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How Software Can Improve Park Volunteerism. Bringing Us Together. Courtesy Of. Introduction. Welcome.
How Software Can Improve Park Volunteerism Bringing Us Together Courtesy Of
Introduction Welcome. eCoordinator is your key to unlocking volunteer potential in your community. Thank you for taking the time to learn how we can help you recruit, manage, schedule, track, report on and even share volunteers when needed. Recruiting Coordinating Networking Overview Accessing Features Main Screens Searching Sorting eCoordinator and the additional tools needed for Internet recruiting are products of Samaritan Technologies. Samaritan was formed in 1996 and has over 1000 clients, including the Colorado State Parks Dept. eCoordinator is an Internet based software application that helps volunteer managers recruit, coordinate, schedule, track, and report on volunteers. No installation is required. “Recruiter” is a series of customized forms that plug in to your park web site. There are different forms for volunteers to use when searching for opportunities, registering, editing their profiles, scheduling, reporting and other functions.
Introduction Recruiting Using SECURE Web Based Software makes it easier to access your data from any terminal at any time. Coordinating Networking Accessing Overview Features Main Screens Searching Sorting This is a web page: Your User ID and Password will access your ‘account,’ which includes all of your volunteers, service opportunities, projects, and other data. You can your software from any computer that is connected to the Internet, anytime you want to. If you have a demonstration account with us you can find this web page LIVE at http://ec.volunteernow.com/coordinator. If you would like a free demonstration account, please contact us at 888.904.6060.
Introduction Recruiting eCoordinator was designed by real volunteer managers. It is the product of 5 years of research and development. Coordinating Networking Features Overview Accessing Main Screens Searching Sorting Key Features: Fully Customizable Database Referring, Scheduling, Tracking & More Electronic Data Publishing and Sharing Internet Recruiting, Scheduling & Tracking Advanced Reporting Systems Each Florida Park will have their own networked database. Parks may elect to add custom volunteer application forms to their web site and / or use the state system.
Introduction Recruiting Each screen lets you quickly access the records you need to work on. Coordinating Networking Main Screens Overview Accessing Features Searching Sorting By using standard tabs to separate Volunteers, Opportunities (& projects), and sponsoring Organizations, eCoordinator helps you focus quickly on the records you need. You may also open more than one of these tabs and ‘toggle’ between them as needed. Notice that John Johnson has been selected on this screen. You can now edit, email, refer, place, or generate reports for John by selecting on the appropriate button on the left side of the screen (not live in this presentation). Special Feature! You can quickly add additional columns to any grid. For example, you can add a column showing volunteer birth dates or another one showing which opportunities the volunteer has been referred to.
Introduction Recruiting All records on this screen can be easily sorted by clicking on the column headers. Coordinating Networking Sorting Overview Accessing Features Main Screens Searching The little blue arrow shows you which column is currently being used to sort all records on the screen. By clicking on it you can choose ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’ order for your sort. Sorting helps you quickly locate multiple records with similar attributes like zip codes, cities, referrals, birth dates and etc.
Introduction There are 2 kinds of searching available. Quick searching is done right on the main screens, while the formal Search System is for searches that require multiple criteria in various combinations. Recruiting Coordinating Networking Searching Overview Accessing Features Main Screens Sorting Quick searching is easy! Just type in what you are seeking and eCoordinator will find it. In this case we found Peter Rabbit by typing in the first 3 letters of his name. Notice that you can search any column in the grid quickly. The ‘Search System’ allows you to build comprehensive searches based on any attribute in the database. These include volunteer skills, availability, service preferences and etc. The same system helps locate appropriate service opportunities (from the Opportunities Screen > Search System).
