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How can we improve shareholders’ voting?. Wiesbaden, 6 December 2006. Dr. Hans-Christoph Hirt Hermes Equity Ownership Services Limited Telephone: +44 20 7680 2826 E-mail: h.hirt@hermes.co.uk. B ö rsen-Zeitung, Freitag, 13 Oktober 2006, Seite 13.
How can we improve shareholders’ voting? Wiesbaden, 6 December 2006 Dr. Hans-Christoph Hirt Hermes Equity Ownership Services Limited Telephone: +44 20 7680 2826 E-mail: h.hirt@hermes.co.uk
Börsen-Zeitung, Freitag, 13 Oktober 2006, Seite 13 • Wenn … die große britische Fondsgesellschaft Hermes in einer Hauptversammlung aktiv wird, kann man sich “zurücklehnen”. • Wolfgang Mansfeld, Mitglied des Vorstands der Union Asset Management Holding
Outline • Background on Hermes • Voting Season in Germany 2006 • Voting: Good Practice
Background on Hermes • Executive arm of BT Pension Scheme (BTPS), the UK’s largest, more than 200 other clients • Ownership provides independence and ensures long term perspective • £63 (approx. €93) billion funds under management, a further £15 (approx. €22) billion under advice (30/06/2006) • Majority in equities - predominantly passive (index tracking) • Corporate governance work: • Equity Ownership Service (EOS): Exercise of ownership rights in respect of over 3,000 listed companies worldwide • UK and European Focus Funds * (30/12/2005)
Voting Season in Germany 2006 Volkswagen AG - AGM 3 May 2006 • Issue: Discharge of supervisory board members, including Dr. Piëch (chairman) • Result: Overwhelming majority supported discharge of Dr. Piëch • Problems: • Lack of communication with company before the AGM? • Reliance on voting recommendations? • Failure to make arrangements for “proxy” to attend and cast vote at AGM?
Voting Season in Germany 2006 Continental AG - AGM 5 May 2006 • Issue: Creation of a large new pool of authorised capital without pre-emption rights • Result: Voted down - company left without authorised capital • Problems: • Reliance on voting recommendations? • Lack of communication with company before and after the AGM?
Voting: Good Practice • Purpose of communication around voting: • Holding management to account • Promoting appropriate governance structures and if necessary effecting beneficial change • Basis: Relevant voting guidelines accessible to companies • Dealing with individual companies: Flexible and pragmatic approach taking specific circumstances into account • Communicationbefore and after voting • Liaise with other shareholders in appropriate cases
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