporting year • External reporting – level of participation/disclosure in initiatives such as Smart Campaign, SPTF, ratings, etc. • Optional modules may appear on the bottom of the page based on what you selected on the Welcome Page. • General information – key data to enable peer group analysis, based on MIX categories. The monetary context comes from a World Bank database (data through 2015). • Social Objectives – social mission and objectives • Organization – governance structure, branch network and staff composition • Products/Services – financial and non-financial products offered • Clients – target clients and breakdown of client composition
The total # of products should cover at at least 80% of active borrowers. Fill in one column per product APR estimation tool Use this simple tool to estimate the average annual percentage rate of your loan portfolio. Click here for step by step guidance on using APR tool
Click here to access a glossary with terms and definitions Bullet points show ALINUS indicators Counter to show how many indicators are completed. Navigate inside the SPI4 buttons for each dimension of the Universal Standards to Use these icons to access graphic reports Click on Tip!For guidance and definitions
SPI4 is divided into 5 different levels The questionnaire is organized into six different dimensions. This is the highest level. Standards are simple definitions of what the institution should achieve. Essential Practices are the management practices that the institution must implement in order to meet the standard. One or more indicators per Essential Practice, which an institution can use to assess whether it has implemented the practice. If there is no detail level underneath, your input will be at this level. If the Indicator level is too general and needs additional information, those additional sub-indicators will be indicated under Detail. In this case, your input will be at the Detail level.
If your input is required at the Indicator level: For each indicator, select the relevant answer by clicking on • Select Yes if you are formally and totally implementing this practice in your organization. • Select Partially if you are implementing only part of the practice, or if this is not formalized. • Select No if you are not implementing this practice at all.
Please note that for a small number of indicators, you will also be able to select n/a (not applicable) as an answer. n/a can only be selected if the corresponding indicator does not apply at all to the institution. In the example below : you may choose n/a in the case where there is no credit bureau in the country.
If your input is required at the detail level: For each detail, select the relevant answer by clicking on • Select Yes if the aspect is implemented • Select Partially if this aspect is partially implemented, or is an informal practice • Select No if the aspect is not implemented
For a few details, additional input may be required. When you see a gray cell, add an “x” where relevant.
Concrete practices, comments and clarifications This second column “Additional comments from reviewer” is designed for a 2nd set of comments • Ex. 1: Col.1= comments from FSP self-assesment / • Col.2 = comments from an external auditor/reviewer like CERISE or an investor using ALINUS for due diligence • Ex. 2: Col.1 = external auditor • Col.2 response to auditor from the FSP • Ex. 3: Col.1 = comments • Col 2 = ideas for recommentions This first column is for users to justify the score, by giving more details on how the institution implements the practice: include here references to documents, interviews, field visit observations, data from the MIS, etc. Comments are crucial for a robust analysis and should not be ignored! At the very least, provide comments for all of the ALINUS indicators, so that investors can leverage existing SPI4 data when using ALINUS for due diligence and monitoring
Filtering the questionnaire by function To the right of the questionnaire, you will find a filtering functionality. This was create to help auditors fill in the tool by operational areas and relevant documents (in English only). • Function- this column refers to the operational area primarily responsible for the practice identified in the indicator • Verification– this column lists the operational areas you can refer to to triangulate and verify information • Relevant documents- these are the key documents that will help you fill in the indicators as part of a desk review
Filtering the questionnaire by function Click on to filter by operational area. Make sure to keep this box checked, in order to keep the Dimensions and Standards visible, so the questionnaire makes sense!
Social dashboard A comprehensive social dashboard is automatically generated based on the data provided on the organization information page and questionnaire. The dashboard offers a graphic overview of the key ratios and social indicators. You can use the dashboard to track key social performance indicators and to communicate • Internally (ex. Board, SPM committee) or • With external partners (ex. investors, networks).
You must fill in all the indicators with blue bullet points in the Org Information page, and all the indicators in the questionnaire. On the top right side of the questionnaire, this counter shows you the number of indicators completed. On the Org Info page blue bullet points indicate data used in the social dashboard
FSP profile Mission Statement Scores for the Universal Standards and Client Protection Principales light SPI4 includes all Level 1 indicators of a Smart self-assessment. It does not include the compliance criteria required for a certification mission. Ici, l'auditeur peut identifier les points clés à revoir sur la protection des clients, les étapes majeures avant une certification Smart par exemple Ici, l'auditeur peut résumer en quelques lignes les points forts et points faibles à prioriser dans le plan d'action Contextual and financial information Board and staff composition
Loan characteristics and client composition Links to other responsible finance initiatives Client satisfaction data and % of complaints received Products and services
Universal Standards Reports The SPI4 generates 2 reports for the Universal Standards. The first represents results by Dimension and by Standard, out of a score of 100. All indicators are weighed equally. Missing a score? Go to the 2nd Universal Standards report to see which indicators you forgot to answer!