Introduction eCoordinator automatically interacts with any web site which is supported by our technology, including YOUR OWN web site if desired. • Recruiting Coordinating Networking Introduction Selecting Searching Volunteering Data Sharing Your Inbox Recruiter can work behind your web site, making it possible for volunteers to search and register service opportunities you create and manage in eCoordinator. • Multiple parks can link into a single Recruiter web site. • We also direct traffic to your web site from our national sites, including SERVEnet.org and NetworkForGood.com
Introduction • Recruiting You control when records are sent and received from your database. Coordinating Networking Selecting Introduction Searching Volunteering Data Sharing Your Inbox To select a service opportunity you want to send to a web site just click on the checkbox next to its title. Then click the appropriate folder in the Folder Manager. The “Folder Manager” is on all the main screens, including those in the Volunteer Section you already viewed. It operates as both a network ‘hub’ that makes it easy to publish data to a web site or to another eCoordinator user and as a good way to organize your data for different programs and events. You can learn more about the Folder Manager in the “Networking” section of this tour.
Introduction • Recruiting Recruiter supports searching by customized geographic areas that are familiar to your volunteers. Coordinating -interactive- Networking Searching Introduction Selecting Volunteering Data Sharing Your Inbox Volunteers use this screen on your web site to do fast searches based on geographic areas they want to serve in. They can also initiate more detailed searches by selecting categories. ALL of the categories and criteria are 100% customizable.
Introduction • Recruiting Our volunteer registration forms are easily customized to your organization. Coordinating -interactive- Networking Volunteering Introduction Selecting Searching Data Sharing Your Inbox The Dirtiest Work You’ll Ever LOVE! Lutheran Relief Services Help the victims of Hurricane Andy recover their homes and possessions. Once volunteers find an opportunity that they like they click the “Volunteer Now!” button and start the registration process. These forms can be as simple or detailed as you need.
Introduction • Recruiting Your Inbox protects your database from receiving undesired records. Coordinating Networking Your Inbox Introduction Selecting Searching Volunteering Data Sharing Lutheran Relief Once Peter Rabbit has volunteered on your web site for “The Dirtiest Work You’ll Ever LOVE!” he appears here in your Inbox in eCoordinator. Notice that at this point he has just been REFERRED to the opportunity. You can review Peter while he is still in your Inbox and decide whether to formally PLACE him with the project. If you are actually coordinating volunteers for this project (sponsored by Lutheran Relief Services) you may decide to interview Peter before moving him out of your Inbox. If you are recruiting Peter for another organization, just select the folder for that organization and Peter will be sent to them electronically… NO MORE FAXING VOLUNTEERS APPLICATIONS! Another way to share Peter with outside organizations is called “File Sharing.” When you share using this method you can send comments about Peter to the receiving organization. During a disaster relief operation many volunteers and projects can be shared between organizations in order to speed up the relief process.
Introduction Quickly organize your volunteers into different groups or share them with other organizations in your network (see “Networking”). Folders can be used to organize or share records. • Recruiting Coordinating Networking Data Sharing Introduction Selecting Searching Volunteering Your Inbox Removes Selected Record Inserts Selected Record Sharing Records(when desired) From the Volunteers Screen you can share a selected volunteer to any organization we support. From the Opportunities Screen you can post a selected project on any web site we support. Your “My Data” folder is your main working folder. You can remove records to the Recycle Bin. This shows that John has already been shared with another organization.
Introduction Recruiting eCoordinator contains unlimited customizable categories and fields. You can even set up your own “User Defined” fields. • Coordinating Networking Edits Refer / Place Schedule E-Mail Reporting Tracking
Introduction Recruiting You can easily refer OR place a volunteer with any position listed in your database. • Coordinating Networking Refer / Place Edit Records Schedule E-Mail Reporting Tracking
Introduction Recruiting These are the screens that helped us schedule John and Rob for the project called “The Dirtiest work you’ll ever Love” on Jan 10th. • Coordinating Networking Schedule Edit Records Refer / Place E-Mail Reporting Tracking • Displays how many slots are empty/available. • Supports “patterned” slot creation. • Volunteers can review schedules from the Internet (if available).
Introduction Recruiting The system automatically addresses e-mail to all volunteers you select on the main grid. • Coordinating Networking E-Mail Edit Records Refer / Place Schedule Reporting Tracking You can send your e-mail through the default mail client on your computer. This makes it so you can keep copies of all correspondence.
Introduction eCoordinator keeps integrated logbooks for every volunteer, project, and sponsoring organization. Multiple volunteers and projects can be selected so you can view cumulative totals. Recruiting • Coordinating Networking Tracking Edit Records Refer / Place Schedule E-Mail Reporting Sponsor: Lutheran Ministries Position: Dirtiest Work You’ll Ever LOVE. Johnson, John Debris Removal Richards, Rob Sanitation Survey’s We also help you build surveys that demonstrate the real “Outcomes” of volunteer service. Results appear on the logbook screens or separate reports.
Introduction Recruiting eCoordinator uses Adobe Acrobat to create reports that can be easily viewed and shared. You can also copy the data into other programs. • Coordinating Networking Reporting Edit Records Refer / Place Schedule E-Mail Tracking We include a number of typical reports and can easily develop any custom reports you require.
Introduction Recruiting Getting the right person to the right place at the right time is a matter of life and death during disaster response. Coordinating • Networking Why Share? Ownership Classic Setup Classic + Setup Advanced Setup It’s Simple! Why share resources? Benefits: • Volunteers love choices • Pull from larger pool of volunteers for special activities. • Public and media have a single portal for getting involved in parks. • Reductions in confusion, redundancy and paperwork. Potential Network Partners: • Other Parks • State Parks Department • U.S. Conservation Corps • U.S. Wildlife Association • Florida Emergency Mgmt. • Local Volunteer Center • Schools and Colleges Everyone Benefits!
Introduction In addition to controlling when it is shared, we also allow you to refuse access to portions of a record that you DO choose to share with other parks. Some restrictions apply. Recruiting Coordinating • Networking Ownership Why Share? Classic Setup It’s Simple! Classic + Setup Advanced Setup You can create customized fields in your database to handle annotations, financial data, and comments that apply to volunteers, positions, and other organizations. These custom can be hidden from all other users, even if you choose to transfer the record. “Other Organizations Cannot See” Filter Agency 1 Agency 2 Shared opportunities and volunteers Account with confidential data Normalaccount
Introduction eCoordinator eCoordinator eCoordinator eCoordinator Anastaia St. Park Avalon St. Park U.S. Wildlfe Association Community Central Database Recruiting This is how we plan to set up the Florida Park System. Each park will have it’s own eCoordinator database linked initially to the state only. Coordinating • Networking Classic Setup Why Share? Ownership It’s Simple! Classic + Setup Advanced Setup Recruiter
Introduction eCoordinator eCoordinator eCoordinator Avalon St. Park Anastaia St. Park U.S. Wildlfe Association Recruiting If you have an affiliation with one of our many other customers in Florida you might share data with them but not allow them direct access. Coordinating • Networking Classic+ Setup Why Share? Ownership Regional Setup It’s Simple! Classic Settings eCoordinator Web Site DEP Database
Introduction Regional OfficeDatabase Regional OfficeDatabase National OfficeDatabase State OfficeDatabase State OfficeDatabase State OfficeDatabase State OfficeDatabase State OfficeDatabase State OfficeDatabase Recruiting Your regional offices may do special recruiting on behalf of the parks in their area. A regional setup, linked with the state, might look like this… Coordinating • Networking Regional Setup Why Share? Ownership It’s Simple! Classic + Setup Classic Setup Common Data Recruiter
Introduction Recruiting It’s simple. Our expert support team helps you configure your system to work the way YOU want it to. Just give us a call! Coordinating • Networking It’s Simple! Why Share? Ownership Classic + Setup Advanced Setup Classic Setup Let us help you… • Customize every part of eCoordinator to meet your needs. • Build the network connections between your computer, the Internet, and other agencies you affiliate with. • Customize all of your OWN attributes for matching volunteers and positions. • Get your own text into the e-mails that are sent automatically to volunteers when they register (and at other times too). • Add any additional questions (fields) that you need in the database. • Create custom reports that are unique to your organization. • Simplify. If eCoordinator seems too complex, we’ll ‘hide’ every screen and function that you don’t need every single day. Just call us. We’ll help you any way we can. 888.904.6060