Universal Standards Reports The second report offers a more granular view of results for each dimension, standard and essential practice. Do you see TBD? That means you forgot to answer an indicator. Click here to go back to the questionnaire and answer the missing indicator.
Client Protection Light Report 1/2 The SPI4 generates two Client Protection Light reports based on answers to the Smart Campaign indicators integrated into the Universal Standards. The results are those of a Smart Campaign assessment using level 1 indicators only, similar to the level 1 option on the Smart Getting Started Questionnaire. This level of analysis does not include the compliance criteria required for a Client Protection Certification. The scoring is exactly the same as that used in the Smart Getting Started Questionnaire. This first report generates a graphic overview of results for the 7 Client Protection Principles. In green, % of indicators that are fully met In orange, % of indicators that are partially met In red, % of indicators that are not met
Client Protection Light Report 2/2 The second report provides details for each client protection indicator, presented in the same way they appear in Smart Campaign assessment tools.
MIX social data reports To encourage transparency and reduce reporting burden, SPI4 also generates a MIX social data report based on data from the Organization Information and the Questionnaire. Use this report to facilitate social performance reporting to MIX. Give your authorization to allow CERISE to share this data with MIX (on the Welcome Page, see p. 6) and CERISE will transfer this report to MX to update your SP profile.
Green Index • The Dimension 7 - Green Index – was created by working group of the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP). The Green Index allows users to evaluate the environmental performance of an organization. • To access Dimension 7, choose the option on the Welcome Page.
Green Index report Select the Green Index and fill in all the indicators to generate this Green Index report.
Each participating MIV selected from SPI4 the indicators they wished to use during due diligence/monitoring. CERISE analyzed this list, and asked MIVs to reconsider their choices when they had selected indicators that few other MIVs were interested in. These iterative rounds of input made it possible to finalize a list of 80 indicators from the SPI4. In July 2016, SPI4 revised, with 20% fewer indicators. ALINUS 2.0 frozen at 68 indicator until 2020. 68 The ALINUS option is designed as a social data collection tool for investors’ due diligence and monitoring. ALINUS is a sub-set of indicators in the Questionnaire and quantitative indicators from the Org Info page, chosen by and for social investors through a collaborative and iterative process. ALINUS is directly integrated in the SPI4 and is accessed by downloading the SPI4.
Access Choose ALINUS under the self-reporting section. Make sure to click to update. 1 1 • You cannot select both optional modules and ALINUS. Please note that the standards ALINUS selection includes Green Index indicators.
2 A red button will appear with Alinus Dashboard. This is because results for ALINUS appear in a dedicated dashboard.
The Organization Information page will now be filtered to show ONLY the ALINUS indicators ALINUS dashboard shows results Click on glossary to download an Excel file with all terms and definitions Click on Tip!For definitions and explanations Cells in green populate automatically
The questionnaire will also be filtered for ALINUS indicators. You can check this by verifying the counter, which should read 68 Counter shows the total number of indicators for ALINUS=68. ALINUS bullet points show that the questionnaire is filtered for ALINUS ALINUS dashboard shows results
ALINUS dashboard The ALINUS dashboard offers a concise overview of key social performance data that can be presented to the board, investors, and external audiences. While ALINUS indicators can be filled in multiple languages, the dashboard is English only. For more information on ALINUS, www.cerise-spi4.org/alinus or contact cerise at spi@cerise-microfinance.org
Truelift If you selected the Poverty module (Truelift) from the Welcome Page, two additional buttons will appear: • Truelift questionnaire, in a separate tab. • Truelift results The Poverty module is the result of collaboration with Truelift, a global initiative to push for accountability in pro-poor development. https://sealofexcellence.wordpress.com/ Available only in English; French and Spanish under development in early 2017.
Smart Campaign import – from the Welcome Page • To import results from a Smart Assessment into the SPI4, click on the button Smart Assessments dfrom the Welcome Page. • You will land on a page with instructions on how to: • Copy results from the Smart Assessment • Transfer them to the SPI4 Make sure the files are in the same language.
MIX Import – from the Welcome Page • To import results from your MRE SP profile into the SPI4. click on the button MIXMarket from the Welcome Page. • You will land on a page with instructions on how to: • Copy results from the Mix Reporting Express file • Transfer results into the Org Info page of SPI4
Factsheet import – from the Welcome Page To import results from your Factsheet into the SPI4, click on the button MFI Factsheet by Microfact from the Welcome PAge. You will land on a page with instructions on how to: - Copy results from the Factsheet -Transfer results into the Org Info page of SPI4
Import SPI4 v1.X – from Welcome Page If you want in import results from a previous version of SPI4 (v1.2 and above), click on the button on the Welcome Page • This will bring you to a page with instructions: • Copy results from the SPI4 • Transfer results into the Org Info page and questionnaire Make sure the files are in the same language.